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Difficulty: solo potd patch 1.2 beta


Classes: Streetfighter/Priest of Skaen (Zealot)


Short build description: High risk and very high dps by stacking near death enhancing effects.


Playstyle: Become bloodied and cast "Barring at Death's Door" followed by "Salvation of Time" then quickly take out as many targets as u can. At lvl 19 u can do this twice per encounter and get a total of ~1min of immortality. Take out anyone who can cast Arcane Dampener ASAP! If someone lands a dampener on u quickly go invisible and retreat. This has been a very fun character to play because it is highly interactive and it produces a ton of dmg.


Race: Human, for fighting spirit.


Attribute priority:


Mig: High

Con: low

Dex: Medium

Per: high

Int: High

Res: Dumped


Final Attributes with beraths blessing and in-game bonuses for a better understanding:



Active skill focus: Stealth, for "Stalker's Patience" Spear but i recomend an athletics skill of 10 to avoid injuries in certain map interactions u have to do to get all the gear for this guy.


Passive skill focus: spread it wichever way u wish



Slot 1: Stalker's Patience and Rust's Poignard, these have very high dps

Slot 2: Magran's Favor and Tarn's Respite vs enemies resistant or immune to piercing.



Headgear: Rekvu's Fractured Casque

Amulet: None super important that i could find, i used Charm of Bones for +2Int and +5acc vs Vessels

Chest: Bloodied Links enchanted with Feed The Chain for more action speed while blooded

Rings: Your pick, i used x2 ring of greater regeneration for times when i run out of "near death" time

Boots: couldnt find any important ones, i used boots of stealth.

Cloak: Rekvu's Scorched Cloak

Hands: Boltcatchers

Belt: Ngati's Girdle

Pet: Abraham dog


Important boosts:

You need an Injury and u need to keep it. Walk over a firetrap to get "serious burn" injury. (Several can be found in Sandswept Ruins) It gives u -3 dex and -3 Fire AR. The fire AR is completely negated by Rekvu's Scorched Cloak, infact having lower burn AR benefits u when u are using that cloak. The reason we really want this injury is because of Rekvu's Fractured Casque, it makes u immune to interrupts and this is higly important because we cannot afford to loose any time at all.

Shark Soup food at all times to be immune to Con, Dex and Mig afflictions, this together with Rogue's Slippery Mind perk means that when we are bloodied or below we are immune to every single affliction in the game! Combine this with immune to interrupts and nothing but prone can keep us from beating on our enemies!


Getting the cloak and magran's axe early is quite hard, i had to resort to "hit and run" tactics where i'd kill a couple of nagas and retreat and repeat. U could also use Figurines and wichever other little tricks u can think of. The climb up there will require a rank 10 athletics score to avoid injury, the ambushed i skipped with Shadowing Beyond.


Here's "The Undying" In action:



Edited by Dorftek
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I like the immunity to afflictions. How did you inflict afflictions before Persistent Distraction, because Priest is not really infliction master?

Well I do as I normally always do, gain experience without fighting, hit lvl 15 and then do all the non-ship related bounties Wich pretty much gets me to 20

Edited by Dorftek
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So you have to wait till level 19 for a small chance to not die?

It's not a small chance not to die. It's 1min of complete invulnerability (except for dampener) with a highly boosted offensive. This is enough time to clear all priority targets before u start fighting normally.


Besides, lvl 19 is just for 1 more salvation of time. I cleared all bounties on lvl 15-17 with this guy because he kills so insanely fast while near death.


Here's beina bounty, cleared within the time of one barring+salvation



I've killed Nemnok too but that fight was a drag because I couldn't pen his damn armour.

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Alright, I was thinking bombs or scrolls but this works too.

Yeah that also works for sure. The biggest problem has always been the lack of resources tho so I am normally just using arterial strike if there are many enemies, but it was enough.

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So you have to wait till level 19 for a small chance to not die?

It's not a small chance not to die. It's 1min of complete invulnerability (except for dampener) with a highly boosted offensive. This is enough time to clear all priority targets before u start fighting normally.


Besides, lvl 19 is just for 1 more salvation of time. I cleared all bounties on lvl 15-17 with this guy because he kills so insanely fast while near death.


Here's beina bounty, cleared within the time of one barring+salvation



I've killed Nemnok too but that fight was a drag because I couldn't pen his damn armour.


What gives you this immunity?
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So you have to wait till level 19 for a small chance to not die?

It's not a small chance not to die. It's 1min of complete invulnerability (except for dampener) with a highly boosted offensive. This is enough time to clear all priority targets before u start fighting normally.


Besides, lvl 19 is just for 1 more salvation of time. I cleared all bounties on lvl 15-17 with this guy because he kills so insanely fast while near death.


Here's beina bounty, cleared within the time of one barring+salvation



I've killed Nemnok too but that fight was a drag because I couldn't pen his damn armour.

What gives you this immunity?

My injury + helmet gives me immunity to interrupt. Rogues slippery mind gives me immunity to Int, Res and Per afflictions while blooded or lower, shark soup gives me immunity to mig, con and dex afflictions. Also as a bonus and because I keep an injury I use the cloak that makes any fire dmg heal me for 10% instead of harming me. So at Nemnoks I kept a few elder firebats alive as healbots :p

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I have issues with invulnerability builds. That is, sometimes they work perfectly and sometimes I die anyway. It’s not very frequent, but often enough that the playstyle is unreliable. Does anyone else have this issue?

The only times I've died was because I didn't reach mages before they put dampener on me. Sadly this is the AIs favourite spell by far lol. Just kill casters first. If they land a dampener on you retreat and come back.

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Lvl 19 is like 60 hrs of normal play. What's the plan before then :p


The way the game is designed, and PotD in particular, it does not allow for playing solo from level 4 and taking on encounters head-on. That is why virtually all solo builds posted so far revolve around showing fully geared (over)leveled characters.

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Lvl 19 is like 60 hrs of normal play. What's the plan before then :p

The way the game is designed, and PotD in particular, it does not allow for playing solo from level 4 and taking on encounters head-on. That is why virtually all solo builds posted so far revolve around showing fully geared (over)leveled characters.

Yeah, unless ur a chanter/anything tanky ;P

Even more so with the 1.2 patch where whiteleaf have been nerfed into useless crap tier. Along with any other drug except svef.

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I am seriously considering switching off Upscaling and lowering difficulty for solo because no matter how "smart" and "skillfully" one plays it's almost impossible to overcome AR and saves early to mid game and it will have essentially the same effect as (over)leveling and gearing up. 

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I am seriously considering switching off Upscaling and lowering difficulty for solo because no matter how "smart" and "skillfully" one plays it's almost impossible to overcome AR and saves early to mid game and it will have essentially the same effect as (over)leveling and gearing up.

Yeah the AR system is crap in this game and with the nerf to Alch there's just no good way to buff ACC without multiclassing with ranger or cipher. Also with the "inspiration and affliction" system most debuffs against saves are crap. I feel like my character is both drunk and blind when I keep missing swings against a paralyzed target, I mean come on he's PARALYZED HIT HIM ALREADY!!

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I really like the use of Near Death and Barring at Death's Door mechanic which, together with immunities, I consider the hallmark of this build.

Thanks :)

Yeah that's what I was going for. Someone in a state of great dmg output and while in that state as untouchable as possible. Because CCs would be the end of me with this guy.

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For boots you have the Footprints of Ahu Taka which give +2dex, 10% healing and +1 lvl2 priest spells. Also for necklace I think you should use instead Strand of Favor for the +10% bonus to beneficial effects.

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For boots you have the Footprints of Ahu Taka which give +2dex, 10% healing and +1 lvl2 priest spells. Also for necklace I think you should use instead Strand of Favor for the +10% bonus to beneficial effects.

Yeah I tried the neck but it didn't seem to work with barring at deaths door. The boots sound great but I don't know how to get them?

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For boots you have the Footprints of Ahu Taka which give +2dex, 10% healing and +1 lvl2 priest spells. Also for necklace I think you should use instead Strand of Favor for the +10% bonus to beneficial effects.

Yeah I tried the neck but it didn't seem to work with barring at deaths door. The boots sound great but I don't know how to get them?


You get them from a scripted event (check the wiki).


PS. Do you know how Salvation of Time works exactly? It looks like nothing affects the 10s, but when used it increases the duration by 16-17s...

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