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"Actually I do care abouot other people. More than 20,000 people lost their jobs in the last 3 and a half years due to plant closings."

Ok. You are a bigot than and only care about people in your state or in plants.



"LOL! Easily? Easily is something like 61% to 39% not a 3% point difference."


Duh. In Amerikan election terms, it was an easy win. Even a "popular" president like Clinton couldn't get that amount of votes or percentage. So, yeah, it was easy.



"Remember, he is a person who thinks that 75% is a good score."


It's a solid B - B+.


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Maybe in the Kanadian education system, Volourn.


Volourn, I care about people where I live. Manufacturing plants play a big part of the economy where I live. If those people are out of work, they aren't making money. If they aren't making money, they aren't spending money. Local merchants suffer and go out of business. Its all related.

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"Maybe in the Kanadian education system, Volourn"


WOWSERS! I'd say no duh; but that be redudant. What? Did you think i'd go by a system where one can get more people to vote for them and still lost the election.




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LOL! Easily? Easily is something like 61% to 39% not a 3% point difference.


In fairness to Voloun thats how it's being portrayed here too. In comparrison to other elections it's a big margin.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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"You mean like the US 2000 election?"


Yes. I guess you are one of those who like to assume I *wanted* Bush to win in 2000. I didn't. I wanted Gore to win. And, I thought then as i think now that the EC is a silly way to do things.


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"the economy sinks even lower"


It's improving as we speak.



"foreign relations with other countries become more polarized."


Good. The rest of the world wants the US to be enslaved to their wants,a nd desires.


They need a big FU.



"I am expecting the next 4 years to be the worse ever in US history"


Yeah, because the time of slavery was sooooooooooooooo much better. :thumbsup:


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I guess that Bush propaganda was better than Kerry's.  Like I said, I am expecting the next 4 years to be the worse ever in US history as the economy sinks even lower and foreign relations with other countries become more polarized.

oh yeah, and what the rest of the world thinks of us is soooo important. let their social democracies bitch and whine and when the all start failing, maybe they'll figure it out (socialism of any form does NOT work). in spite of your rhetoric, the economy is doing quite well and now the stock market will actually reflect it. perhaps you'll figure it out some day, too...



comrade taks... just because.

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Well, Kerry just conceded, congrats to Bush. It seems like rhetorics like "For a safer America" and "The highest priority of the President is to protect his people" succeeded in this election.


I'm interested in how the following matters will develop under Bush 2004-2008


- The gap between the rich and poor.

- Healthcare and drug policies.

- Religion.

- Education.

- Work-safety.

- Enviromental issues.

- General foreign policy (Will the take it or leave it-attitude continue, will another country get invaded/liberated?)


Nothing shows that Bush will try to unite America though :thumbsup:

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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Well, Kerry just conceded, congrats to Bush. It seems like rhetorics like "For a safer America" and "The highest priority of the President is to protect his people" succeeded in this election.


Poor CNN they got to milk it for months last time.


Heres an interesting one. Did Osama Bin Laden help Bush win the election.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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I guess you are one of those who like to assume I *wanted* Bush to win in 2000. I didn't. I wanted Gore to win. And, I thought then as i think now that the EC is a silly way to do things.


I have no predisposed thoughts about your preferences in US politics at all Volourn.


oh yeah, and what the rest of the world thinks of us is soooo important.


The problem here as I see it is that the US desires to enforce it's will on the world, and so the world is going to have an opinion on what happens and will voice it. As I said before, I usually don't care about the politcs of other countries, but the US exterts such a presence on the world that it's impossible to not care.

The US may deserve Bush, but the rest of the world does not.


Nothing shows that Bush will try to unite America though


I don't think he has any interest in uniting America. His loyalty is to an old-fashioned status quo and to big industry special interests as well as his old-politics government friends.

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- The gap between the rich and poor.

present in any society, btw. it's actually better in a capitalist society than any other, however. as it stands, one in 20 americans (or better) are millionaires. not a bad thing since it's one in 200 in europe.


- Healthcare and drug policies.

the US is paying for the contracts that are forced on drug companies overseas. the way it works is "charge a few pennies over cost or we'll violate your patents and make the drugs ourselves." not very free trade spirited, is it? anyway, it's hardly the US gov't's fault if the world thinks such policies are OK (when we do things like that it's baaaaad). :rolleyes:


- Religion.

as if there's a problem? we're one of the most religious nations on earth and also one of the most religiously diverse. get over it.


- Education.

government run education is typically a disaster. nothing new there. the more money we throw at it, the worse it gets. maybe money isn't the answer? (hint: it isn't).


- Work-safety.

uh, safest country in the world to work in... OSHA anyone?


- Enviromental issues.

kwinkidentally not nearly as bleak as environmentalists would lead us to believe... rhetoric rules this hot topic.


- General foreign policy (Will the take it or leave it-attitude continue, will another country get invaded/liberated?)

are you worried he'll continue to ignore the whining from those that want the US weakened overall?


Nothing shows that Bush will try to unite America though :(

given that he's received over 50% of the popular vote, hardly a problem. remember, part of the reason we're divided because he didn't receive it last time. 5 point lead is significant and 50% hasn't been acheived in a looooong time (not even clinton). these things indicate that maybe the divide wasn't as strong as kerry-edwards would have liked us to believe? furthermore, if you think that ANY president has a chance to "unite" the left with the right you're sorely mistaken. conservative principles are contrary to liberal principles period.



comrade taks... just because.

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"The US may deserve Bush, but the rest of the world does not."


Yes, they do. Afterall, their anti Amerika stance, probably helped get him re-elected by as large a margin as he did.


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The problem here as I see it is that the US desires to enforce it's will on the world, and so the world is going to have an opinion on what happens and will voice it.

no, it doesn't. it wants to protect itself. also, what difference is there from the world enforcing its will on us?



I don't think he has any interest in uniting America. His loyalty is to an old-fashioned status quo and to big industry special interests as well as his old-politics government friends.

that's a crock, phosphor. there's no "uniting" needed. nearly every election is a split and, oddly enough, this is the first time in a hundred years that one party has actually acheived 50%. furthermore, his "big industry special interests" are a myth, particularly compared to kerry-heinz. historically, the top 1% of the nation votes democratic (nearly all billionaires do). where's the link?



comrade taks... just because.

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Well, there is nothing that the average middle to lower class citizen can do now ecept ride out the next 4 years and hope they survive.


Thats really not much different to what they have done throughout most of history.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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