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Xbox or PC?

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What's really crazy is that both Sony and X-Box admit that they lose money on every single console they sell.


Add Nintendo to that.


The money they lose in hardware sales they make up with software sales, when GameCube cut prices to 99.00 they cut it from what each console costed to make to a loss and they had in some cases a 200% boost on sales.

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Funny thing it was only found when PS2 had a price cut to hurt Xbox sale figures.


It also shown when the DC was abandoned and prices naturaly dropped and there was some influx in sales, enough for some people were looking at restart the DC but ...


BTW I would not give much credit from what comes from Square Enix mouth, some time ago they said something about how important the PAL market was for then and we still have s***ty conversions.

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Another reason why I prefer the Xbox version over PC is the surround sound feature. A PC surround sound can't compare to a home entertainment surround sound.

I hear that bro! My Pioneer Dobly Digital 5.1 surround sound shakes the freakin ground while playing games like Wolfenstein, Rainbow Six 3, Ninja Gaiden, and Crimson Skies both on and offline. Good thing Sudeki doesn't come out until July I still need to finish the single player for Ninja Gaiden and Splinter Cell 2.





I beg to differ, get yourself a nice set of speakers, 6.1 Altec Lansing or Klipsch, and it will be able to perform just as well as a home entertainment system.


And for the really hardcore audiophiles, they DO make devices that allow you to hook up conventional speakers to a puter. :huh:

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the xbox has had few good games come out for awhile, I feel that I must play kotor 2 on my xbox to justify its purchase.

Ugh no thats not true im sorry. KOTOR is great, Morrowind was ehh buggy but ok in the long run, Splinter Cell and Splinter Pandora Tomorrow are both ok, Halo, Project Gotham Racing 2, Madden 2004, Fight Night 2004, and now Fable and KOTOR 2. I am a hardcore X-Box fan I would buy any game for X-Box than I would my PC.

Sorry, but I am going to have to agree with Jaberwocki on this. I haven't bought an X-Box, and I don't see a reason to anywhere in the near future. No games that I like. There -were- some games that might have tempted me, these being...


Malice(was going to go cross-platform to PS2, but is now canceled)


KOTOR(availible on PC)

KOTOR2(availible on PC)

Fable(Just not enough to justify a purchase. Besides, its just Princess Maker on steroids ;) )

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Malice(was going to go cross-platform to PS2, but is now canceled)

Malice is on again, cross platform again. Releases tomorrow.


Check Gamespot if you don't believe me. ;)

Hm....How about that? It is! Thanks! I would've totally missed this otherwise!

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Oh it's on now EnderWiggin! Everybody knows the Atari Game Brain console is what real gamers are playin these days!!!! I hear Half Life 2 is coming out for it this year as well....


Doom3 and HL2 are both "supposed" to be released this summer.


Edit: grrr.. Jaberwocki beat me to the refrence

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The E3 before last, they had a demo of the PS3.  It was six or twelve PS2's slaved together.


I think the future is in multi-processor systems.

You're right, Intel has already stated they will be coming out with a multi-core chip. I doubt AMD will be slow to follow.

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My buddy is a mechanical engineer who develops multi-stage systems for measuring nanometic measurements for processors and hard drives.


We're hitting a wall with hardware that things can't really get smaller. We have to move to new mediums, and new technologies. Optical mediums are going in new directions. Processors will have to do the same.

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Take Namco for example. They had a 180% jump in profits and announced that it was the Gamecube that made up the lions share of all Soul CaliberII sales.

Thats because everyone wanted to play as Link. PS2 and X-Box got screwed with their unique characters. I mean, WTF, if I wanted to play as grampa I would have got Tekken.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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