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Little Baron

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I sure hope so. Iraq had WMDs, and they did have ties to AQ.





they did? excactely what ties did iraq have with al qaida? and iraq did have wmd, back in 1990. they didn't have them in 2003...





and "Similar results were found with respect to Hussein’s alleged support for al Qaeda, a theory that has been most persistently asserted by Vice president **** Cheney, but that was thoroughly debunked by the final report of the bipartisan 9/11 Commission earlier this summer."

-iraq al qaida ties-


"The survey found that 72 percent of Bush supporters believe either that Iraq had actual WMD (47 percent) or a major program for producing them (25 percent), despite the widespread media coverage in early October of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA’s) “Duelfer Report,” the final word on the subject by the one billion dollar, 15-month investigation by the Iraq Survey Group."



no weapons of mass destruction have been found and they haven't been able to prove a substantial tie between iraq and al qaida.




there you have it..

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"exactely what ties did iraq have with al qaida?"


Quite a bit actually. Hussein housed avrious AQ group members. The two groups - namely Hussein, and OBL - passed back and forth various letters disucssing certain issues. That's just the tip of the iceberg.



"iraq did have wmd"


Game over. I win. :-"



"and iraq did have wmd, back in 1990. they didn't have them in 2003..."


And, so, the question remains... where did they magically go in between those 13 years? Hmmm... Iraq said theyw ere destroyed yet didn't show evidence to most of the so called destroyed WMD. Their records of it are full of half truths and make believes to take it seriously. I'd rather not chance someone like Hussein.


Bottom line is that Iraq WMD, used WMD, and then *said* they destroyed them.




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"exactely what ties did iraq have with al qaida?"


Quite a bit actually. Hussein housed avrious AQ group members. The two groups - namely Hussein, and OBL - passed back and forth various letters disucssing certain issues. That's just the tip of the iceberg.



"iraq did have wmd"


Game over. I win. :-"



"and iraq did have wmd, back in 1990. they didn't have them in 2003..."


And, so, the question remains... where did they magically go in between those 13 years? Hmmm... Iraq said theyw ere destroyed yet didn't show evidence to most of the so called destroyed WMD. Their records of it are full of half truths and make believes to take it seriously. I'd rather not chance someone like Hussein.


Bottom line is that Iraq WMD, used WMD, and then *said* they destroyed them.




ok, i see you're trying to spin this, just like the republicans usually do.


read the articles; everything you need to know are there. every single report and comission have come to the same conclusion; no serious ties between iraq and al qaida can be proven. there were no weapons of mass destruction in iraq in 2003.


that's a fact and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. your pathetic attempt at "spinning" this, won't work...

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"how old are you? 12?"


Ooo.. The 'ol I don't like what youa re saying so you must be a kid insult. R00fles! And, oh btw, I am 1 years old. Next troll, please.



"I've got a strong suspicion that Saddam didn't have WMD, but he thought he had them."


In a twisted sort of a way, that would be humourous.


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> good god, it's a conspiracy i tell you! wait a minute... still banging the same drum are we? get over yourself. you aren't even original. i can find better conspiracies on the web... oh wait, that's where you get this from, isn't it? :rolleyes:


Glitch gave Bush extra votes in Ohio




hhmm lets see.. multiply that 'error' by all the precincts of ohio.. and yes thats easily enough votes to win the state.


Of course your going to come back with 'prove it', well you see oh town crier for bush, kinda hard to do that when they made sure there was no paper trail to ensure no fraud.


I am always of the beleif, enough circumstantial evidence usally means something.


But to you taks, bush is so perfect you'd be just as happy to crown him king for life. So what does it matter in the end if he stole another election, right?


Ok to spend 80 mil invesigating a mans sex life, but this issue isnt important.

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We don't think your idiots because you don't think or act like us, but because you want someone like Bush to be your president. A man that is more hated around the world than Saddam Hussein himself. Personally I don
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"I've got a strong suspicion that Saddam didn't have WMD, but he thought he had them."


In a twisted sort of a way, that would be humourous.


Saddam: HA! The US pigs fell right in my trap. When they get to the heart of Bagdad I will unleash my nucler arsenal and wipe out their forces (and all of my countrymen, but who cares). As soon as I press this button the explosive statue I placed in my city WILL KILL EVERYONE!


Infomation Minister (in Deekin's voice): Um, boss. They took down that statue in a festival of our defeat.


Saddam: Damn, we're screwed then. Go and lie more on the camera while I hide in a hole and weep like a little girl.


Information Minister: Um, okay.

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Glitch gave Bush extra votes in Ohio




hhmm lets see.. multiply that 'error' by all the precincts of ohio.. and yes thats easily enough votes to win the state.



Actually, if you read the original AP article (what's that? cnn edited out what they didn't like from the AP article? no! heaven forbid!), you will find that that glitch occured on ONE machine in ONE county. What's really interesting, is that only that ONE county in the entire state used that type of machine, which the AP article describes as "older". So, ONE older machine, the likes of which are found in no other county in Ohio, glitched and gave Bush extra votes, but not enough extra votes to change the election result. There goes your "multiply that 'error' by all the precincts of ohio" theory. Further, if you read more carefully, you will find that it screwed up the votes for county commisioner, not just for Bush, so there goes any kooky "Bush bought off the voting machine companies" theory which you may be expounding upon.

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"I've got a strong suspicion that Saddam didn't have WMD, but he thought he had them."


In a twisted sort of a way, that would be humourous.


There was actually a report 4 or so months back (may be longer, can't remember) where it was found that Saddam's scientists were scamming them. He was paying them large sums of money to produce WMDs, they would write glowing reports to him about success, then the scientists would keep the money for themselves. I think that it was in the Kay report, but I could be mistaken.

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Maybe that just shows there's a problem with Chicago.


Care to put it to a test?


If you can come up with one, sure.


All I can say is I don't see anything wrong in New York. Edit: I wish we had more problems, actually; might drive some of the riff-raff out of the city. Pity the crack epidemic's burned out.


Then again, most of the suburbs round these parts are pretty cool too.

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All I can say is I don't see anything wrong in New York. Edit: I wish we had more problems, actually; might drive some of the riff-raff out of the city. Pity the crack epidemic's burned out.


Interesting to find out New York is the utopian city we are all loking to live in. No crime, no impatients in traffic, people stopping to give rides to people who have broken down on the interstates, no drug problem through out the city either huh. Whats rent like, how much do houses cost, whats the average salary, the reasons I want to know is I am packing my bags to move right now.


P.S. Who was responsible for all that stuff?

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I sure hope so. Iraq had WMDs, and they did have ties to AQ.

Goes to show how the Bush administration has brainwashed half is population. Patriot Act is a proof of that, a country who value their freedom and then they let that through! Not bad for man (bush) who needs to have everything written down before he speaks. Just listen to the man when he has to come up with something on his own and this man rules the most powerful country in the world!.


And which countries were bribed by Saddam Hussein to not go to war against him!? And prove it.


Some of you Bush lovers need to read this, probably wont matter but still:



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And, so, the question remains... where did they magically go in between those 13 years? Hmmm... Iraq said theyw ere destroyed yet didn't show evidence to most of the so called destroyed WMD. Their records of it are full of half truths and make believes to take it seriously. I'd rather not chance someone like Hussein.


Bottom line is that Iraq WMD, used WMD, and then *said* they destroyed them.




So Iraq needs evidence to prove they destroyed WMD, but we can go to war without any evidence that they had WMD? Why the double standard?


As far as half-truths and make-believes go...you're well aware that this is precisely how the rest of the world now sees the US administration, right? You think we'd get support on another of our preemptive wars? Even the British have said they won't follow us into another Iraq.


More Americans have died since we went into Iraq than would've died if we hadn't. That's what this whole war was about, our precious security. We've lessened it rather than increased it.

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"I've got a strong suspicion that Saddam didn't have WMD, but he thought he had them."


In a twisted sort of a way, that would be humourous.


There was actually a report 4 or so months back (may be longer, can't remember) where it was found that Saddam's scientists were scamming them. He was paying them large sums of money to produce WMDs, they would write glowing reports to him about success, then the scientists would keep the money for themselves. I think that it was in the Kay report, but I could be mistaken.


Finally! A reason for war! Bush can now land on an aircraft carrier in an anti-submarine warfare plane once more, and declare that we have successfully stopped Iraqi scientists from scamming Saddam Hussein.


If Karl Rove reads this forum, we might see that very headline tomorrow.

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Thats funny because a lefty liberal's favorite insult is usually how a person is stupid or a red neck for not believing like them.


I view anyone who puts faith before science, or blind belief before rational thought, or the Bible before the Consitution as less than intelligent myself.


Just my opinion. I'm obviously a tool of the Devil. The neighbors are going to be straight pissed, because I got word that some angels are coming down to my apartment to do battle tonight.

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I view anyone who puts faith before science, or blind belief before rational thought, or the Bible before the Consitution as less than intelligent myself.


Just my opinion. I'm obviously a tool of the Devil. The neighbors are going to be straight pissed, because I got word that some angels are coming down to my apartment to do battle tonight.


Gee thats funny because you should know I do none of those things. On a side note I think that people who claim that lack of tolerance is bad and spout intolerance are hypocrites.

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I view anyone who puts faith before science, or blind belief before rational thought, or the Bible before the Consitution as less than intelligent myself.


Just my opinion. I'm obviously a tool of the Devil. The neighbors are going to be straight pissed, because I got word that some angels are coming down to my apartment to do battle tonight.


Gee thats funny because you should know I do none of those things. On a side note I think that people who claim that lack of tolerance is bad and spout intolerance are hypocrites.

I agree. That's why I'm so tolerant of those with subpar intelligence.

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