araj123 Posted June 11, 2018 Posted June 11, 2018 (edited) Hello everyone, so i did the principi questline up to the point where i have to summon the undead ship out on the sea. My Principi Reputation is at +3. Since the Avenger ship spawns at -4 i killed all the principi (Furrante, Mad Morena, etc) but my reputation is stuck at +3. Is this intended or is the reputation system buggy? I am getting Minus Reputation pop ups when i kill them and the red bar left to the principi faction in the reputation window is increasing. However once the bar is full it doesnt actually decrease the +3 but is just stuck there. Also is there any other way to spawn the Avenger ship other than getting principi to -4? If not is there any mod that just spawns the ship into the game? Any help would be greatly appreciated as i just spent a bunch of hours remaking my character and i really dont want to start over yet again. Thanks! Edit: Also does anyone know where i can find Aloth once i left the starting island and left him in Port Majo? Edited June 11, 2018 by araj123
AeonsLegend Posted June 11, 2018 Posted June 11, 2018 Somehow killing faction members will only give you a minor rep loss which is hardly noticable.
Zap Gun For Hire Posted June 11, 2018 Posted June 11, 2018 (edited) Funnily enough, I was looking into this yesterday but I couldn't figure out how to get his ship to spawn in an ongoing game. EDIT::: I didn't realize this thread was in the non spoiler forum. Sigh. Putting the rest of this post in spoiler bars since it gets more than a little spoily. Reveal hidden contents Arterio's ship (The Terror of the Deadfire) appears in two separate files: worldmap.gamedatabundle and ships.gamedatabundle. Arterio himself also appears separately in ships.gamedatabundle for his ship captain entry. Here are the relevant JSON blocks, put behind spoiler tags because of length. worldmap.gamedatabundle: Reveal hidden contents { "$type": "Game.GameData.WorldMapEncounterGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "RE_SD_Arteiro", "ID": "e3a5c0fb-99ff-4b71-b067-6d79394a3565", "Components": [{ "$type": "Game.GameData.WorldMapEncounterComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "PopUpTitle": -1, "PopUpText": -1, "MapIconName": -1, "ScriptedInteraction": { "GuidString": "5bb98353-93dc-4585-9280-620df1ccc94c" }, "EncounterConversationStartID": 148, "PreEncounterScripts": { "Conditional": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [] }, "Scripts": [{ "Data": { "FullName": "Void BeginShipDuel(Guid)", "Parameters": ["ccc14dd9-f95f-472e-a0fa-0b6897829d79"], "UnrealCall": "", "FunctionHash": -1403718749, "ParameterHash": 1549145111 }, "Conditional": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [] } }, { "Data": { "FullName": "Void SetGlobalValue(String, Int32)", "Parameters": ["n_captain_active", "9"], "UnrealCall": "", "FunctionHash": 1935477378, "ParameterHash": -1586109899 }, "Conditional": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [] } }, { "Data": { "FullName": "Void SetGlobalValue(String, Int32)", "Parameters": ["b_ship_hostile", "1"], "UnrealCall": "", "FunctionHash": 1935477378, "ParameterHash": -1580708399 }, "Conditional": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [] } } ] }, "ValidityConditions": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [{ "$type": "OEIFormats.FlowCharts.ConditionalCall, OEIFormats", "Data": { "FullName": "Boolean IsReputation(Guid, RankType, Int32, Operator)", "Parameters": ["0e5d53f8-8d15-4b45-9565-dc063cb24d30", "Bad", "3", "GreaterThanOrEqualTo"], "UnrealCall": "", "FunctionHash": -191386609, "ParameterHash": -1938889724 }, "Not": false, "Operator": 0 }, { "$type": "OEIFormats.FlowCharts.ConditionalCall, OEIFormats", "Data": { "FullName": "Boolean IsGlobalValue(String, Operator, Int32)", "Parameters": ["b_arteiro_defeated", "EqualTo", "0"], "UnrealCall": "", "FunctionHash": 901380568, "ParameterHash": -609525187 }, "Not": false, "Operator": 0 } ] }, "BiomeID": "d0d1defd-d674-4945-8910-385d8bddca0a", "OverrideMapID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CreatureSpawns": [{ "SpawnPrefab": "prefabs/characters/poe2_npcs/random_encounters/principi_encounters/npc_re_captain_arteiro.prefab", "SpawnType": "Any", "AppearsInDifficulty": "15", "EmergeIndex": 0, "AlternateSpawnPrefab": "", "CrewKilled": 0 }, { "SpawnPrefab": "prefabs/characters/poe2_npcs/random_encounters/principi_encounters/principi_l16/npc_re_principi_paladin_l16.prefab", "SpawnType": "Any", "AppearsInDifficulty": "14", "EmergeIndex": 0, "AlternateSpawnPrefab": "", "CrewKilled": 0 }, { "SpawnPrefab": "prefabs/characters/poe2_npcs/random_encounters/principi_encounters/principi_l16/npc_re_principi_paladin_l16.prefab", "SpawnType": "Any", "AppearsInDifficulty": "12", "EmergeIndex": 0, "AlternateSpawnPrefab": "", "CrewKilled": 0 }, { "SpawnPrefab": "prefabs/characters/poe2_npcs/random_encounters/principi_encounters/principi_l16/npc_re_principi_fighter_l16.prefab", "SpawnType": "Any", "AppearsInDifficulty": "15", "EmergeIndex": 0, "AlternateSpawnPrefab": "prefabs/characters/poe2_npcs/random_encounters/dead_bodies/npc_dead_right_principi_hum_m.prefab", "CrewKilled": 12 }, { "SpawnPrefab": "prefabs/characters/poe2_npcs/random_encounters/principi_encounters/principi_l16/npc_re_principi_fighter_l16.prefab", "SpawnType": "Any", "AppearsInDifficulty": "15", "EmergeIndex": 0, "AlternateSpawnPrefab": "prefabs/characters/poe2_npcs/random_encounters/dead_bodies/npc_dead_back_principi_hum_m.prefab", "CrewKilled": 11 }, { "SpawnPrefab": "prefabs/characters/poe2_npcs/random_encounters/principi_encounters/principi_l16/npc_re_principi_rogue_ranged_l16.prefab", "SpawnType": "Any", "AppearsInDifficulty": "15", "EmergeIndex": 0, "AlternateSpawnPrefab": "prefabs/characters/poe2_npcs/random_encounters/dead_bodies/npc_dead_left_principi_hum_f.prefab", "CrewKilled": 10 }, { "SpawnPrefab": "prefabs/characters/poe2_npcs/random_encounters/principi_encounters/principi_l16/npc_re_principi_rogue_ranged_l16.prefab", "SpawnType": "Any", "AppearsInDifficulty": "15", "EmergeIndex": 0, "AlternateSpawnPrefab": "prefabs/characters/poe2_npcs/random_encounters/dead_bodies/npc_dead_left_principi_hum_m.prefab", "CrewKilled": 9 }, { "SpawnPrefab": "prefabs/characters/poe2_npcs/random_encounters/principi_encounters/principi_l16/npc_re_principi_rogue_ranged_l16.prefab", "SpawnType": "Any", "AppearsInDifficulty": "15", "EmergeIndex": 0, "AlternateSpawnPrefab": "prefabs/characters/poe2_npcs/random_encounters/dead_bodies/npc_dead_right_principi_hum_f.prefab", "CrewKilled": 8 }, { "SpawnPrefab": "prefabs/characters/poe2_npcs/random_encounters/principi_encounters/principi_l16/npc_re_principi_rogue_ranged_l16.prefab", "SpawnType": "Any", "AppearsInDifficulty": "15", "EmergeIndex": 0, "AlternateSpawnPrefab": "prefabs/characters/poe2_npcs/random_encounters/dead_bodies/npc_dead_right_principi_hum_m.prefab", "CrewKilled": 7 }, { "SpawnPrefab": "prefabs/characters/poe2_npcs/random_encounters/principi_encounters/principi_l8/npc_re_principi_rogue_ranged_l8.prefab", "SpawnType": "Any", "AppearsInDifficulty": "15", "EmergeIndex": 0, "AlternateSpawnPrefab": "prefabs/characters/poe2_npcs/random_encounters/dead_bodies/npc_dead_back_principi_hum_m.prefab", "CrewKilled": 6 }, { "SpawnPrefab": "prefabs/characters/poe2_npcs/random_encounters/principi_encounters/principi_l8/npc_re_principi_rogue_ranged_l8.prefab", "SpawnType": "Any", "AppearsInDifficulty": "15", "EmergeIndex": 0, "AlternateSpawnPrefab": "prefabs/characters/poe2_npcs/random_encounters/dead_bodies/npc_dead_left_principi_hum_f.prefab", "CrewKilled": 5 }, { "SpawnPrefab": "prefabs/characters/poe2_npcs/random_encounters/principi_encounters/principi_l8/npc_re_principi_rogue_ranged_l8.prefab", "SpawnType": "Any", "AppearsInDifficulty": "15", "EmergeIndex": 0, "AlternateSpawnPrefab": "prefabs/characters/poe2_npcs/random_encounters/dead_bodies/npc_dead_left_principi_hum_m.prefab", "CrewKilled": 4 }, { "SpawnPrefab": "prefabs/characters/poe2_npcs/random_encounters/principi_encounters/npc_re_principi_sailor_ranged.prefab", "SpawnType": "Any", "AppearsInDifficulty": "15", "EmergeIndex": 0, "AlternateSpawnPrefab": "prefabs/characters/poe2_npcs/random_encounters/dead_bodies/npc_dead_right_principi_hum_f.prefab", "CrewKilled": 3 }, { "SpawnPrefab": "prefabs/characters/poe2_npcs/random_encounters/principi_encounters/npc_re_principi_sailor_ranged.prefab", "SpawnType": "Any", "AppearsInDifficulty": "15", "EmergeIndex": 0, "AlternateSpawnPrefab": "prefabs/characters/poe2_npcs/random_encounters/dead_bodies/npc_dead_right_principi_hum_m.prefab", "CrewKilled": 2 }, { "SpawnPrefab": "prefabs/characters/poe2_npcs/random_encounters/principi_encounters/npc_re_principi_sailor_ranged.prefab", "SpawnType": "Any", "AppearsInDifficulty": "15", "EmergeIndex": 0, "AlternateSpawnPrefab": "prefabs/characters/poe2_npcs/random_encounters/dead_bodies/npc_dead_back_principi_hum_m.prefab", "CrewKilled": 1 } ], "ShipSpawnID": "b96cdcfb-6515-44e2-8268-c720be62db6e", "AudioEvent": "ship_duel_encounter", "OnceOnly": "true", "EncounterLevel": 19, "EncounterType": "Major", "SailorTalesReward": 6, "IsHostile": "false", "IsCritPath": "false", "ScriptedMusicForSI": "" } ] }, and the two entries in ships.gamedatabundle: Reveal hidden contents { "$type": "Game.GameData.ShipCaptainGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "CPT_Principi_Arteiro", "ID": "ccc14dd9-f95f-472e-a0fa-0b6897829d79", "Components": [{ "$type": "Game.GameData.ShipCaptainComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "ShipID": "b96cdcfb-6515-44e2-8268-c720be62db6e", "TraitID": "3062e7e7-8bdf-4a0f-a864-f469a531a7cc", "CaptainPrefab": "prefabs/characters/poe2_npcs/random_encounters/principi_encounters/npc_re_captain_arteiro.prefab", "FactionID": "0e5d53f8-8d15-4b45-9565-dc063cb24d30", "PersonalitiesIDs": [], "AIWeights": { "SelfHullDamageWeight": 1, "SelfSailDamageWeight": 1, "SelfCrewDamageWeight": 1, "SelfDeathWeight": 1, "SelfEventWeight": 1, "OpponentHullDamageWeight": 1, "OpponentSailDamageWeight": 1, "OpponentCrewDamageWeight": 1, "OpponentDeathWeight": 1, "BoardingWeight": 1, "RetreatWeight": 1, "RetreatSkew": 0 }, "ShipSunkLootListID": "a3cdf50f-24c5-4ea7-ab81-d66811302763", "TetherDistance": 21, "TriggerDistance": 2.5, "PerceptionDistance": 17, "MoverReferenceID": "7e584ec8-f8d2-4da5-8ad4-d5e9bfaef2b5", "Conditionals": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [{ "$type": "OEIFormats.FlowCharts.ConditionalCall, OEIFormats", "Data": { "FullName": "Boolean IsGlobalValue(String, Operator, Int32)", "Parameters": ["b_arteiro_defeated", "EqualTo", "0"], "UnrealCall": "", "FunctionHash": 901380568, "ParameterHash": -609525187 }, "Not": false, "Operator": 0 }, { "$type": "OEIFormats.FlowCharts.ConditionalCall, OEIFormats", "Data": { "FullName": "Boolean IsReputation(Guid, RankType, Int32, Operator)", "Parameters": ["0e5d53f8-8d15-4b45-9565-dc063cb24d30", "Bad", "3", "GreaterThanOrEqualTo"], "UnrealCall": "", "FunctionHash": -191386609, "ParameterHash": -1938889724 }, "Not": false, "Operator": 0 } ] }, "PointOfInterestIcon": "gui/images/ingamehud/areamap/areamap_principi.png" } ] } { "$type": "Game.GameData.ShipGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "SHP_Dhow_Arteiro", "ID": "b96cdcfb-6515-44e2-8268-c720be62db6e", "Components": [{ "$type": "Game.GameData.ShipComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "ShipPrefab": "prefabs/ships/shp_dhow_a.prefab", "NameplateFBX": "art/ships_new/props/name_plates/name_plate_dhow.fbx", "ShipType": "Dhow", "WorldMapModelVisualData": "art/ships_new/wm_tokens/a_wm_dhow_a.asset", "MinimumCrewSize": 7, "Slots": [{ "UpgradeType": "CannonsPort", "Locked": "false", "DefaultItemsIDs": ["2f82b41e-63dd-43d1-9475-c37af23f96cb", "0de683e2-7df6-4c18-bf3d-3f655df165ad", "0de683e2-7df6-4c18-bf3d-3f655df165ad"] }, { "UpgradeType": "CannonsStarboard", "Locked": "false", "DefaultItemsIDs": ["8aa369cf-7518-409f-8401-da80c109c7d2", "8aa369cf-7518-409f-8401-da80c109c7d2", "8aa369cf-7518-409f-8401-da80c109c7d2"] }, { "UpgradeType": "Hull", "Locked": "false", "DefaultItemsIDs": ["5b572b32-d1b0-45fc-aec1-1beadbdc522c"] }, { "UpgradeType": "Sails", "Locked": "false", "DefaultItemsIDs": ["793574fd-4fbe-4fa0-bbc4-e9026e3f2c1e"] }, { "UpgradeType": "Flag", "Locked": "false", "DefaultItemsIDs": ["3fbac293-4650-4257-859e-67c8d167f29a"] }, { "UpgradeType": "Misc", "Locked": "false", "DefaultItemsIDs": [] }, { "UpgradeType": "Wheel", "Locked": "false", "DefaultItemsIDs": ["550cb266-9b66-4874-8a30-f464442a9bc4"] }, { "UpgradeType": "Lantern", "Locked": "false", "DefaultItemsIDs": ["638eebaf-8d62-4239-8088-e85c9e40db08"] }, { "UpgradeType": "Anchors", "Locked": "false", "DefaultItemsIDs": ["d215c402-16d3-4359-af64-739c1e9b8b56"] } ], "Actions": [{ "Action": "None", "IsAvailable": "true", "Duration": 1 }, { "Action": "SailFull", "IsAvailable": "true", "Duration": 1 }, { "Action": "SailHalf", "IsAvailable": "true", "Duration": 1 }, { "Action": "Board", "IsAvailable": "true", "Duration": 1 }, { "Action": "Hold", "IsAvailable": "true", "Duration": 1 }, { "Action": "TurnStarboard", "IsAvailable": "true", "Duration": 2 }, { "Action": "TurnPort", "IsAvailable": "true", "Duration": 2 }, { "Action": "TurnReverse", "IsAvailable": "true", "Duration": 2 }, { "Action": "FireCannons", "IsAvailable": "true", "Duration": 1 }, { "Action": "Report", "IsAvailable": "true", "Duration": 1 }, { "Action": "BraceForImpact", "IsAvailable": "true", "Duration": 1 } ], "MovementEffects": [{ "MovementType": "Stationary", "VisualEffect": "prefabs/effects/environment/ships/fx_dhow_stationary.prefab" }, { "MovementType": "Sailing", "VisualEffect": "prefabs/effects/environment/ships/fx_dhow_moving.prefab" } ], "WorldMapMovementEffect": "prefabs/effects/environment/worldmap/fx_wm_dhow.prefab", "MinimumDeckhandRanks": 7, "MinimumHelmsmanRanks": 2, "CrewJobs": [{ "JobType": "None", "Count": 2, "DefaultCrewIDs": [] }, { "JobType": "Captain", "Count": 0, "DefaultCrewIDs": [] }, { "JobType": "Boatswain", "Count": 1, "DefaultCrewIDs": ["80538a2a-ea67-4346-b221-84d7a6b41e66"] }, { "JobType": "Navigator", "Count": 1, "DefaultCrewIDs": ["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] }, { "JobType": "Helmsman", "Count": 1, "DefaultCrewIDs": ["65be999f-82aa-480f-86e3-2ad86cfb275a"] }, { "JobType": "Deckhand", "Count": 4, "DefaultCrewIDs": ["09858eb8-8f4d-4850-b8cc-4145870c8577", "09858eb8-8f4d-4850-b8cc-4145870c8577", "09858eb8-8f4d-4850-b8cc-4145870c8577", "e4885dd8-082d-479e-b948-5759d8be4bba"] }, { "JobType": "Cannoneer", "Count": 3, "DefaultCrewIDs": ["fc0a5e8e-62d9-4606-9119-8073bed967dc", "fc0a5e8e-62d9-4606-9119-8073bed967dc", "c0191481-52bf-49df-8ebd-4ab5515c0a5a"] }, { "JobType": "Cook", "Count": 1, "DefaultCrewIDs": ["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"] }, { "JobType": "Surgeon", "Count": 1, "DefaultCrewIDs": ["8200961e-25a3-4247-93d5-ce65074e842b"] }, { "JobType": "Reserve", "Count": 4, "DefaultCrewIDs": ["e4885dd8-082d-479e-b948-5759d8be4bba", "c0191481-52bf-49df-8ebd-4ab5515c0a5a"] } ], "BaseStats": [{ "ShipAttributeType": "CombatSpeed", "StatValue": 55 }, { "ShipAttributeType": "SailHealth", "StatValue": 40 }, { "ShipAttributeType": "HullHealth", "StatValue": 65 }, { "ShipAttributeType": "TravelSpeed", "StatValue": 0 }, { "ShipAttributeType": "Hittability", "StatValue": 60 } ], "SupplyLimits": [{ "Type": "Ammunition", "Count": 120 }, { "Type": "Medicine", "Count": 120 }, { "Type": "Repair", "Count": 60 } ], "ShipName": 973, "ShipTypeName": 3340, "ShipTypeIconMetal": "gui/images/ingamehud/ships/icon_ship_dhow.png", "ShipTypeIconParchment": "gui/worldmap/citymap/ic_garage_dhow.png", "ShipPortrait": "gui/nonatlased/ships/icon_ship_preview_dhow.png", "Defenders": 6, "SailsMajorColor": { "A": 1, "R": 0.1333333, "G": 0.1333333, "B": 0.1333333 }, "SailsMinorColor": { "A": 1, "R": 0.5058824, "G": 0.345098, "B": 0.6784314 }, "ShipNameColor": { "A": 1, "R": 0.9372549, "G": 0.8, "B": 0.4823529 }, "HullColor": { "A": 1, "R": 0.1333333, "G": 0.1333333, "B": 0.1333333 }, "RTPCValue": 1, "CloseToBoardDamageMultiplier": 1.1, "CloseToBoardDefensiveDamageMultiplier": 1.1 } I'm fairly certain the bits in "Validity Conditions" and "Conditionals" are the relevant triggers, but I can't figure out how to get the game to accept my modified conditions. Might be other flags in this/other files that also have to be set. What I'll end up doing when I have the time/inclination is give a long look as to what the game does for Gaderian Bosc and his ship. Once I figure out how the game spawns that ship mid-game it hopefully won't be too much trouble to do something similar for this ship, plus the other "You pissed us off, now we hunt you down" ships that get spawned when you tick off the various factions. Edited June 11, 2018 by Zap Gun For Hire
rjshae Posted June 11, 2018 Posted June 11, 2018 Spoiler warning? "It has just been discovered that research causes cancer in rats."
Zap Gun For Hire Posted June 11, 2018 Posted June 11, 2018 On 6/11/2018 at 9:46 PM, rjshae said: Spoiler warning? Didn't realize this was in the non-spoiler forum. Put the vast majority of my post in a spoiler block so it won't spoil folks until this thread gets inevitably moved.
Gorth Posted June 11, 2018 Posted June 11, 2018 ...and the inevitable happened. Moved to spoiler friendly section “He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein
Zap Gun For Hire Posted July 3, 2018 Posted July 3, 2018 (edited) On 6/11/2018 at 9:45 PM, Zap Gun For Hire said: Funnily enough, I was looking into this yesterday but I couldn't figure out how to get his ship to spawn in an ongoing game. Guess who finally cracked this nut and has figured out how to summon ALL four Boss Faction Ships in a game via a mod. Doesn't require any mucking about with the reputation system or anything. Even better, with the mod manager coming in 1.2.0, getting these ships to appear mid-game is literally as easy as pressing a button in the Options Window when one is on the main screen. === Anyone here interested in it by any chance? At the very least, you get four Level 17-20 ship fights to look forward to. (Well, that and the ever-elusive Gipon Prudensco) Edited July 3, 2018 by Zap Gun For Hire 2
Gary1986 Posted July 3, 2018 Posted July 3, 2018 On 7/3/2018 at 8:00 AM, Zap Gun For Hire said: On 6/11/2018 at 9:45 PM, Zap Gun For Hire said: Funnily enough, I was looking into this yesterday but I couldn't figure out how to get his ship to spawn in an ongoing game. Guess who finally cracked this nut and has figured out how to summon ALL four Boss Faction Ships in a game via a mod. Doesn't require any mucking about with the reputation system or anything. Even better, with the mod manager coming in 1.2.0, getting these ships to appear mid-game is literally as easy as pressing a button in the Options Window when one is on the main screen. === Anyone here interested in it by any chance? At the very least, you get four Level 17-20 ship fights to look forward to. (Well, that and the ever-elusive Gipon Prudensco) Elaborate? Cheers
Zap Gun For Hire Posted July 3, 2018 Posted July 3, 2018 (edited) On 7/3/2018 at 11:01 PM, Gary1986 said: On 7/3/2018 at 8:00 AM, Zap Gun For Hire said: On 6/11/2018 at 9:45 PM, Zap Gun For Hire said: Funnily enough, I was looking into this yesterday but I couldn't figure out how to get his ship to spawn in an ongoing game. Guess who finally cracked this nut and has figured out how to summon ALL four Boss Faction Ships in a game via a mod. Doesn't require any mucking about with the reputation system or anything. Even better, with the mod manager coming in 1.2.0, getting these ships to appear mid-game is literally as easy as pressing a button in the Options Window when one is on the main screen. === Anyone here interested in it by any chance? At the very least, you get four Level 17-20 ship fights to look forward to. (Well, that and the ever-elusive Gipon Prudensco) Elaborate? Cheers Talking about this in a couple of different threads at once, so I'll give an overview of the situation. If you piss off a faction enough, usually by hitting -3 in reputation with them, a extremely high level ship will spawn on the world map. That ship, with the exception of the RDC one (see below) will then wander around a section of the world map and attack you if you get to close to them. The RDC's ship is a little different as it heads straight to Cignatath Mor, near Sayuka, and stays there (though it does go after you when you approach it). This makes me think it is more tied into that questline, but I'm not entirely sure as I haven't done that quest in such a way that annoys the RDC. In three of those encounters, it is possible to get a Unique Item after the battle, including the aforementioned Gipon Prudensco, which a lot of folks were looking for (the other two are the shield Akola's Apex Ward by defeating the high level Huana ship, and the pike Wicked Beast by defeating the high level VTC ship). ==== The 'problem' is, these ships will only spawn on the world map if one gets a -3 in reputation with that faction (with the possible exception of the RDC). And for folks who want these items (or just want a challenge at a high level), it's very hard to get them to show up once folks have done faction quests. In fact, it's probably impossible since the game goes to Mixed instead of Bad if one has any ranks of Good with a faction. Plus a lot of folks just don't want negative rep with factions, unless they're doing it for RP reasons. But the nice thing about Deadfire is that a lot of things can be modded. So I set out to try to figure out how to get these high level ships to spawn on the world map without any sort of precondition and then how to fight them. I finally figured it out a few days ago and I've been testing it ever since. I now have a home mod which spawns all four of these 'vengeance'/'punishment' ships onto the world map so they can be fought when the player feels like it. Either because someone wants those unique items or because someone wants a high level ship battle. The really nice thing is with the Mod Manager in 1.2.0 it becomes as easy as hitting a button to load the mod or disable it. So it could be put in someones override folder but not enabled until they think they can handle a Level 17 to 20 ship battle. Beats running away from them as fast as one can at 5th or 6th level. Edited July 3, 2018 by Zap Gun For Hire 2
Zap Gun For Hire Posted July 3, 2018 Posted July 3, 2018 If I actually do turn this into a public mod, I might make it so these ships spawn when the Watcher is a certain level. Say level 13 or 14 or so (these are level 17 to 20 fights, as I said). That way they don't show up and kick someone in the head when a player first leaves Port Maje, but they'd still have to be a little bit careful once the party gets to a higher level. Or not. Maybe I'll just trust people to only load it up when they can handle it. IF there is any interest in this as a mod, of course. 1
Gary1986 Posted July 3, 2018 Posted July 3, 2018 On 7/3/2018 at 11:41 PM, Zap Gun For Hire said: On 7/3/2018 at 11:01 PM, Gary1986 said: On 7/3/2018 at 8:00 AM, Zap Gun For Hire said: On 6/11/2018 at 9:45 PM, Zap Gun For Hire said: Funnily enough, I was looking into this yesterday but I couldn't figure out how to get his ship to spawn in an ongoing game.Guess who finally cracked this nut and has figured out how to summon ALL four Boss Faction Ships in a game via a mod. Doesn't require any mucking about with the reputation system or anything. Even better, with the mod manager coming in 1.2.0, getting these ships to appear mid-game is literally as easy as pressing a button in the Options Window when one is on the main screen. === Anyone here interested in it by any chance? At the very least, you get four Level 17-20 ship fights to look forward to. (Well, that and the ever-elusive Gipon Prudensco) Elaborate? Cheers Talking about this in a couple of different threads at once, so I'll give an overview of the situation. If you piss off a faction enough, usually by hitting -3 in reputation with them, a extremely high level ship will spawn on the world map. That ship, with the exception of the RDC one (see below) will then wander around a section of the world map and attack you if you get to close to them. The RDC's ship is a little different as it heads straight to Cignatath Mor, near Sayuka, and stays there (though it does go after you when you approach it). This makes me think it is more tied into that questline, but I'm not entirely sure as I haven't done that quest in such a way that annoys the RDC. In three of those encounters, it is possible to get a Unique Item after the battle, including the aforementioned Gipon Prudensco, which a lot of folks were looking for (the other two are the shield Akola's Apex Ward by defeating the high level Huana ship, and the pike Wicked Beast by defeating the high level VTC ship). ==== The 'problem' is, these ships will only spawn on the world map if one gets a -3 in reputation with that faction (with the possible exception of the RDC). And for folks who want these items (or just want a challenge at a high level), it's very hard to get them to show up once folks have done faction quests. In fact, it's probably impossible since the game goes to Mixed instead of Bad if one has any ranks of Good with a faction. Plus a lot of folks just don't want negative rep with factions, unless they're doing it for RP reasons. But the nice thing about Deadfire is that a lot of things can be modded. So I set out to try to figure out how to get these high level ships to spawn on the world map without any sort of precondition and then how to fight them. I finally figured it out a few days ago and I've been testing it ever since. I now have a home mod which spawns all four of these 'vengeance'/'punishment' ships onto the world map so they can be fought when the player feels like it. Either because someone wants those unique items or because someone wants a high level ship battle. The really nice thing is with the Mod Manager in 1.2.0 it becomes as easy as hitting a button to load the mod or disable it. So it could be put in someones override folder but not enabled until they think they can handle a Level 17 to 20 ship battle. Beats running away from them as fast as one can at 5th or 6th level. Any chance you can give me a quick rundown on what gamedatabundle file to edit and what to edit so I can create one to put in my override folder? Cheers
omgFIREBALLS Posted July 3, 2018 Posted July 3, 2018 (edited) On 7/3/2018 at 11:41 PM, Zap Gun For Hire said: The RDC's ship is a little different as it heads straight to Cignatath Mor, near Sayuka, and stays there (though it does go after you when you approach it). This makes me think it is more tied into that questline, but I'm not entirely sure as I haven't done that quest in such a way that annoys the RDC. I don't think it's Cignath Mor but Sayuka. You can piss off the RDC by siding with the druids and taking out the local Fleet Master. IDK if this is the actual trigger or it's just all the negative rep involved, because after leaving her office you'll have to kill a bunch of her soldiers too. Edit: You can of course also do Cignath Mor in a way the RDC won't like, but it doesn't antagonize them, not by itself at least. It's just another way of providing incompetent help, which is pretty enjoyable :D Edited July 4, 2018 by omgFIREBALLS 1 My Deadfire mods: Out With The Good | Waukeen's Berth | Carrying Voice | Nemnok's Congregation Other Deadfire work: Deadfire skill check catalogue Avowed skill calculator
Zap Gun For Hire Posted July 4, 2018 Posted July 4, 2018 (edited) On 7/3/2018 at 11:49 PM, Gary1986 said: Any chance you can give me a quick rundown on what gamedatabundle file to edit and what to edit so I can create one to put in my override folder? Cheers Entries in three files have to be changed: factions.gamedatabundle ships.gamedatabundle worldmap.gamedatabundle Specifically anything that looks like this: { "$type": "OEIFormats.FlowCharts.ConditionalCall, OEIFormats", "Data": { "FullName": "Boolean IsReputation(Guid, RankType, Int32, Operator)", "Parameters": ["0e5d53f8-8d15-4b45-9565-dc063cb24d30", "Bad", "3", "GreaterThanOrEqualTo"], "Flags": "", "UnrealCall": "", "FunctionHash": -191386609, "ParameterHash": -1938889724 }, "Not": false, "Operator": 0 } has to be deleted in its entirety. NOTE:::: Each of the factions has a different "Parameters": [stuff] value SECOND NOTE:::: If there are any other conditionals, leave them as is. ==== Near as I can tell, there is a check to spawn the ship onto the world map (worldmap), the captain onto the ship (ships), and making them hostile (factions). ================================ So, for instance, the following Game Data Object should be changed from: { "$type": "Game.GameData.ShipCaptainGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "CPT_Huana_Whenena", "ID": "505e78c1-4c9e-44eb-a3ac-e4fba081d4d0", "Components": [{ "$type": "Game.GameData.ShipCaptainComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "ShipID": "891752da-c2a5-4e48-a7f7-c8ccb6e6ace3", "TraitID": "efb8474a-f110-42b6-a435-1de734bb3e0a", "CaptainPrefab": "prefabs/characters/poe2_npcs/random_encounters/huana_encounters/npc_re_captain_whenena.prefab", "FactionID": "5325a7f1-0292-41bb-a223-2c84c005779a", "PersonalitiesIDs": [], "AIWeights": { "SelfHullDamageWeight": 1, "SelfSailDamageWeight": 1, "SelfCrewDamageWeight": 1, "SelfDeathWeight": 1, "SelfEventWeight": 1, "OpponentHullDamageWeight": 1, "OpponentSailDamageWeight": 1, "OpponentCrewDamageWeight": 1, "OpponentDeathWeight": 1, "BoardingWeight": 1, "RetreatWeight": 1, "RetreatSkew": 0 }, "ShipSunkLootListID": "fa9bffe5-f3b4-4a25-8b23-1dae2a6ef1ce", "TetherDistance": 21, "TriggerDistance": 2.5, "PerceptionDistance": 17, "MoverReferenceID": "7e584ec8-f8d2-4da5-8ad4-d5e9bfaef2b5", "Conditionals": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [{ "$type": "OEIFormats.FlowCharts.ConditionalCall, OEIFormats", "Data": { "FullName": "Boolean IsGlobalValue(String, Operator, Int32)", "Parameters": ["b_whenena_defeated", "EqualTo", "0"], "Flags": "", "UnrealCall": "", "FunctionHash": 901380568, "ParameterHash": -637429981 }, "Not": false, "Operator": 0 }, { "$type": "OEIFormats.FlowCharts.ConditionalCall, OEIFormats", "Data": { "FullName": "Boolean IsReputation(Guid, RankType, Int32, Operator)", "Parameters": ["5325a7f1-0292-41bb-a223-2c84c005779a", "Bad", "3", "GreaterThanOrEqualTo"], "Flags": "", "UnrealCall": "", "FunctionHash": -191386609, "ParameterHash": 1197783645 }, "Not": false, "Operator": 0 } ] }, "PointOfInterestIcon": "gui/images/ingamehud/areamap/areamap_huana.png" } ] } to this: { "$type": "Game.GameData.ShipCaptainGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "CPT_Huana_Whenena", "ID": "505e78c1-4c9e-44eb-a3ac-e4fba081d4d0", "Components": [{ "$type": "Game.GameData.ShipCaptainComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "ShipID": "891752da-c2a5-4e48-a7f7-c8ccb6e6ace3", "TraitID": "efb8474a-f110-42b6-a435-1de734bb3e0a", "CaptainPrefab": "prefabs/characters/poe2_npcs/random_encounters/huana_encounters/npc_re_captain_whenena.prefab", "FactionID": "5325a7f1-0292-41bb-a223-2c84c005779a", "PersonalitiesIDs": [], "AIWeights": { "SelfHullDamageWeight": 1, "SelfSailDamageWeight": 1, "SelfCrewDamageWeight": 1, "SelfDeathWeight": 1, "SelfEventWeight": 1, "OpponentHullDamageWeight": 1, "OpponentSailDamageWeight": 1, "OpponentCrewDamageWeight": 1, "OpponentDeathWeight": 1, "BoardingWeight": 1, "RetreatWeight": 1, "RetreatSkew": 0 }, "ShipSunkLootListID": "fa9bffe5-f3b4-4a25-8b23-1dae2a6ef1ce", "TetherDistance": 21, "TriggerDistance": 2.5, "PerceptionDistance": 17, "MoverReferenceID": "7e584ec8-f8d2-4da5-8ad4-d5e9bfaef2b5", "Conditionals": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [{ "$type": "OEIFormats.FlowCharts.ConditionalCall, OEIFormats", "Data": { "FullName": "Boolean IsGlobalValue(String, Operator, Int32)", "Parameters": ["b_whenena_defeated", "EqualTo", "0"], "Flags": "", "UnrealCall": "", "FunctionHash": 901380568, "ParameterHash": -637429981 }, "Not": false, "Operator": 0 } ] }, "PointOfInterestIcon": "gui/images/ingamehud/areamap/areamap_huana.png" } ] } Then do the same thing for the relevant entry in worldmap.gamedatabudle for the Huana ship and the same thing in factions.gamedatabundle for the Huana Faction overall. That's how I got them to spawn and fight me, at any rate. Edited July 4, 2018 by Zap Gun For Hire
AndreaColombo Posted July 4, 2018 Posted July 4, 2018 If this was made into public mod, I would certainly use it. Great work! 2 "Time is not your enemy. Forever is." — Fall-From-Grace, Planescape: Torment "It's the questions we can't answer that teach us the most. They teach us how to think. If you give a man an answer, all he gains is a little fact. But give him a question, and he'll look for his own answers." — Kvothe, The Wise Man's Fears My Deadfire mods: Brilliant Mod | Faster Deadfire | Deadfire Unnerfed | Helwalker Rekke | Permanent Per-Rest Bonuses | PoE Items for Deadfire | No Recyled Icons | Soul Charged Nautilus
Zap Gun For Hire Posted July 4, 2018 Posted July 4, 2018 On 7/4/2018 at 7:42 AM, AndreaColombo said: If this was made into public mod, I would certainly use it. Great work! Thanks! I got some more testing I want to do over the next couple of days. Then I suppose I could release it here in the mod forum (don't plan on releasing anything over at Nexus as that's too much of a commitment ). I'll let this thread know if/when I release it. 3
Zap Gun For Hire Posted July 6, 2018 Posted July 6, 2018 Just letting folks know, still working on this. Fourth of July plus a couple of other things sucked up quite a bit of time. The main reason I hadn't released it yet, is I was worried that messing around with the shipmanager entry in factions.gamedatabundle might cause unintended issues in new games, and it looks like I might have been right. Namely, I'm pretty sure it set all faction ships to hostile in new games (for whatever reason it doesn't seem to do this in already in progress games). That's what I've been testing the last couple of days (and indeed the last thing I was going to test). Which I suppose isn't the worst thing in the world, as folks can usually outrun other ships but it's hardly ideal. Especially if I want a 'clean' mod that does one thing and one thing only. However, I think I figured out a loophole where I can make ONLY these vendetta ships hostile when they show up while keeping all of the other ships to their base state (where they are friendly or hostile depending on player choices). Won't bore this thread with the details (it's not the mod forum, after all ), but it should work as I'm going to follow the example in how some Prinicpi ships are hostile at the beginning of the game and some aren't and use that as a guideline. Gonna take me a bit more testing to see if I'm right. But if I am, this will be released as a mod sooner rather than later. 3
AndreaColombo Posted July 6, 2018 Posted July 6, 2018 Your effort on this is vastly appreciated 2 "Time is not your enemy. Forever is." — Fall-From-Grace, Planescape: Torment "It's the questions we can't answer that teach us the most. They teach us how to think. If you give a man an answer, all he gains is a little fact. But give him a question, and he'll look for his own answers." — Kvothe, The Wise Man's Fears My Deadfire mods: Brilliant Mod | Faster Deadfire | Deadfire Unnerfed | Helwalker Rekke | Permanent Per-Rest Bonuses | PoE Items for Deadfire | No Recyled Icons | Soul Charged Nautilus
Zap Gun For Hire Posted July 8, 2018 Posted July 8, 2018 (edited) ANNOUNCEMENT: The mod Vindictive Faction Ship Battles has now been released in the mod forum! Here is the link to the thread: I've done a LOT of testing, and while it isn't quite 100% perfect, it should be in a good enough state for general release. I go over the main description of the mod over there, but the main points to be aware of: All four 'vindictive' faction ships will appear on the World Map as soon as this mod is installed. They are currently set to be peaceful until the Watcher is level 13 OR the ship the party is in is flying their preferred faction flag once the Watcher is level 13 or higher. This is so folks can install this mod at the beginning of the game and not be worried that they'll get immediately squished by these ships. Occasionally I found that I wasn't always getting the unique item I was supposed to when I engaged in combat at the player level (as opposed to ship-to-ship combat via scripted interaction). I haven't been able to figure out why this is happening, so I would suggest people that are looking for the various unique items to save the game BEFORE the scripted interaction ship combat starts, just in case you don't get the item you wanted. Everything else should be handled over there, I think. But I did want to get these bullet points addressed right away, especially that last one. Especially since it's kinda the whole reason the mod exists. If you have any questions about this mod, hit me up in that thread. Edited July 8, 2018 by Zap Gun For Hire 2
Zap Gun For Hire Posted July 8, 2018 Posted July 8, 2018 (edited) On 7/3/2018 at 11:59 PM, omgFIREBALLS said: On 7/3/2018 at 11:41 PM, Zap Gun For Hire said: The RDC's ship is a little different as it heads straight to Cignatath Mor, near Sayuka, and stays there (though it does go after you when you approach it). This makes me think it is more tied into that questline, but I'm not entirely sure as I haven't done that quest in such a way that annoys the RDC. I don't think it's Cignath Mor but Sayuka. You can piss off the RDC by siding with the druids and taking out the local Fleet Master. IDK if this is the actual trigger or it's just all the negative rep involved, because after leaving her office you'll have to kill a bunch of her soldiers too. Edit: You can of course also do Cignath Mor in a way the RDC won't like, but it doesn't antagonize them, not by itself at least. It's just another way of providing incompetent help, which is pretty enjoyable :D I did some testing on this, as I wanted to see how various edge cases might impact the mod. I dumped all of my other non-stealthy party members back on the boat and went in by myself and my pet Murder Death Bear and had the Fleet Master get up and close and personal with both said bear and my boomstick. One rank of negative rep later (and at least one failed quest), I snuck out of the now suddenly hostile town. Apparently they have a problem with bears foraging or something? Anywho, as I said, I snuck out of town with only that one murder unfortunate accident to my name. Captain Yaro's ship DID NOT spawn in that case. Which makes me think it is only showing up because of the massive amount of negative rep that can accumulate when carving a path for FREEDOM for all druids everywhere trying to get the hell out of Dodge. Which makes sense, actually, as I didn't see any references to quest states or npc states in the code anywhere when it came to Yaro. I guess Obsidian had it spawn there as being the "most likely" spot where massive amounts of negative rep with the RDC would 'normally' occur outside of the endgame. Also kinda makes sense why the VTC one will patrol Maje Island (for the psychopaths which decide to go on a killing spree in Port Maje) and why the Principi one beelines toward Fort Deadlight (lots of in-game opportunities to get one's murder on there). And as for the Huana, I suppose folks might get a decent amount of negative rep with them in Neketaka before the end game, thus their ship is there. At the very least, it can show up post-regicide, should some folks go that route. Anyway, pretty sure it's all down to negative rep when it comes to all of these ships. Pity the RDC one doesn't give a unique weapon for the trouble of ridding the seas of their presence. Edited July 8, 2018 by Zap Gun For Hire
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