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Korriban Fly-By

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Actually developers could put a sign on that says: This isn't the correct SIth Valey (for further reference to book/comic, number of comic/book)


This should do the trick. :unsure:

And by the light of the moon

He prays for their beauty not doom

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Ekhm does anybody have flyby IGN movie to share or not?


Nur Ab Sal was one such king. He it was, say the wise men of Egypt, who first put men in the colossus, making many freaks

of nature at times when the celestial spheres were well aligned.



This I doubt. We are hearing a child's tale.

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Nur Ab Sal was one such king. He it was, say the wise men of Egypt, who first put men in the colossus, making many freaks

of nature at times when the celestial spheres were well aligned.



This I doubt. We are hearing a child's tale.

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The link streams the movie so it'll download it and automatically play it after its done. Right below the player is a small link to download it to your HD if you want to, stop the stream then click that link and you should be able to download it from the new page it opens.


If you enter via the KotOR 2 main page and go to media or video sections you can download the small Windows Media Player version for free. The bigger one and the Quicktime versions are only allowed for members. But I think clicking download from there just opens the stream and the download link below it just like the one in the first post.

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Perhaps, I was told by someone, others as well, that in the PC version each Sith Lord has his own tomb and building.


I might be wrong about the PC version ,but I know one thing for sure the Valley of the Dark Lords in KOTOR and KOTOR 2 is WRONG :)

KOTOR 2 must be completed

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OK! I wasted 5 mins reading this entire thing and if anything needs to be said its this... Shut the hell up! That's great, the fukin valley is wrong. It only needed to be said once. For fuks sakes this was supposed to be about what Korriban's role in the game was not to post 20 some odd statements on how its wrong.


<_< Can we plz just stop talking about how wrong it looks and talk about ANYTHING else?

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Ah yes. No novel has incorporated KOTOR as continuity, but neither has Jedi Outcast. You seem to not understand how continuity works. All things, games,comics,novels are continuity. Oh and I was wrong, KOTOR has gotten it's first mention in EU material. A RAKATAN TEMPLE was in issue 68 of Republic. So KOTOR is continuity.


The Wookie world of Kashyyk in ROTS takes place on the shore. AS you go deeper into Kaskyyk it gets darker on the ground as the trees get bigger. Continuity by friend. Also Rebel Commando has portrayed Kashyyk as it should be under knowing of ROTS Kaskyyk, yet they represent the Shadow lands in a EU format.


So the Valley is Just Wrong in KOTOR. Everything else has been fixed. FIND me an explaination to this valley in continuity, and I'll shut up. Til then this Valley is just wrong.


i know nothing of the EU but continuity does not mean everything has to be exact in discription if its used by other people with different veiws of the stories. you take a book with no pictures and everyone is going to picture something described in detail in a book differently. Im sure the valley in your little comic book isnt the exact way lucas pictured it but it came close enough to use. same goes for the valley in KOTOR, not exact but it gets the point across. keep in mind the valley in KOTOR also had to go through lucas and he didnt have a problem with it. there is no "right" valley, just different interpretations of the details described to the reader.

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Yet the Valley already has an established look. TOTJ, The Worlds of Star Wars Essential guide, and Jedi Academy have proven the Valley seen in the comics is the Valley of the Dark Lords.


Such small stuff is looked at in EU as a continuity error. People in charge of the continuity Holocron look at this stuff and take it seriously.

KOTOR 2 must be completed

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I don't plan on reading an entire 15 page thread just to answer my question, so here goes: what exactly is wrong with the valley in KOTOR? What differences are there that are so blatantly obvious that it puts some people's panties in a bunch because of it?

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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I can't believe i wasted 20 minutes of my life reading this pointless topic. In hopes of actually finding something somewhat productive and interesting to read i've read 15 pages of people b***hing about "the valley is wrong" in repetitive posts.


Everything in the world can be opinionated. The sky is blue

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See you people don't understand how continuty works. Regardless of whether or not you THINK both are offical they are not to LFL. It is a continuity error, a big one. LFL isn't gonna say, well both are offical, no they are gonna make it so that both are offical just that the one in KOTOR isn't the same as the one in TOTJ.


I'm not saying this just to say it, I'm saying because in time it WILL HAPPEN. There was a Medical Frigate that was made a different way in an Empire. To yall, it was a Medical Frigate just a different STYLE. The keepers of the continuity holocron instead fixed the ship and made both Medical Frigates but made by different Galactic companies and designed differently.


See it will happen. Either way you look at, this Valley in KOTOR will not go down in continuity as the REAL VALLEY OF THE DARK LORDS. It will be changed and be fixed so that both these Valley's survive but are different.


But Mark my words continuity will have the TOTJ as the offical Valley of the Dark Lords. The Valley in KOTOR will be a second sight, minus Marka Ragnos.

KOTOR 2 must be completed

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See you people don't understand how continuty works. Regardless of whether or not you THINK both are offical they are not to LFL. It is a continuity error, a big one. LFL isn't gonna say, well both are offical, no they are gonna make it so that both are offical just that the one in KOTOR isn't the same as the one in TOTJ.


I'm not saying this just to say it, I'm saying because in time it WILL HAPPEN. There was a Medical Frigate that was made a different way in an Empire. To yall, it was a Medical Frigate just a different STYLE. The keepers of the continuity holocron instead fixed the ship and made both Medical Frigates but made by different Galactic companies and designed differently.


See it will happen. Either way you look at, this Valley in KOTOR will not go down in continuity as the REAL VALLEY OF THE DARK LORDS. It will be changed and be fixed so that both these Valley's survive but are different.


But Mark my words continuity will have the TOTJ as the offical Valley of the Dark Lords. The Valley in KOTOR will be a second sight, minus Marka Ragnos.


Considering the EU continuity is shoddy at best, I don't think you have much of a leg to stand on if you're using the "continuity trumps all" card.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Name me one thing you have a problem with, and I will tell you how it's been fixed. Continuity is very strong in Star Wars.


Just one?


-Soontir Fel was supposed to only have 5 kids. I forget all their names, but none of them were named "Chak". Tim Zahn writes Survivor's Quest and there is a Fel kid named "Chak" who Luke and Mara encounter. This has still yet to be explained, even by the VIPS (those responsible for editing the books and retconning things).


-The size of Super Star Destroyers have been described as both 8 km long and 12 km long, yet there is no actual definite answer which is correct.


-In one of the earlier NJO books, Jaina's age was stated as 18 years old. Yet, two or three books later (ie. later in chronological terms), she was again listed at 17 years old.


These are three things right off the top of my head, so don't suggest that EU continuity is strong. It's got a lot of holes in it and shouldn't be used as a "see, I'm right" excuse.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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But all those have been fixed, I don't them, but I have seen the questions come up and do know that LFL has fixed them all.


It's the same thing as Boba Fett being full blooded Mandalorian from Mandalore. Is he a full blooded Mandalorians no, but he did indeed fight along side them in the Clone War as apart of the 212.

KOTOR 2 must be completed

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