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TSL's marketing campaign.

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Well we all know that getting the name out for anything has a big influence on how a product does. Rather it is a movie, music album, or evenf videogames. KOTOR had somewhat of an okay campaign. I'll go into Babbages in the Mall and I'll see large KOTOR advertisements. There was also a commercial for KOTOR that came out about....what? 2 weeks before KOTOR came out I believe. I liked how the commercial started out with a Jedi guy then eventually turned into a Dark Jedi guy. All in trying to show how you can chose your destiny in KOTOR. It worked out well I guess by setting new Xbox sales records with like what? 200,000 something copies sold the first 4 days breaking the record which Halo previously held.


Well how do you believe the marketing will play out for TSL? Do you think it'll be more deeper then what KOTOR had or about the same?


I don't know when TSL is supposed to come out, but this is a reason why I believe it should still come out in Feb 2005. I would probably try to feed off of EP3 as much as I could. We all know that Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith is going to be THE movie of 2005. Batman Begins is going to be good to but EP3 is the one with the most anticipation. I would have commercials that uses EP3 as a source like "Before the Republic turning into an Empire (Showing some clips of EP3), 4,000 years ago the Republic faced its own problems.....(Then switching to TSL)" Yeah yeah it sounds corny but you sort of get the idea of how TSL could somewhat use EP3 in many ways.


As for other commercials I would do like what EP2: Attack of the Clones did, by having a commercial for every major character in the game. They had a small 30 second commercial for Anakin, Padme, Obi, Mace, Yoda, Jango etc....For TSL I would have one for Mira, Sion, Kreia, Atton etc....


Then I would have another set of commercials that portray the LS/DS aspects of TSL. There would be one 30 second commerical showing the LS parts and things of TSL then there would be another 30 second commercial showing the DS parts and things of TSL.


Overall it would probably take away from the pockets of LucasArts cause advertising like this WILL cost a great amount of money. If done and done correctly, I believe it would have a great effect on the intial sales of TSL.


What are your thoughts on the marketing campaign for TSL?

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i didn't see eny ads for kotor i just herd about it from a friend and bought it

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I don't live in the US, so I never saw much advertising for KOTOR 2. Oh, there was some around the net that I saw from time to time and the local game store had some posters in their shop as far as I remember... but that was about it.

Despite the fact that many people who've played KOTOR has a negative view on it, I'm still very optimistic about the Februari release and can't wait to get my paws on the game :D

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Same here. I didn't see it advertised. I was just looking for a new Star Wars game to play, and saw that KOTOR seemed to be getting good reviews from game sites and also friends, and decided to check it out.

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I don't know when TSL is supposed to come out, but this is a reason why I believe it should still come out in Feb 2005. I would probably try to feed off of EP3 as much as I could. We all know that Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith is going to be THE movie of 2005.

An X-mas release will help it MUCH more than EP3 ever could

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I don't know when TSL is supposed to come out, but this is a reason why I believe it should still come out in Feb 2005. I would probably try to feed off of EP3 as much as I could. We all know that Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith is going to be THE movie of 2005.

An X-mas release will help it MUCH more than EP3 ever could

Well you also have to consider the other games that'll be coming out during the Holiday timeframe. But we'll see though, anything is possible and anything can happen.

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Outside of game review sites (where I saw the previews), I never saw KOTOR advertised. Honestly, I doubt Obsidian (or, more likely, Lucasarts) would be willing to fork over the dough for a TV advertisement.

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But I get the feeling that you don't like it

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Outside of game review sites (where I saw the previews), I never saw KOTOR advertised. Honestly, I doubt Obsidian (or, more likely, Lucasarts) would be willing to fork over the dough for a TV advertisement.

This is KOTOR2....it will get PLENTY of free advertising from gaming sites and magazines.


But advertising costs are covered by the publisher (LucasArts) usually.

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We all know that Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith is going to be THE movie of 2005.

I didn't know that. I assumed it was going to be a turd like the other two prequels.

Which prequels?


Ep. I & II of Star Wars were goods movies (especially 2) so I don't know which "prequels" you are referring to.

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I really doubt that KotOR II will need any advertising at all to sell in huge quantities. I live in the US, watch a significant amount of TV (though mostly educational, and Nicktoons for the nostalgia value) and didn't see any ads. I just happened to come across it while browsing Lucasarts about the new Jedi Knight game. :huh:


Now Beyond Good & Evil OTOH was a sin for Ubi not to advertise it. <curses Ubi Veep and all his descendants> :angry:

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To tell the truth, I don't understand how they decide what to hype and what not to hype. It all seems pretty arbitrary, but I rather doubt we'd be able to convince LA to advertise more on this game. They'd probably have complaints from other fans if they advertised KOTOR 2 as much as you suggest and didn't do the same for their other games, like Battegrounds, Republic Commando, and Jump to Lightspeed.


I guess companies that really need the cash are bound to advertise a lot more. As it stands, I don't think LA is desperate for cash right now, not to say you're wrong for suggesting they do this. They might lose a good portion of their profit margin doing this (I don't know how much; you might, and they would know as well), and considering the first game's popularity, would have a good chance of doing more harm to their pocketbook than good.


Still, more internet media wouldn't hurt - I just don't know about the larger ad campaigns. You'd really have to talk to an expert, or be an expert, to know anything about that.

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