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KOTOR II Characters

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Everyone is expecting the next plot twist to involve the PC like KOTOR:1. That's too obvious. By making the PC an exile, they have someone who wasn't a part of major history. Revan's past was already written, but with the new PC you'll have more control over their story. I think the devs wanted to put that in your hands considering they are exploring apprentice/master relationships. You can grow and learn in the game, and eventually teach.

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I remember reading somewhere that the PC is a Jedi in disgrace for following Revan and Malak in the Mandalorian Wars, though you dropped out before they turned Sith, you were expelled from the Jedi and your lightsaber confiscated. This doesn't mean that you can't get it back though... (it's a special item)

"You shall not pass!"
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Maybe Davik owed credits to the exchange that he had not payed. Some member decided he would collect and stole it. Republic police found the criminal, he got caught, put up a fight, lost ,said ship was confiscated and it was so beat up they tossed it pc finds it sees an oportunity takes it aboard Peragus.

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