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i personaly am a big fan of Ravenloft,taking a system similar to planescape or fallout and applying it to the ravenloft setting would be very interesting to see especialy seeing the differences between the various"dutchy's" and realms within the setting are quite diverse.also Dragonlance has a very large fanbase especialy in terms of the novels which have exceeded over a hundred,it has a rich "tolkein-esque" backround that people will be familiar with but is basicly untapped in terms of pc crpg's.Also white wolf's world of darkness has alot of great settings some of which have been used in recent pc rpg's like vampire the masquerade redemption and the soon to be release "bloodlines" also there is werewolf the apocolyps,mage the ascension,along with many other richly diverse settings.There are certainly alot to look at plus many more i have not mentioned let alone for brand new worlds and ideas that the team could come up with i would love to see fresh ideas or fresh takes on old ideas,but nostalgia doesn't hurt either :p i figured this was a more constructive post then"where is my fallout 3!"( though i would love to see it:) )


a dragonlance game could be cool. although the setting is kind of basic and very forgotten realms-ish.


some of the old white wolf settings could be good too.


Its been said alot round here lately...B)


- SHADOWRUN. Gimme, plz. No WoTC pc police and a real cool world to dive into.


- Unknown Armies. This could be any modernday stuff. From 'the ring' to the comics 100 bullets.:ph34r:

"The purpose of abstracting is not to be vague,

but to create a new semantic level in which one

can be absolutely precise."

-Edsger Dijkstra, 1930-2002



Yups, Microsoft holds Shadowrun ;)


That would be my first choice.


Rifts would be my second.


And TORG would be my third. :ph34r:


I like classic fantasy settings. Walking through lush forests or medieval towns and exploring dark dungeons is great.

The game doesn't need to use the D&D rules, but a tolkienesque fantasy-setting would be cool.

  Hades_One said:
I have to say a pure Cyberpunk game.  No magic, no fraking elves, just guns, style, and attitude.

Huh?.. Anomen not tough enough for you?!.. ;)


Since when is cyberpunk about guns?

There are no doors in Jefferson that are "special game locked" doors. There are no characters in that game that you can kill that will result in the game ending prematurely.


Its not about guns, but they can be very useful if used properly just as long as you remember to buy ammo for them.


Click? Click?!?!? You telling me that this thing doesn't come with ammo?


Ah, famous last words of a newbie solo.


bah i'm tired too of the fantasy rpg settings. no more elves, magic bla bla

A Cyberpunk CRPG would be cool. Or any good rpg :lol:


Fantasy and magic are a bit old.... but "cyberpunk" is dull without it :lol:


Personally I'd like a horror genre RPG.


Is there ANY modernday cRPG out there? :lol:

"The purpose of abstracting is not to be vague,

but to create a new semantic level in which one

can be absolutely precise."

-Edsger Dijkstra, 1930-2002


  Soda said:
Is there ANY modernday cRPG out there? :lol:

Not that I know of. But "Vampire - The Masquerade: Bloodlines" is under developement by Troika. It takes place in modern times.

Part one "Redemption" took place in our time as well, at least partially.


I am totally with Hades_One on this; magic turns me off. The only game I bought with magic in was Arcanum and that could have been better done without. I don't know why there is such a hardened association of fantasy and RPG. I hear the argument that the genre lends itself more readily to the role-playing experience. It's a ludicrous assumption and based only on the dungeon-crawling experience. Well, dungeon crawlers have been done over and over enough - what new is left to accomplish in the genre? The answer is nothing. When you stuff a genre into a tight niche it ceases to be interesting and potential new customers look only at the worst aspects of it. The only way to break free of those discomforting notions is to travel in an opposite direction.


I'd like to see a Cyberpunk game (not just the setting, but the rule set as well). I love that game, and it's a blast to play. I wouldn't want it as a FPS though.

I do like tradtional fantasy games, but I think I need a break from them.

I'd actually like to see a gameworld that is medieval in style but actually takes place in the far future after a massive apocalypse that destroys much of the world. All that's left is a few fragmentary remnants of the old world, and those remnants are treated like holy relics upon which the religion and scientific theories are based.

If anyone has read the book "A Canticle For Liebowitz" you'll have an idea of what I'm looking at here.

  Phosphor said:
I'd like to see a Cyberpunk game (not just the setting, but the rule set as well). I love that game, and it's a blast to play. I wouldn't want it as a FPS though.

I do like tradtional fantasy games, but I think I need a break from them.

I'd actually like to see a gameworld that is medieval in style but actually takes place in the far future after a massive apocalypse that destroys much of the world. All that's left is a few fragmentary remnants of the old world, and those remnants are treated like holy relics upon which the religion and scientific theories are based.

If anyone has read the book "A Canticle For Liebowitz" you'll have an idea of what I'm looking at here.

Haha, you REALLY need to check out the game Wasteland..

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!


As I read the topic I instantly wanted to say 'POST APOC!!11', but when I think about it, the type of setting doesn't really matter that much to me. As long as the game world is presented in a believable and interesting way, ANY setting can be fun. I don't like unimaginatively ripped off setting implementations ("They might look like dragons but in this game, they're called 'ZROGGS'!"; "No, it's not Mana, it's 'Bluebarontheright'.") or when you can clearly tell that parts of the game world were altered or designed only to serve a certain pc-related gameplay aspect (stuff like healing/mana wells or shrines, those ability upgrade canisters in GeneForge or the floating bubbles in Lionheart, which were just there to be absorbed by you). I especially hate that when the explaination sucks or isn't given at all.


I don't see why people who are sick of standardized fantasy settings are screaming for cyberpunk though. Maybe it's because I don't know much about that matter, but isn't cyberpunk just fantasy in a different, preferably dark blue color scheme, with magic replaced by PSI?

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