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Found 9 results

  1. Will Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire feature human female characters and NPCs Nudity officially?
  2. Hi Obsidian ! Let's make a deal : Since we haven't reached the 4.75M Stretch Goal for "Sea Monsters & Fishing". BUT, went pretty close to it, having raised roughly about 4.7M. So, for the lack of these missing 50K.... You could just cut out the Fishing part & give us Sea Monsters ? What do you say ? Deal ? After all, 200k were raised for that goal right ? PS : The wait is....... HYPING.
  3. ​With these tags I expect at least a little traffic, so, for newcomers. Campaign​ (Read me! Human advert!) https://www.fig.co/campaigns/deadfire I'm discussing suggestions and philosophizing about design:​ It looks a bit like it might have more features than simply being a map you travel across (Information, Population, etc. "Eothas mad!!" -1000 Population, change of Faction ownership and whatnot maybe even, source). ​World Map/Global Turns/Global Timeline A discussion on Fig got me thinking... and about Readceras as well... ​Basically, how do the people of Eora communicate at long distances? Telepathy? Soul sharing? Or are Gods the operators? When Eothas is reborn, he texts everyone at the same time "I'm back"? Or other Gods pick up on it and warn their followers? How does it function? ​Let's say that they don't. It's medieval times, you have to send out runners and messengers, by horse, or bird messenger etc. it'll take weeks, months, before any decision is made. A Board Game World Map. With Global Turns, or perhaps "Global Timeline", and Faction AI taking in-game turns at the same time as the Watcher moves on the World Map. So it'd really​ become "Hunt​ a God", even on the World Map. What I'm really wondering about is what could be done with Mid-Game Turns and Late-Game Turns. ​This is just an example to give a general idea: ​Turn 1: Eothas wakes up. Takes a walk through Defiance Bay. ​Turn 5: Dyrwood refugees arrive. ​Turn 8: Eothas arrives at Nekataka. Huana sends messengers to Rauatai. ​Turn 9: Watcher arrives in Deadfire. Eothas leaves Nekataka. Turn 11: Rauatai arrives at Nekataka. ​Turn 15: Eothas destroys a village. ​Turn 20: Readceras arrives. ​Turn 1'000'000: Eora blows up. ​The Player would be able to completely ignore or intercept and act how they want. It might also not be 100% obvious "Here it is" pointers, but more or less random events occurring all around you as you travel on the World Map (because detective work and looking for clues is fun. Tracking down Eothas would be badass more than "Here I Am" on the World Map, even if he would just be patrolling A to B). Invisible Random Encounters essentially. https://i11a.3djuegos.com/juegos/11994/battle_brothers/fotos/set/battle_brothers-2761733.jpg EDIT: Sunless Sea is also a great example: http://scientificgamer.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/sunless_london.jpg ​Thoughts?
  4. Hi Guys, Wasn't this feature already in the original Pillars of Eternity ? If not, it was in Tyranny right ? Where you could tell any of your 3 companions (Verse, Lantry, KIS, for ex.), how to react in combat in certain circumstances. (Like : Protect, Full Aggro, etc) If not... what is this Player AI Scripting for Companions ? What does it bring to Obsidian for Pillars II ? Thank you
  5. I hope we'll get to see a very lot more of Eora. When you take a look at the map, it is so promising ! http://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Eora If this, is going to be 3D, I'll be even more disapointed if the Game doesn't feel really Big. Let's not care about a lot of "Travel time" between Quests blabla... Give us a mount, I wanna visit Eora. The Size of a Map is only defined by : Lengh x Width x Height, so... What's the matter ? Make it huge, (emphasize around the height ?). In any case, a ton of Hype & Hopes are happening here Godsidian is working out.
  6. To whom it may concern, Regardless of my hesitance to post (after seeing the... low response rate of actual developers or Obsidian staff members), I guess I'm writing this down anyway. I speedrun games - it's a hobby and passion of mine, and has been for several years. I have run many games, worked with developers of several of these games, and even had the opportunity to attend Summer Games Done Quick 2016, a charity event that raised quite a lot of money for Doctors Without Borders, a non-profit organization that focuses on bettering the amount of medical care in places where it would otherwise be impossible to receive medical attention. Regardless of all the rambling, I love it. I recently came across a route for South Park: The Stick of Truth in which it is theoretically possible to finish the game in under one hour and 15 minutes (in a perfect run). You can see a video of said route here (standard Youtube link). In the run, however, we utilize several... unintended effects in order to beat the game as fast as we possibly can. Sadly, however, Obsidian, as of any Build Version higher than 1353, removed many of these (let's call them what they are) exploits we make use of in the run. Even worse, possibly, is the fact that anyone who wishes to learn/run SP: TSoT simply cannot without having access to the game's previous versions (anything pre-1353). This is my question: are there any methods, legal of course, in which players, who wish to do so, may "downpatch" their game to previous build versions to allow speedruning at the highest level? I can understand if this is not a high-priority question, or even irrelevant. Developing games is a hard thing to do, and appealing to everyone is damn-near impossible. I just wanted to ask before I give up on running the game due to this unfortunate but uncontrollable situation.
  7. Does anyone actually use goldrot chew in game? I always carry some around on POTD, you never know. But not once have I identified a situation where it was needed. Perhaps someone could help shine some light on this?
  8. A friendly match, Community vs Developers. I challenged Adam jokingly on Twitter and he said "Sure. I'd be down". So who's interested? The current [Team 1] in D&D terms: Ranger: .Leif. Priest: Osvir Wizard: -Open Slot- (Can also be Cipher, Ninja) Fighter: -Open Slot- (Can also be Paladin, Barbarian) Rogue: -Open Slot- (Can also be Fighter, Assassin, Cipher) In League of Legends terms: ADC: .Leif. Support: Osvir Mid Lane, AP: -Open Slot- Top Lane, Tank: -Open Slot- Jungle: -Open Slot- I live in CET (Central European Time), that is 9 hours ahead of California and 6 hours ahead of New York. GMT+1. Here you can search for your city. Which days works best for you? - Weekdays - Weekends Weekends would work best for me. Saturday. I'll use Indira's method #IdeasNotForgotten. Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: | Sunday: As I won't be able to edit this post, I will simply copy+paste the list of participants and positions and update the thread rather than update this post. Looking forward to play with you
  9. 4:49PM for me. Im about to go eat some pizza. Buuuuuuut my apetite isnt doing so well. See my mind feels like its on acid. Im on winter break (towards the end of it anyway) Spent most of it gaming and reading manga. What a waste!!! Im an idiot... I should have been thinking about ways to confess to the person I like. Trouble is the first two people I told about my crush was 1st my best friend (let's call her Lady Crabs) & 2 a guy friend (let's call him Mr. Jacket) Heres where the DOOOOM begins. I told Lady Crabs about it & her reaction was not too enthusiastic. In fact she hasnt been talking to me for while.... Im crazy worried about her but I've got my pride so like hell im gonna try to work things out with her first! Then there is Mr Jacket who upon telling him about my feelings for his friend I soon found out that HE has a crush on ME?! That's just great! A darn love triangle! The only one who doesnt know is the fellow i have the crush on. We shall call him -> Little Slash That's all for now. Any advice for a poor love striken sap like me!!!??? I really dont wanna be crushed with this crush. Otaku Piece!
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