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Weiser_Cain's Concepts

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Y'all need some book learnin'. It does you good!


RPG Codex - the premier avant garde gaming news site.


"It is more convenient to follow one's conscience than one's intelligence, for at every failure, conscience finds an excuse and an encouragement in itself. That is why there are so many conscientious and so few intelligent people." - Nietzsche

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Of course you know that if you go faster than the speed of light you go back in time, right?


There is very little to suggest this. It's just a common SciFi tool that weak writers use.


If we take in Einstein's work, we must believe that it is impossible to go exactly the speed of light, and thusly it would be hard to pass that barrier. To pass the speed of light, theorhetically there would be a moment where we are at the speed of light.


Mass and energy are one at the speed of light.

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This actually beats the hell out of the DE or the S&W Magnum:


The Casull .454



This one comes a close second: The Raging Bull .44 Magnum



RPG Codex - the premier avant garde gaming news site.


"It is more convenient to follow one's conscience than one's intelligence, for at every failure, conscience finds an excuse and an encouragement in itself. That is why there are so many conscientious and so few intelligent people." - Nietzsche

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  • 5 weeks later...
Sometimes I think the world would be better if everyone was forced to do Debate in high school.

Man, I love informal debates... then again, anyone who's read my posts probably knows that. Oh, and btw, you people who are just slamming the art are making fools of yourself. Politely support your argument people. That's what works. Oh, and btw, whether it's good by PROFESSIONAL ART STANDARDS isn't really relevent. It's a good bit of fan art that shows admirable dedication to SW and creativity.

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I started modelling a kotor charater too in my free time;-)

It's not so professional, just a hobby.

Looks pretty good. The wrist seem a bit thin for a conqueror of worlds though.


Man, I love informal debates... then again, anyone who's read my posts probably knows that. Oh, and btw, you people who are just slamming the art are making fools of yourself. Politely support your argument people. That's what works. Oh, and btw, whether it's good by PROFESSIONAL ART STANDARDS isn't really relevent. It's a good bit of fan art that shows admirable dedication to SW and creativity.

Thanks for the support. This does raise the question of what are professional art standards? And can there even be standards for something that is so objective?

Yaw devs, Yaw!!! (

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Well, you're not out to create a masterpiece for all time that the critics will proclaim far better than any thing the classic painters ever did, are you? If you are, then your artwork is absolutely horrible. THose are really high standards. And alot of people here are judging you like you're trying to create a masterpiece for the ages. You (if I am assuming correctly) are simply trying to make some good fanart that we can enjoy. In that respect I feel you have succeeded.

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If we take in Einstein's work, we must believe that it is impossible to go exactly the speed of light, and thusly it would be hard to pass that barrier. To pass the speed of light, theorhetically there would be a moment where we are at the speed of light.


Mass and energy are one at the speed of light.

Some guys from University of Vienna's Institut f

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! RUN KNOWLEDGEBLE TALK!!!!!!! I was with you till the end of the first sentence. But that's kinda my fault as I've already been doing school work today and I don't want to engage my brain any more than I have to. After reading Borges (El Aleph) all day, you just skip over anything you don't feel like reading.

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Guest Fallen Jedi
If we take in Einstein's work, we must believe that it is impossible to go exactly the speed of light, and thusly it would be hard to pass that barrier.  To pass the speed of light, theorhetically there would be a moment where we are at the speed of light.


Mass and energy are one at the speed of light.

Some guys from University of Vienna's Institut f

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If we take in Einstein's work, we must believe that it is impossible to go exactly the speed of light, and thusly it would be hard to pass that barrier.  To pass the speed of light, theorhetically there would be a moment where we are at the speed of light.


Mass and energy are one at the speed of light.

Some guys from University of Vienna's Institut f

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  • 3 months later...

But that's not technically TRAVEL, is it? You aren't even sending a particle through space at that rate, and it doesn't even imply WE could go faster than light... although a teleporter of some sort may be possible, in a very distant future, and that would involve the additional technology of large scale mass replication.


I was wondering why you'd even need a "satellite," though. Couldn't you just have the two particles directly linked, and the station that was "interpreting" the signal of the other automatically inverted the 0's and 1's?

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If we take in Einstein's work, we must believe that it is impossible to go exactly the speed of light, and thusly it would be hard to pass that barrier.  To pass the speed of light, theorhetically there would be a moment where we are at the speed of light.


Mass and energy are one at the speed of light.

Some guys from University of Vienna's Institut f

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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