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The Outer Worlds won't launch on Steam

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Not much evidence for it being spyware for the Chinese, though.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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I think people should be honest with themselves. It's not really about the "exclusivity" or "spyware" or any of that stuff. Those are transparent rationalizations.


If you're mad about this, you're probably a hardcore PC gamer who has become heavily invested in the Steam platform over the years. You own hundreds if not thousands of games, you use the chat functionality to talk to all your friends, etc. Using Steam is part of your daily routine as a gamer and you don't understand why you should have to stop using it for this one game. There's nothing really wrong with this - own it.

I'm just going to point out that if you own it on Steam, you don't really own the game. If Steam decides to ban you, you lose access to all of those games.


Steam is Pro-Consumer!



Or if for whatever reason Steam goes belly up. 


It may sound highly unlikely but even as a remote possibility it is a real concern considering that it's the DRM that is used in almost every PC games these days. 


Not to say anything about Steam servers being needed for users to access their libraries. 


A few years ago you could still get retail versions of games, nowadays they all require Steam. 


The only way to truly own a game is to get it from Gog and make sure you have the installer backed up on a storage device somewhere. 

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The post that originated the whole controversy if I'm not misinformed:





What is described is mostly normal windows software behaviour. Here's a list not by me:


  • Windows automatically hits root certificates trying to validate SSL certificates when you load websites, validating the signing on exes, etc.
  • Given that nothing but Fiddler and ProcMon are hit by the process enumeration, that's likely a side effect of having Fiddler set up to intercept traffic.
  • Same deal for the Fiddler directory DLL hit.
  • Using the windows HTTP stack, depending on the use case, automatically hits internet explorer registry and cookies as a side effect.



Sadly, at this point we're into areas that exceed my ability to comment on. 


I'm no expert on these matters. I can only read what is being reported via the gaming press and prominent Youtubers, which has expressed concerns with the Epic Store's privacy and collection and usage of customer data, things I don't ever see being reported on platforms like Steam or GOG.


The wife is a bit more educated on these things than I am. I'll ask her to look at your list when she gets home tonight. Thanks for the discussion.

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I really don't understand the logic behind this. If you want the customer to buy it from Epic store so you get a higher %, offer the customer an incentive to use the epic store rather than trying to force us to. This is the same reason I stopped buying Bioware games when EA shoved origin down our throats.


Choice = pro consumer


It's really disappointing.

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Okay. No Outer Worlds for me then. 


I haven't read a single positive reaction to this decision so far (on Twitter, forums etc.). 


A few people who are devs are supportive of it.

~Seattle Supersonic of the Obsidian Order~


Chris Hansen is the Savior of Seattle

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Okay. No Outer Worlds for me then. 


I haven't read a single positive reaction to this decision so far (on Twitter, forums etc.). 


A few people who are devs are supportive of it.



Do you mind posting a link? I am not one who likes to read only one side of a particular story so I'd be curious to see what those devs are saying and thinking through their reasoning.

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Am I the only one who isn't frothing at the mouth about this announcement? I mean, I would have preferred Steam, but is it such an inconvenience to download one more stupid platform?


I mean, I'm going to have to buy a Nintendo Switch to play the new Pokemon when that comes out. And that will actually set me back 30,000 yen.


I'm not frothing at the mouth, I think its disappointing and I'm willing to wait for Steam.  I refuse to be forced to use a clearly substandard platform to play a game.   Others will be okay with that and its their prerogative

~Seattle Supersonic of the Obsidian Order~


Chris Hansen is the Savior of Seattle

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I think people should be honest with themselves. It's not really about the "exclusivity" or "spyware" or any of that stuff. Those are transparent rationalizations.


If you're mad about this, you're probably a hardcore PC gamer who has become heavily invested in the Steam platform over the years. You own hundreds if not thousands of games, you use the chat functionality to talk to all your friends, etc. Using Steam is part of your daily routine as a gamer and you don't understand why you should have to stop using it for this one game. There's nothing really wrong with this - own it.


This is a ridiculous hand-waving of legit concerns that many have about the platform. 

~Seattle Supersonic of the Obsidian Order~


Chris Hansen is the Savior of Seattle

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Okay. No Outer Worlds for me then. 


I haven't read a single positive reaction to this decision so far (on Twitter, forums etc.). 


A few people who are devs are supportive of it.



Do you mind posting a link? I am not one who likes to read only one side of a particular story so I'd be curious to see what those devs are saying and thinking through their reasoning.




I would, but I feel like the devs supporting it was kind of trolling those upset (This is over at Resetera)

~Seattle Supersonic of the Obsidian Order~


Chris Hansen is the Savior of Seattle

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I use GoG for any game I can including most of Obsidians games. I am terribly dissapointed at this anti-consumer decision.


Release on all stores and let the customer decide where they wish to buy from. Unless Epic/Valve/CDPR financed or helped create any given game then there is little argument for moves like this.


Epic could have instead created an amazing store which players naturally moved to because it was the better product. Instead they decide to actively impact peoples choices and inconvenience people.


Ultimately Obsidian and/or it's owners can do whatever they wish and there is nothing we can do to stop them other than not buy the game. I personally shall be waiting until a GOG (preferred) or Steam release. I assume Obsidian will not release a direct version from themselves with no ties to a given platform.


Poor Show.

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Okay. No Outer Worlds for me then. 


I haven't read a single positive reaction to this decision so far (on Twitter, forums etc.). 


A few people who are devs are supportive of it.



Do you mind posting a link? I am not one who likes to read only one side of a particular story so I'd be curious to see what those devs are saying and thinking through their reasoning.




I would, but I feel like the devs supporting it was kind of trolling those upset (This is over at Resetera)



No worries. I admit I'm a touch upset with it myself, but you've given me enough hints to do some Google-Fu.

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So I guess Obsidian managed to get screwed by a publisher even after getting bought by Microsoft. Huh, guess the curse is real.


I don't know anything about Epic Games (stuff itt sounds bad), but I'll wait for GoG or Steam because I don't want another platform to keep track of and want the game patched and cheap anyways.

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for me it's because of this Tim Sweeney *the man without a clue*, and them(EPIG) throwing around money to buy exclusivity deals.

what they do has nothing to do with competition.


oh and Steam does not and never had a Monopoly, whoever thinks they have/had is pretty clueless.

How does getting exclusivity deals have nothing to do with competition ? Seems like nakedly being so.
You don't seem to understand what the word competition means. Competition would mean Epic, Microsoft, Steam, GOG, etc a sell the game and the customers decide which store/launcher is best. Purchasing exclusivity rights is the opposite of competition.


i still don't get, why there are people who do not understand something so easy like the word "Competition"

That's not competition, which would be clear if proper free market economics was taught anymore.


Steam has the links share of the market and will reap the most sales simply because they've been around the longest, people are too invested in their terrible service, and also makes more money from Green Man Gamig and Humble.


GoG is not competitive with Steam and never will be. The only things GoG has going for it is that you actually OWN your games on it and all of those games are DRM free. Theres no reason for a Steam Drone to go around using GoG.


By having exclusive games, EGS is a totally competing. They are offering a reason to use their service over Steam, besides being DRM free and allowing you to OWN any games purchased on it. GoG tried this with Throbebreaker and within a month of launch it was released on Steam, which is why GoG is not competitive.

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That's not competition, which would be clear if proper free market economics was taught anymore.


Steam has the links share of the market and will reap the most sales simply because they've been around the longest, people are too invested in their terrible service, and also makes more money from Green Man Gamig and Humble.


GoG is not competitive with Steam and never will be. The only things GoG has going for it is that you actually OWN your games on it and all of those games are DRM free. Theres no reason for a Steam Drone to go around using GoG.


By having exclusive games, EGS is a totally competing. They are offering a reason to use their service over Steam, besides being DRM free and allowing you to OWN any games purchased on it. GoG tried this with Throbebreaker and within a month of launch it was released on Steam, which is why GoG is not competitive.



Ideally, competition should benefit the end customer. 


Epic Games IS competing against Steam, but in a way that makes things worse off for individual gamers. Restricting the choice of platform that a game can be purchased on to a platform that lacks a multitude of features that Steam has is objectively bad for individual gamers. 


It may be a form of competition, and certainly the fact that many people have a huge number of games already on Steam and are in no hurry to fracture/split their libraries with another launcher is a large roadbloack to Epic to try and compete on a level playing field, but the way to solve that roadblock should be to make the Epic Launcher objectively better to use than Steam.


In other words, to make gamers WANT to switch over by offering better pricing, a better user experience, etc. rather than FORCING them to by holding a metaphorical gun to their heads. "Use our launcher or don't get to play (fill in the blank) game."


Simply buying up exclusives is the easier route to go, certainly, but it's not the way to win friends and influence people among ordinary gamers IMHO.

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I can wait for this to go on sale in 2020

Should have done this regardless of anything, to be honest.

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Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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I like how Obsidian is just hiding from the beep-storm this decision stirred up amongst its fans.



No benefit to engaging with people angry about it.

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Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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I absolutely despise the fact that these exclusive-deals are brought over from consoles and simply will not support it.



I like how Obsidian is just hiding from the beep-storm this decision stirred up amongst its fans.




Indeed, i relly appreciate that Obsidian is taking a stand.



It is understandable that these are business decisions and that Obsidian most likely didn't have a say in this but that's what you got for selling out to Microsoft Studios. Well done guys, as of right now i guess i'm not going to spend any more money on you.

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Hiding from their fanbase is a very corporate weasel sort of thing to do, after going to great lengths to market themselves as not being that sort of game company.  


Of course that's marketing for you, it's rarely connected to reality.  They hyped up the apparent value of their property in part by promoting it as getting a steam release, and then burned everyone for a quick payout and essentially went "Well, actually we didn't say the Steam release would be during the current US presidential administration lmao."

Edited by sean10mm
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If they did this, i'm not just gonna turn away from this game, hell away from this developer studio i praised and supported for years now, i'm gonna turn against it, and may others will.

As soon as this goes valid, you'll see outrage not even Bethesda and EA combined could muster.

That being said, If you're gonna boicot and review bomb the game, i'll be there with you.

As much as i loved Obsidian, screwing over Outerworld will make a very strong point where the gaming community stands concerning "Epic" Games Store.

I for one wont stand by and let a Commie ****show of a platform that datamines your PC with spyware and is greed driven have their way.

This game was far more hyped than Metro , keep that in mind.

If Obsidian dont like it, they can do something about it, even if they are just the developer.

Something tells me they knew about this, especially considering they are getting a fatter slice of the pie.

As far as I'm concerned , Obsidian, you're with us or against us! 

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That's not competition, which would be clear if proper free market economics was taught anymore.


Steam has the links share of the market and will reap the most sales simply because they've been around the longest, people are too invested in their terrible service, and also makes more money from Green Man Gamig and Humble.


GoG is not competitive with Steam and never will be. The only things GoG has going for it is that you actually OWN your games on it and all of those games are DRM free. Theres no reason for a Steam Drone to go around using GoG.


By having exclusive games, EGS is a totally competing. They are offering a reason to use their service over Steam, besides being DRM free and allowing you to OWN any games purchased on it. GoG tried this with Throbebreaker and within a month of launch it was released on Steam, which is why GoG is not competitive.


Ideally, competition should benefit the end customer.


Epic Games IS competing against Steam, but in a way that makes things worse off for individual gamers. Restricting the choice of platform that a game can be purchased on to a platform that lacks a multitude of features that Steam has is objectively bad for individual gamers.


It may be a form of competition, and certainly the fact that many people have a huge number of games already on Steam and are in no hurry to fracture/split their libraries with another launcher is a large roadbloack to Epic to try and compete on a level playing field, but the way to solve that roadblock should be to make the Epic Launcher objectively better to use than Steam.


In other words, to make gamers WANT to switch over by offering better pricing, a better user experience, etc. rather than FORCING them to by holding a metaphorical gun to their heads. "Use our launcher or don't get to play (fill in the blank) game."


Simply buying up exclusives is the easier route to go, certainly, but it's not the way to win friends and influence people among ordinary gamers IMHO.

With Steam having a monopsony, mostly being the sole provider, on PC games Epic is trying to gain a foothold through exclusivity. They already have a better product in that you actually own the games you purchase, no DRM, and offering free games; they just lack the user base.


Steam forces DRM and you are basically "renting" every single game you've bought, and Steam also has exclusives (Total War, previously Bethesda, the Civilization series, etc).


If the end result changes any of Steams anti-consumer policy then this is great, if it doesn't then hopefully EGS will take over.

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