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Is the masked guy Darth Nihilus?

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All three consoles have their flagships in terms of games.


- Xbox: Halo

- Gamecube: Zelda and Mario series

- Playstation 2: Final Fantasy series


Eventhough i have an xbox myself, i consider it the weakest i terms of really good games compared to the others (KotOR doesn't count since it's cross-platform).

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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I've never heard advantages/disadvantages of the GC.

Advantages of the Gamecube:

It has a handle...which is pretty much it...


Disadvantages of the Gamecube:

Too much to list...





Advantages of Gamecube:

Significantly better/faster than PS2

Better polygon texturing than X-box

Supposedly easy to develop for.

Easy to play import games on.


Disadvantages of Gamecube:

PS2 has more games.

Mini-DVDs only hold 1.5GB

X-box can push slightly more polygons.

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Geez, some fanboys don't have a sense of humor and can't take an obvious joke... :rolleyes:  <_<  :blink:  :unsure:

Did I flame you?

It seemed so by the <_< smiley...of course, I'm heavily drugged today, so I'm kinda freaking out... :)

Sorry, that wasn't my intent. I am a bit miffed some people give the Gamecube little respect, but thats just in general.

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I dont care what the stats on consoles are :ph34r:

All i know is a PC is much better than any console because of variables that u cannot conrtol:

such as upgrades


And screen and graphic quality <_<



Back to the thread though cos this has gotten out of hand. Darth Nihilus is his name and what is wrong with that. The only character in the entire star wars legacy that hasnt changed their name for their title is infact Darth Revan/Malak. All the other Sith lord names have hidden meanings such as Darth Sidious, Darth Vader, Darth Tyranus.... the list goes on.


Considering the Darkside is evil Nihilism suits the setting very well. <_<


Atris is the name of the white haired woman and is not bastila.... anyone who had an option to die in the original kotor will not make a cameo unless u tell the new system about it; for example if it asks what happened to revan u can either say something like he and bastila left to be happy forever :ph34r: or he left his empire to be left to his self hatred of killing bastila...


So ladies and gentalmen....get flaming on this post :)

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All three consoles have their flagships in terms of games.


- Xbox: Halo

- Gamecube: Zelda and Mario series

- Playstation 2: Final Fantasy series


Eventhough i have an xbox myself, i consider it the weakest i terms of really good games compared to the others (KotOR doesn't count since it's cross-platform).

KOTOR should count since the only console it is on is the X-Box, and since it became like the best selling X-Box game I think it would be silly to ignore it.

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I know this is off topic again (in a thread that i started no less), but for the record I haven't owned a Nintendo since the 16 bit Super Nintendo back in the early 90's. And everyone was raving about a 16 bit system. I then got the old Sega Genesis system. I hated it. Then I got that old CDI by Philips. It had a really cool Dragaon's Lair and Space Ace DVD game, which didn't pause every time you made a move. They played like the arcade games. And then I was strictly a PC guy. I never bothered with that Atari Jaguar (is that right?) or that other console whose name I can't remember. It was like CDO or something. Sega and Atari now just make games, but Nintendo is still around. And apparently there's a version of the Gamecube in Japan that we can't get here that is supposed to be incredible. The XBOX is the first console I've bought in years and I love it. I don't own a Gamecube and don't plan on buying one, but they must be doing something right.

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It was like CDO or something. Sega and Atari now just make games, but Nintendo is still around. And apparently there's a version of the Gamecube in Japan that we can't get here that is supposed to be incredible. The XBOX is the first console I've bought in years and I love it. I don't own a Gamecube and don't plan on buying one, but they must be doing something right.

Nothing really different about that version of Gamecube in Japan. They sell a Gamecube there that includes a DVD player. The ones in the US don't have a DVD player. Thats about the only difference.

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Ignore Drakon.


He's prone to oral bowel movements.



Drakron is 100% right about what he says and the Xbox sucks.

Depends on which of the layers of sucking you're referring to. In terms of game catalog: yes. In terms of technology, nope.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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I'll have a read through of the article when I get home again tonight and list some stuff the article said if you like?

yeah if you could please, and does anyone live in Australia that has a scanner?

Nope, everyone knows there are no scanners in Australia, just marsupials.

Everyone knows Science Fiction is really cool. You know what PoE really needs? Spaceships! There isn't any game that wouldn't be improved by a space combat minigame. Adding one to PoE would send sales skyrocketing, and ensure the game was remembered for all time!!!!!

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