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Politics... US election edition


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Hey there friends, just dropping in to say that it's extremely good that Trump will no longer be president next year. Next step, vote out every single Republican, abolish parties entirely, stop using the electoral college, switch to preferential voting...


EDIT: also AOC 2024 imo

Edited by Chairchucker
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3 minutes ago, Darkpriest said:

Why? Do you claim it is impossible? 


prove it isn't impossible?


you are not suggesting such is the credible basis for challenging an election, are you? it sure isn't the basis for lawsuits.

@HoonDing most o' the 300 were eventually tracked, but ~150k were delivered late...

"In several swing states, late ballots will still be counted as long as they were postmarked by Election Day and received by Friday. They include Nevada, where 4,518 ballots arrived on Wednesday and 635 arrived Thursday, as well as North Carolina (2,958 on Wednesday and 835 on Thursday) and Pennsylvania (3,439 Wednesday and 1,459 Thursday). But states such as Arizona (864 Wednesday and 559 Thursday) and Georgia (853 Wednesday and 610 Thursday) don’t accept any ballots after Election Day."

pennsylvania ballots received late is actual current being sequestered and may eventual be counted. +5k votes. 'cause o' the Supreme Court decision, any ballot received after election day is sequestered. is unlikely to affect the Presidential race, but could be vital for down ballot stuff.

HA! Good Fun!

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"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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9 minutes ago, Darkpriest said:

Why? Do you claim it is impossible? 

Or is it just the potential outcome you'd not be willing to accept? 

Again, you deal in an environment of heavy 'partisian' division, and people, who are heavily invested emotionally into something, can go great lengths to see the outcome the desire. 

There is certainly a cognitive bias on each of the sides. 

One side really strongly believes that there was fraud and the election got stolen, and will exaggerate any irregurality to fit into that view. 

The other side really likes the outcome and thus believes everything is fine and will dismiss any and all information of irreguralities as insignificant or an attempt to surpress legitimate votes. 

Looking at the process, none of the extremes is likely, so now it's a matter of probabilities when it comes to the potential scale and its influence on the final outcome. 

Problem is, that most of the people on a one side of the fence will not be willing to accept the outcome that does not favor their vote. It applies to both sides. 

You have a strange relationship with the burden of proof :)

No, not impossible, just outlandish. Again, when these discrepancies are found they are reported by the people whose job it is to find them AS PART OF THE PROCESS. If they are trying to “steal an election” they are doing a terrible job of it.

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Just now, Chairchucker said:Extremely clever of the Democrats to steal the election but let the Republicans keep a fairly high number of senate and house seats. Cunning.

Don’t you see?! They did that on purpose to throw the sheeple off!! Open your eyes, man!

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Until the process is finished and signed off, everything is possible, however there is a matter o probabilities. Even if the chance is near the ratio you need to win some 1.5 billion USD in a Powerball, it is still possible. 

We can do the math together, and decide how probable changes to the input data are. 

We can start with getting an average ratio of fraudulent votes in the total votes in each of the rust belt swing states in the last 3 elections. Lets apply that ratio and see what is potential average outcome. 

Then we can build various other scenarios, like the ratio of fraudlent and invalid votes in the subtotal of the mail-in votes in the last three elections per state and check from there. 

Etc. It's a numbers game until the game is called over. 

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I find it interesting that local, senate and house elections are accepted without law suits, even though votes on them are casted with same ballots that are disputed in presidential race. It is like only parts of ballots are fake. 😉

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21 minutes ago, Chairchucker said:

Hey there friends, just dropping in to say that it's extremely good that Trump will no longer be president next year. Next step, vote out every single Republican, abolish parties entirely, stop using the electoral college, switch to preferential voting...


EDIT: also AOC 2024 imo

Agreed with everything except AOC, I was optimistic when she won a few years back but now she's fully indoctrinated in Democratic Party neocon/lib orthodoxy.

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3 minutes ago, Chairchucker said:

Extremely clever of the Democrats to steal the election but let the Republicans keep a fairly high number of senate and house seats. Cunning.

particular sneaky how they did in pennsylvania by allowing trump to improve his margin in philadelphia and pittsburgh but then actual went to red counties and reversed the trend. sure, trump still won almost all o' those red counties, but biden won pennsylvania by improving his losing margin in red counties.


3 minutes ago, Darkpriest said:

Until the process is finished and signed off, everything is possible, however there is a matter o probabilities. Even if the chance is near the ratio you need to win some 1.5 billion USD in a Powerball, it is still possible. 

if you cannot see how ridiculous you are being, am not sure what to say. legal standards does not embrace powerball odds. thank goodness. sure as hell not gonna delegitimize or holdup transfer o' power following democratic election 'cause o' such not quite impossible odds.

HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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5 minutes ago, Elerond said:

I find it interesting that local, senate and house elections are accepted without law suits, even though votes on them are casted with same ballots that are disputed in presidential race. It is like only parts of ballots are fake. 😉

I know when I was filling out my thousands of fraudulent ballots, it was easier to just tick the one box and move on.

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2 minutes ago, Elerond said:

I find it interesting that local, senate and house elections are accepted without law suits, even though votes on them are casted with same ballots that are disputed in presidential race. It is like only parts of ballots are fake. 😉


Ballots can be an intimidating mess. I know lots of people who I would consider to be civic-minded that emotionally check out on some of this stuff because it feels so esoteric. All this to say, it's not uncommon to see some people come in, get their ballot, vote for POTUS, and return their ballot with everything else blank (ngl, that's exactly what my first ballot looked like).

I've heard more than one "man on the street" interview where these are precisely the types of ballots people are calling fraudulent.

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4 minutes ago, Elerond said:

I find it interesting that local, senate and house elections are accepted without law suits, even though votes on them are casted with same ballots that are disputed in presidential race. It is like only parts of ballots are fake. 😉

I think some people were calling what they deemed unusually odd discrepancies between votes for specific senate and house candidates and the votes for specific candidades. It was some time ago, so can't say what happened to those claims, as I have not been that invested in the result. 

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3 minutes ago, ComradeMaster said:

Agreed with everything except AOC, I was optimistic when she won a few years back but now she's fully indoctrinated in Democratic Party neocon/lib orthodoxy.

Yeah it's pretty gross how she keeps advocating policies like 'paying workers enough to live off of' and 'not destroying the planet' and 'allowing poor people to have access to medical care'.

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1 minute ago, Chairchucker said:

Yeah it's pretty gross how she keeps advocating policies like 'paying workers enough to live off of' and 'not destroying the planet' and 'allowing poor people to have access to medical care'.

There's content and then there's delivery. I like AOC a fair amount of the time, but I think she has a habit of falling down on the second part of that equation.

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1 minute ago, Darkpriest said:

I think some people were calling what they deemed unusually odd discrepancies between votes for specific senate and house candidates and the votes for specific candidades. It was some time ago, so can't say what happened to those claims, as I have not been that invested in the result. 

Has any candidate in those elections disputed results? Because they should if there has been clear voter fraud in their are or thousands votes are given to wrong candidate

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4 minutes ago, Achilles said:

There's content and then there's delivery. I like AOC a fair amount of the time, but I think she has a habit of falling down on the second part of that equation.

Exactly.  It's becoming obvious at this point that anyone who joins the two major parties -whatever they campaign on- is not going to shake up the system.

Say what you want about the Confederate government, they were correct when they abolished parties parties because it leads to polarization which leads to Civil War.

It's time to absorb that policy into the Union.

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5 minutes ago, Gromnir said:

particular sneaky how they did in pennsylvania by allowing trump to improve his margin in philadelphia and pittsburgh but then actual went to red counties and reversed the trend. sure, trump still won almost all o' those red counties, but biden won pennsylvania by improving his losing margin in red counties.


if you cannot see how ridiculous you are being, am not sure what to say. legal standards does not embrace powerball odds. thank goodness. sure as hell not gonna delegitimize or holdup transfer o' power following democratic election 'cause o' such not quite impossible odds.

HA! Good Fun!

Ehh. What seems ridiculous now, is not ridiculous when it happens. 

I'll use a very controversial probability analogy (probability only) 

I'm fairly sure, that if you were told prior to 9/11 events, as a passanger of a flight, that you are going to get hijacked and the plane will hit and collapse a skyscraper in NY, you would also call this ridiculous. 

Sure, no one will build scenarios and their plan of action around such an outlandish probability scores, but extremly low probability is still not equal to impossibility. 

Do you really see no scenario, no matter how improbable, that these counts and EC predictions could be changed to favor Trump? 


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1 minute ago, Darkpriest said:

Do you really see no scenario, no matter how improbable, that these counts and EC predictions could be changed to favor Trump? 

I do, but they all involve Republicans committing voter fraud or Trump somehow finding an executive order loophole that lets him become emperor or something like that.

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6 minutes ago, Elerond said:

Has any candidate in those elections disputed results? Because they should if there has been clear voter fraud in their are or thousands votes are given to wrong candidate

I think the most common case is, where there are votes for a POTUS candiate only. Again its late for me and I have better things to do than to track every single story related to US election. 

I like to conduct thought experiments and think on what ifs scenarios to reset my brain from daily work with numbers, algorithms, processes and people working with them. 

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