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Mira profile!

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I wouldnt want "her" in my party. she looks like the nameless one with makeup on. That and I cant stand large-scale hypocrites. Willing to do the dirty work of others, but not willing to "kill", then probably taking money which HAS been in the hands of a murderer, then claiming moral superiority because "killing is wrong, and i havent killed anyone"


I cant stand phonies and mewling weaklings, which this character will probably be. I just hope i can turn her to the darkside and laugh and strike her down the second she does. Because she doesnt deserve strength.

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I wouldnt want "her" in my party. she looks like the nameless one with makeup on. That and I cant stand large-scale hypocrites. Willing to do the dirty work of others, but not willing to "kill", then probably taking money which HAS been in the hands of a murderer, then claiming moral superiority because "killing is wrong, and i havent killed anyone"


I cant stand phonies and mewling weaklings, which this character will probably be. I just hope i can turn her to the darkside and laugh and strike her down the second she does. Because she doesnt deserve strength.

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Sorry, but these character types are one of my biggest peeves!  :unsure: I cant bring myself to like them at all with ither a "good" character or a "bad" character, because my character finds too many reasons to loathe and distrust such a person. I hope she doesnt turn into a female carth.

Han Solo wasn't a downright murderer, but he killed before being provoked - just because he thought someone would kill him. Does that make him exactly like a stormtrooper, because they killed too?


A soldier kills in WWII, and someone else bombs the hell out of an almost entirely civilian-only occupied town. Are these two things equivalent?


I think that's what she's like, and I don't think they explain it too well. They have, what, a paragraph to do it in.


So you, "distrust" a person because you perceive inconsistency. I guess you just don't understand complexity in a person? It can be perfectly understandable if you don't limit yourself to totally meaningless words and concepts.


As opposed to articulating the world in a coherent manner...

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Not really , her archtype was been done many times.


I hope this is not another case of "you must take this NPC with you", the old lady as far as I care can sit on Pegasus or whatever until the cows some home, if I play this game there will be no anoying Jedi (even if they are jedi wannabe) or stupid "Sith in making" tagging along.

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Do i sense a romance comin on??

I really do hope that romances in this game is really non-linear. Meaning that you aren't just limited to have a romance with one character. Like in KOTOR for a male we can only be with Bastila and for a female you can only be with Carth.


In KOTOR 2 if I'm a male, I want a choice. Cause I mean....Mira does seem somewhat hot but I bet she isn't the female that we can have a romance with.

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Do i sense a romance comin on??

I really do hope that romances in this game is really non-linear. Meaning that you aren't just limited to have a romance with one character. Like in KOTOR for a male we can only be with Bastila and for a female you can only be with Carth.


In KOTOR 2 if I'm a male, I want a choice. Cause I mean....Mira does seem somewhat hot but I bet she isn't the female that we can have a romance with.

Then ask yourself what your willing to give up to add more romances. Romances are a lot of work unless you make them completely superflous. But a romance like Bastila's spanning the game and affecting the end of the game takes a lot of work. Adding that amount of depth to other female NPCs is hard on the writer and means depth will be lost to other NPCs. Im fine with 1. Even if I dont like who the person happens to be. This isnt KOTOR Hot Date.

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Then ask yourself what your willing to give up to add more romances. Romances are a lot of work unless you make them completely superflous. But a romance like Bastila's spanning the game and affecting the end of the game takes a lot of work. Adding that amount of depth to other female NPCs is hard on the writer and means depth will be lost to other NPCs. Im fine with 1. Even if I dont like who the person happens to be. This isnt KOTOR Hot Date.


Where that is a good point,it's possible that the only that would be given up is time. Something like that could be the difference of a couple of weeks to a couple of months on the release date. Doesn't have to mean a loss to the of depth to the other NPC's.

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Then ask yourself what your willing to give up to add more romances. Romances are a lot of work unless you make them completely superflous. But a romance like Bastila's spanning the game and affecting the end of the game takes a lot of work. Adding that amount of depth to other female NPCs is hard on the writer and means depth will be lost to other NPCs. Im fine with 1. Even if I dont like who the person happens to be. This isnt KOTOR Hot Date.


Where that is a good point,it's possible that the only that would be given up is time. Something like that could be the difference of a couple of weeks to a couple of months on the release date. Doesn't have to mean a loss to the of depth to the other NPC's.

Yes it does. Its called feature creep. They will not push back the release date to add more of something that is as unimportant as multiple romances. Its just bad business and developing. If time = everything we want in a game some company would go into hiding for 10 years and come out with the greatest game ever. But it doesnt work that way.

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Do i sense a romance comin on??

I really do hope that romances in this game is really non-linear. Meaning that you aren't just limited to have a romance with one character. Like in KOTOR for a male we can only be with Bastila and for a female you can only be with Carth.


In KOTOR 2 if I'm a male, I want a choice. Cause I mean....Mira does seem somewhat hot but I bet she isn't the female that we can have a romance with.

Then ask yourself what your willing to give up to add more romances. Romances are a lot of work unless you make them completely superflous. But a romance like Bastila's spanning the game and affecting the end of the game takes a lot of work. Adding that amount of depth to other female NPCs is hard on the writer and means depth will be lost to other NPCs. Im fine with 1. Even if I dont like who the person happens to be. This isnt KOTOR Hot Date.

Yeah that is true. But if we do only get one romance (with me as a male), I hope it is with a non-jedi character and with someone like Mira. Cause if it is with another Jedi, it will just make the Jedi Code of you not being able to love seem like it has no meaning. But then again, even if it is with a person like Mira a non Jedi person....I'm still a Jedi and yet I'm showing love.


So maybe it just could be with a Jedi character, most likely with that white haired chick.

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Do i sense a romance comin on??

I really do hope that romances in this game is really non-linear. Meaning that you aren't just limited to have a romance with one character. Like in KOTOR for a male we can only be with Bastila and for a female you can only be with Carth.


In KOTOR 2 if I'm a male, I want a choice. Cause I mean....Mira does seem somewhat hot but I bet she isn't the female that we can have a romance with.

Speaking as a heterosexual male, I think I would prefer the gay romance option over that square-jawed hermaphrodite.

I made this half-pony half-monkey monster to please you

But I get the feeling that you don't like it

What's with all the screaming?

You like monkeys, you like ponies

Maybe you don't like monsters so much

Maybe I used too many monkeys

Isn't it enough to know that I ruined a pony making a gift for you?

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Yes it does. Its called feature creep. They will not push back the release date to add more of something that is as unimportant as multiple romances. Its just bad business and developing. If time = everything we want in a game some company would go into hiding for 10 years and come out with the greatest game ever. But it doesnt work that way.


I didn't mean push back the release date. I was refering to the idea that having more then one romance options is all ready something they're doing and because of that the release date is set with that in mind.


I haven't seen anything that stated how many options would in the game. If it's all ready been said that there's one,then my mistake.

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Yes it does. Its called feature creep. They will not push back the release date to add more of something that is as unimportant as multiple romances. Its just bad business and developing. If time = everything we want in a game some company would go into hiding for 10 years and come out with the greatest game ever. But it doesnt work that way.


I didn't mean push back the release date. I was refering to the idea that having more then one romance options is all ready something they're doing and because of that the release date is set with that in mind.


I haven't seen anything that stated how many options would in the game. If it's all ready been said that there's one,then my mistake.

Ah gotcha. My fault for misunderstanding. Youre right. The number of romances is not known. In fact romances themselves are not even confirmed. Just highly expected.

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Ah gotcha. My fault for misunderstanding. Youre right. The number of romances is not known. In fact romances themselves are not even confirmed. Just highly expected.


There's this comment:


ValhallaGamers: Many fans found the romance aspect of the game quite intriguing. Can we expect to see a romance for your character in the sequel as well? If there is what have you done to improve on it? Will you have more than one choice of characters to romance?


Feargus Urquhart: We plan to continue in the foot steps of the first product with the romances. As to what we plan to do to improve on it, we

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thats crude ivan

But accurate. She is NOT attractive.

I made this half-pony half-monkey monster to please you

But I get the feeling that you don't like it

What's with all the screaming?

You like monkeys, you like ponies

Maybe you don't like monsters so much

Maybe I used too many monkeys

Isn't it enough to know that I ruined a pony making a gift for you?

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Well what do you know! She looks as ugly as one of Weiser Cain's random scribbles.


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"It is more convenient to follow one's conscience than one's intelligence, for at every failure, conscience finds an excuse and an encouragement in itself. That is why there are so many conscientious and so few intelligent people." - Nietzsche

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