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How on earth can we make use of all these skills?

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Yep. The language/knowledge/craft skills were some of the most useful in the D20, and in KotOR they simply assumed any roll on those automatically succeeded.


Anyway, if they have increased the number of skills, it's only logical they will increase the number of skill points you get per level. 3 skill points with 14 INT was just ridiculous.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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With all the space traveling you would think that Astrogate and Pilot would be important skills to have, as well as the weapon feat Starship Gunnery, but Biwoare and now Obsidian cut those corners.


I can understand why Astrogate and Pilot arent in, though. If you failed a check either the trip would take much longer or some mishap would occur disrupting the journey, possibly throwing you into some other sector of space, causing damage to the ship, having no jump occur, hyperdrive failure, or causing a collision with a gravity well (for astrogate). For pilot, the ship would simply not take off. You would have to repeat the check until you succeeded. For someone with a low pilot skill rank, this could be a very long time. Games are supposed to be fun, not obnoxious. Also, some of these things simply cannot be programmed, especially being thrown off course - unless you want to have the ship arrive safely at another world from the one you were trying to reach, in a game of limited scope. This is not reality or pnp.

And I find it kind of funny

I find it kind of sad

The dreams in which I'm dying

Are the best I've ever had

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It is not necessary to give all skills to the PC, some can be given to NPCs (e.g. demolition, computer, security). This will make NPCs much more valuable  :p


focusing certain characters on certain skills will certainly make them more valuable and it would make us put more thought into who we take with us on particular planets which will in turn teah us to make use of each characters special abilities

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If then you play as a DS and decide to killed almost everyone in your group then you would be in deep S....t as you would have killed many of your skilled NPCs.

And by the light of the moon

He prays for their beauty not doom

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What do you want all these skills for???


I'm pretty sure a lightsbaer can be pretty convicing.. :)

Exactly how does your lightsaber help when you need to decipher an alien language? :p

You use 3PO fot that.


Or use HK47 (he is and an traslation droid)(god he does a lot of things. Not even products in telemarketing are so ""useful"")

There is hope beyond hope

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What do you want all these skills for???


I'm pretty sure a lightsbaer can be pretty convicing.. :)

Exactly how does your lightsaber help when you need to decipher an alien language? :p

You use 3PO fot that.

Thus proving that Jedi are useless except for blasting. Can I have some role-playing in my computer role-playing game, please? :)"

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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I never fully succumb to something.


I prefer to use the power of the Dark Side, instead of it using me. So far I have managed to keep it under control. :cool:

And by the light of the moon

He prays for their beauty not doom

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