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Well apparently Bleak Walkers aren't the best peace negotiators. And apparently Martino thinks its a good idea to murder someone infront of a Bleak Walker and then proceed to pick a fight with said Bleak Walker. Didn't end well for him. Seriously.



That said I don't care enough to load back and see if I can get a peaceful resolution. It isn't like this is an out of character outcome for my Bleak Walker. If the fools are stupid enough to start a fight . . .


That said I am curious if there are any consequences further down the line. Questlines that are locked out, etc. From what I know of it the quest is fairly self contained and the only real risk is your Paladin friend and missed out rep+. I have no issues with Pal since I didn't start the fight and while a VTC ending is one route I was thinking of for this playthrough there should be plenty of other sources of VTC rep. That and I may end up going independent anyways.


But yeah, just curious before I move further forward.

Posted (edited)

Pallegina is very unhappy if we just kill one of famillies.

However if by accident negotiations will not go smoothly and bodies will hit the floor we are good to go.

She also does not protest when we descent into tresury and give a loot a rest.


Sabotage negotiations -> loot tresure=happy pallegina

at least we tried

Edited by evilcat
  • Like 2

I had to kill them during my last pt as I picked the wrong order to do the quests in. I was deadlocked in kill one or the other with no other options. Didn't notice anything negative as a result (apart from maybe -1 with VTC), but I could be wrong.



Well that is good to hear. Just feels a bit odd to be running around town after slaughtering two powerful trade families and have no one, not even the VTC HQ, comment on it. So totally self contained. Going to miss Nera though, I actually liked her. Well as much as one can like a minor NPC anyways.


  On 6/2/2018 at 7:17 AM, evilcat said:

Pallegina is very unhappy if we just kill one of famillies.

However if by accident negotiations will not go smoothly and bodies will hit the floor we are good to go.

She also does not protest when we descent into tresury and give a loot a rest.


Sabotage negotiations -> loot tresure=happy pallegina

at least we tried

Yeah I figured if the Bardetto's had no use for it, what with being dead and all, I may as well put the treasure to use. The guards objected, but I over ruled them. The Bleak Walker way.

  On 6/2/2018 at 5:20 PM, bugarup said:

What is the correct order of doing it anyway? Because I got deadlocked too, would be nice to see the alternative.

Hmm. . . I don't know about correct order. But if I am worried about it bugging out; After the duel I just rush straight from Bardatto to Valera and back to Bardatto and start piece talks. Neither of those 'side quests' need to be done and seem to put you at risk of being forced to murder folks. The quest rewards aren't super anyways. Sails and a Hull piece I think, so on a peaceful run I make sure to just rush through it. This time I didn't care so I did everything. Still dead it all in one ingame day though and it doesn't appear to have bugged. My Bleak Walker is just a poor negotiator. Well then again, she got what she wanted. She no longer has to listen to those fools bicker. So I suppose that means she is a good negotiator.

Posted (edited)

My bleak walker resolved the sidequest peacefully by threatening to murder everyone involved. I think handing in evidence of a plot against Bardatto would ruin any chance out a peaceful outcome. I only chased out the sailors for Valera before doing the meet up.

Edited by Mazama

I can't remember the exact order if you want to do all involved quests, but if you just want to make the families stop fighting, talk to the Bardatto woman and ask her about reconcilliation, then to the Valera guy and talk him into accepting a meeting, back to Bardatto, then back to Valera. If you want to do Bardatto's quest about the vault, I think you have to go and deal with the people in the Hole but not report back to her, as then she'll refuse to agree to anything besides murder, and instead get them to agree to a truce, but the time I managed to do that, it was by accident so I don't really remember.


  On 6/2/2018 at 11:36 PM, Slotharingia said:

I can't remember the exact order if you want to do all involved quests, but if you just want to make the families stop fighting, talk to the Bardatto woman and ask her about reconcilliation, then to the Valera guy and talk him into accepting a meeting, back to Bardatto, then back to Valera. If you want to do Bardatto's quest about the vault, I think you have to go and deal with the people in the Hole but not report back to her, as then she'll refuse to agree to anything besides murder, and instead get them to agree to a truce, but the time I managed to do that, it was by accident so I don't really remember.

You can report back to the Bardatto lady after overhearing the conversation in the Hole, and she'll reward you for that part of the quest. Then she wants you to go down into the vault and ambush the thieves when they show up; this is where I usually choose to go and negotiate a peace between them instead. I don't know for sure that proceeding with the vault burglary will lock out the peaceful negotiations-option, but I haven't taken the chance so far.


Oh, and remember to go speak to the heads of the two families separately after the peace talks have ended; they give you a unique weapon each when you do, even if the quest itself is listed as closed in the journal.

  • 1 month later...
  On 6/4/2018 at 2:35 PM, Kriber22 said:


  On 6/2/2018 at 11:36 PM, Slotharingia said:

I can't remember the exact order if you want to do all involved quests, but if you just want to make the families stop fighting, talk to the Bardatto woman and ask her about reconcilliation, then to the Valera guy and talk him into accepting a meeting, back to Bardatto, then back to Valera. If you want to do Bardatto's quest about the vault, I think you have to go and deal with the people in the Hole but not report back to her, as then she'll refuse to agree to anything besides murder, and instead get them to agree to a truce, but the time I managed to do that, it was by accident so I don't really remember.

You can report back to the Bardatto lady after overhearing the conversation in the Hole, and she'll reward you for that part of the quest. Then she wants you to go down into the vault and ambush the thieves when they show up; this is where I usually choose to go and negotiate a peace between them instead. I don't know for sure that proceeding with the vault burglary will lock out the peaceful negotiations-option, but I haven't taken the chance so far.


I can confirm that you can finish the sidequests for all the rewards and still bring peace to the families. (I'm guessing the vault ambush, since it's part of the main quest, will permanently destroy any chance for peace, but I didn't try.)


After you report to Bardatto about the conversation, as part of that conversation tree you can mention pursuing peace but she'll say something along the lines of "it's too late for that and come back when you've decided not be a feckless idiot." This is even further indicated by the fact that even with you saying this, the Family Pride quest journal has an entry mentioning that you agreed to support the ambush in the vault. But if you've already convinced Valera to consider peace, just talk with the Bardatto woman again, and the option is there to set up the meeting.


Also, for something that seems to be a major issue with the VTC, to the point that Pallegina will go to you (assuming she's in your party) and mention that the peaceful resolution is best, Pallegina had nothing to say when I accomplished the peaceful resolution. I didn't seem to get any repuation bump with her (though, I did get a major repuation bump with the VTC). She didn't even have anything new to say in conversation. I'm not even using her in my party all that much because she overlaps too much with the makeup of the party. (Mostly my Kind Wayfarer Inquisitor).


(Yeah, I know, if I really want to cheeseball the Paladin/Cipher combo combatwise I should go with Bleak Walker, but that means no Diplomacy or Benevolence (if I don't want to start taking defensive penalties), and actively being cruel and aggressive (if I want to get the defense bonuses). And what's the point of playing a Paladin if you're not going to go for the benefits of the extra defense you get for sticking with your desired outlooks. Diplomacy doesn't help Kind Wayfarer's, but it doesn't hurt them either. And Passion and Benevolence are easy enough to accomplish.)

  • Like 1

Before you get to the Vault quest for the Bardatto's, you have to have had the conversation with both families about a peaceful resolution. As long as you don't have the final conversation with Atello you can do the vault quest, then loot the vault for Rannig's Wrath, and then head over to Atello for a peaceful resolution.

  • 1 month later...

This quest is a prime example of how Deadfire was rushed for a release. :)

Patch 2.0.... and this quest is still buggy for some conversation choices.


Anyway, so far no one mentioned that this quest is time sensitive... Meaning, if you go sailing for a week in the middle of the quest.You will get locked in to one choice as Atellos guys will start the vault break in without you... just a Fyi.


This quest should/could be expended  hint - baldur's gate thief stronghold as bare minimum (after all its 20ish years later...) vault break can be extended, turf wars...  Delvers Row could be involved... My god, the list and options are endless. 

Right now we are left with this mess... :no:  


I made a plan to rob the vault... After all I'm playing a thief... yep the game lets you do that! Everything went without a hitch... I'm, wow i like it. Top game!!... BUT THEN yea there is a but... again...                                                


No one notices my perfect heist. Nothing not even a sad face on Ezzali the old harpy I was soo angry... :banghead:  :closed: 

I even left the vault doors open !!???!?!!??and nothing, for real!!! i tried again... i gave the items back to the owner... nothing grrrrr :fdevil: i tried 100 things and nothing worked.

I gave up. As at this point its just ridiculous. The captain guard even says they moved the stuff?!@?#!? wtf i have all your stuff you bad awful lying NPC hahah its funny in a way!


Like the quest this game should/could maybe will be a Classic. Don't get me wrong, its a great game... I reckon its do to publishers, who keep downgrading games one at a time... Some even say a rushed game is forever bad, i don't agree at all... 


This quest illustrates many Deadfires shortcomings.


Wonky dialogue if you don't follow a strict path. Literally no changes to the game world once the quest is resolved. Soo much so that if a certain person is jailed, her office is just...empty. Thirdly, one of your companions doesn't even comment on the resolution.


Deadfire really missed the boat with it's storytelling that's for sure.

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