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Found 11 results

  1. The instant I saw the banner, I knew what I am going to spend the next week on. I am so excited!! what are some of your ideas for this contest?
  2. As the title states i find the sound the handy gnat makes when you stop using it to be depressing. Seriously this little critter spends all it's time helping you build portions of a given base structure and when you no longer need them you murder it. There's also an explosion of viscera to go with the death cry granted it is in your line of sight. They don't deserve that for the work they put in. Please consider changing this in a future patch/update.
  3. Was linked to post the suggestions on the forum, so will provide here, unsure if this is the right thread though. So am sorry if mistaken. Decoration ideas: Ominent Mug (loot from labs) Bookshelf made from weed stems. Book cover - made with pupa leather, turned into a book when gathered paper from labs. Empty paper (loot from labs)You can write on the paper, forming your own book, cataloging your findings in the yard. Name the book, and place on the bookshelf to access later. Custom sign post, either written or drawn from in the game itself. Could use the same mechanic from the frankenline. Would be neat to have both options together, making welcome signs with drawn images. Plates/bowls - Made from either leather, or acorn shells. The cookery has cooking tools for details, yet we have nothing to eat on? Rugs made from lint rope. Jack-o-lantern, made from mushrooms Holiday stockings - made from lint rope, Christmas. Makeshift Christmas tree, perhaps made from sprigs, sap, lint rope, and clay? Just an idea. Fishing rod decoration, both hanged and tool to use. - made from weed stems, sprig and lint rope. In use because, I built a pier/docks in my world on the pond. It would've been nice. Ominent Trashcan - Looted from labs Research scanner, and Surveyor. - Taken from field stations. More head and stuffed insects, we have tons of new insects without any decorations for them. Bur storage crates, small box, about the size of a ramp clay. Bur/Pupa Leather barrels, able to store water, soda, etc inside. Smaller than those acorn water storages, may not contain as much, but would look nicer for the home. The light source of a headlamp but as a decoration, am aware that it uses glow goo, but why does the headlamp shine not only brighter, but more direct? I'd rather use that as a decoration, than having a dozen sap sconce everywhere trying to brighten up a corner, when 1 headlamp would shine half the room. Pupa leather small chair, instead of grass plank chairs. Black Widow stuffed decoration, even a spiderling. Tayz.T - broken on the ground as decoration. Maybe have some broken around the yard, and give us the option to repair them to become a defensive ally for our homes. Becomes a decoration, and will be positioned to defend where we place them. Can't have them follow, since someone will take advantage and create an army to overrun the yard. Another way you could do this, is by making the assistant manager a replayable boss that can be salvaged for parts. A music player. Some tapes found in the yard, were music. It wouldn't be surprising if some were shrunk. Utilities: Small Water wheel to generate electricity. Elevator Pulley, the cost of silk rope, depends where the platform is located to connect for the length. Large storage crate, up to 60 items of storage. - Made from Bur wood, thistle needles, and sap. Paddle fishing Boat - Made from berry leather, silk rope, bur weed, and pinecone pieces. (Why a boat? I like boats.) Paint bucket - use to collect paint by the spilled paint cans, each paint bucket holds only 1 color, and 10 interaction/equips to the paint brush. After selecting that bucket 10 times, which is 50 brush strokes, you have to collect paint again by the paint can. Tools: Paint Brush - the paint bucket in your base, will contain a color you've collected. Interact with one bucket to select that color for the brush. Each interaction gives 5 strokes to paint 5 walls, or floors. Buildings to be added: Bur walls. We have floors, but why not walls? Stairs as well, stairs made with bur flooring? We also need, half-half walls, a strip of a wall. Gives us more creative options. We also need angled/ramp walls, instead of roofs. Need more free control in placement, not just grid snapping. When you don't use grid snapping, everything falls through the floor, impossible to place it. Location obstructed needs a rework, even if nothing is there, nothing, no walls, no decorations, nothing. Flat ground. Will say "Location Obstructed". Can't build. Combat: Capture nets - made from spider silk and pebble Loaded into a pebblet turret secondary fire, captures and stuns insects for a short amount of time, while you fire additional pebbles at it. If it's a flying insect, the net will ground it. I think this would've been better than a pollen turret.
  4. I really think Grounded would be really fun with split screen especially for people who have friends that own a different console or that don't own one at all so they can still play together. A survival game with split screen always sounds like a good time to me!
  5. I believe that there should be a new refrigeration system, or possibly even something that has to do with preserving and you could use the salt that was recently added. I believe it would be a great help considering all the new recipes, you would be able to have a fridge stocked full of them being preserved, doesn’t that sound awesome?!
  6. Okay! First, let me just say bravo and thank you for what has already been a super fun game to play! (and we're still in early access). With that in mind, I have some suggestions of things to improve overall enjoyment of the game and some suggestions for future development. If you read this and like my thoughts be sure to drop a like so Obsidian will notice it. Lets get started. The Obvious Things: The sap collectors. Stop making us pick the sap up one at a time! There should be some mass collect option. Please! We need an elevator option! Everyone who's a true master builder wants to make at least one "floating" base. That is EXTREMELY difficult without an elevator to bring up materials with. Even if it were for only building materials would be better than nothing, since I cant climb ladders and hold materials at the same time. Hatches! - Just as doors are to walls, hatches should be to floors. Fire Arrows. This one just makes sense. There ain't no way in hell that in a world where I was shrunk and had to fight inse... had to fight SPIDERS that I wouldn't be lighting them on fire with some Molotov ****tails and/or Flaming Arrows. "Kill it... Kill it with fire!" A boat or raft. There should be a steerable raft of some sort that we can use to fairy around on the pond with. Spider's Doom - Like the Ant-nihilator but for spiders. (I'll tell you what, if I were really shrunk I wouldn't be worried about how to better kill ants. What I would be studying? Spiders!) Tier 3 Axe - It should be a two handed item and it should be clippers. Made from ant mandibles or something that makes sense. This one should go without saying but we all want a entire crow armor set! I'm sure you're working on it already so that's not really why I bring this up. I bring this up because it should be obvious that we *want* armor sets for literally everything we can kill! (Or at least any predator). I know we aren't gonna get everything. An aphid armor set is probably never gonna see the light of day. And I get it! Some critters don't have strong enough hides to make armor sets out of. Like aphids and mosquitoes. That makes perfect sense. But some obviously can! and should taken into consideration. (IE: The Stinkbugs, The Bombadier Beetle, The Larva). The Not So Obvious Things: The Four Leaf Cover! The lucky four leaf clover should be a harvestable material. As to what for... there are a few options I could see right off the bat. First, you could have building parts that only can be made with "lucky clovers" and they could provide some sort of structure bonus or maybe just be really fancy (similar to the feather roofs)! Second, a luck tower. This would basically function as a booster for nearby structures. The mushrooms gardens would grow faster, the stem walls would be sturdier, the dew collectors would collect moisture more often. Etc. Etc. Essentially an enhancement beacon. Third, a new smoothie that gives you a percent chance to dodge attacks (or something, extra % crit, etc.). All these are nice but personally I would suggest option 4, a tier 2 shield! Just imagine it! Having a 4 leaf clover shield!! That would be super cool! As far as its bonuses there are tons of things you could do for it. It could just have more durability and a bigger threshold before getting stunned. Wielding it could give you the percent dodge bonus I mentioned. Though, I think it would be cool if (ya know, since its like all magical and lucky) it regened its durability given time out of combat! That would be sick!!! Lets be honest, farming weevil meat gets annoying. Its not hard. Just boring. It bogs down the game. So a solution to that would be awesome! (Plus there is still a chance you break your shield in combat so its not a cure all shield!) Option 5: I'm not sure that I really recommend because I'm sure many players, myself included, would abuse the heck out of this so there would need to be limitations somehow. But it would be awesome if you could make a 4 leaf clover beacon that stopped enemy spawns in a certain radius. This would let players build bases in cool areas where we otherwise wouldn't be able to. A great example is under the tree. Everyone planned on building their base there until they learned that not 1 but 2 wolf spiders spawned there! I still think option 4 is the best but figured I'd put this in here for food for thought. The Haze Reaper! So I am stealing an idea from William Akhurst Hultz's suggestion (so please go read his too) but tweaking it a little here because I think he missed some things. "Here's the idea, in the haze roams a praying mantis that has been affected by that weird fungus that's all over the place there. He attacks on sight with slashes, lunges, and stabs with his "scythe like" arms and occasionally flies up for a moment to come crashing down with a huge slashing attack." The loot that comes from slaying this beast could be his mantis arms that the players could craft into a two handed scythe weapon that would fit under the "assassin" mutation. I think having a two handed assassin weapon would be very unique and provide something new and exciting for the assassin players! A possible name for the boss could be the "Haze Reaper" and the name of the weapon could be "The Reaper's Claw". Additionally, this boss would drop the materials necessary to build "The Reaper's Mask" a mask that, like the gas mask, blocks the damage from the haze zone. However, unlike the gas mask it would not weather down given use. (Of course it can still take damage if you are attacked, like any other armor piece). This would give players a viable option to build a base in the haze zone (WHICH EVERYONE WANTS TO DO!!!) but as of right now its just not viable. Making us have to kill a boss (possibly 4 times for everyone on the squad) to get it would really make us feel like we earned it! Please consider it! (Should be a summons boss like the brood mother) Hopper's Doom! Okay so the name of this one is bad but the idea is good! (Also kinda obvious but I felt it belonged down here anyways) We have all these tadpoles swimming around and no frogs?! Dat don't make any sense... lolz. So! I suggest a three tiered new hostile creature "Frogs" that have a new deadly attack! A tongue attack that pulls players in right next to the frogs! Let me tell you, I abuse the heck out of a bow and a high rock! So an enemy that could pull me down from my safe high ground, down right next to him!! That would be scary and fun to deal with! The first tier would just be your generic pond frogs. The frog equivalent of the orbital weaver. The second tier would be poisonous frogs, aka "Poison Hoppers", that would be the frog equivalent of wolf spiders. These would obviously have poison attacks but as frogs poison usually comes from their skin I suggest not having its tongue attack be poisons us and instead make its melee attacks apply the poison. Okay so we've talked about frogs but now lets think bigger. A boss enemy. The Toad! Like the frogs he would be able to pull you in with a tongue attack but would also have a variety of other attacks. Other possible attacks could be a long jump up that ends with him crashing down where you were last standing when he jumped dealing a big aoe slam attack, a croak attack that if your in front of him dealing that melee damage would pushes you back off him and on your ass! and of course a venomous attack! Spiders aren't the only small creatures known for their venomous touch! Some of the deadliest poisons on earth are from frogs and toads. Don't let that go to waste. (Should be a summons boss like the brood mother) Loot Ideas: An suit of armor that each individual piece increases your jump height but when worn as a set give you immunity to fall damage! Come on! It makes perfect sense!!! And who doesn't want to jump and land like a superhero?! Regardless of the tier list I came up with, frogs should be an enemy in some way shape or form. Looking forward to it. Ice! Idk what for and what its benefits will be but I want to make ice! and maybe a freezer? Make it hard for me to achieve too pls! Maybe the freezer could just keep food fresh longer or something. Idk. I just want ice! Thx. PS: A personal shoutout to whomever over there at obsidian gaming drew the weird chef man as an easter egg for us more adventurous players! That **** made my day! Hilarious! Thank you!
  7. So I thought perhaps a great way to bring taming to grounded is to make a cricket fiddle you acquire cricket legs and form some sort of instrument to tame other insects.
  8. Having a blast playing this since it became available. Have a few suggestions: 1) Make pallets, chests, baskets movable without having to recycle and rebuild. 2) It's WAY too hard to find clean water. When I played multiplayer with my friend (she was host), I had markers showing me dew locations, but she did not. In single player mode I do not have them.. I could deal with the scarcity if I at least had some markers. 3) I am crashing a lot. 4) Reading tips on obtaining spider silk, the vloggers are saying you get it by hitting a web with an axe. Nothing happens when I do that (other getting murdered by a spider soon after). The silk I do have came from killing baby spiders.
  9. I play the Xbox Game pass Edition on PC and don't know if any of these bugs exist in other versions. B.U.R.G.L does not work. Namely I’ve found him at the end of my first game session and I saved and exited the game after returning to my base. When I started the game the next day he was gone, even in the old save games except the few first. But when I found him in these files I could interact with him. I started a new world to see if that would fix it, but I saw that he also wasn't there and probably is about 300cm far straight while looking at the lab entrance away (in the ground maybe even under the map). There're weird falling physics in the game. If you're standing on a plant and it gets destroyed or moved you won't fall. You will get one move before you fall. This is helpful if you're fighting, but if you land in a spider web you won't be able to get out, because you can't move and it won't update you position. The game has broken spawn mechanics. While playing I noticed that the game often duplicates animals like for example a whole ant army. Duplications are easy to spot because of two things: The sheer amount of those groups. The route of some animals is set so you can see them often crossing their paths unnatural by walking into each other or right behind each other. The Raids need to be improved. I secured my base when a group of 8 Larvae attacked me and my base (that's what I will refer to as a "Raid" because I think the game spawns every now and then a group of enemies to attack/raid you) but I killed them so I thought, because they were spawned again and again in my near surroundings and in my base so they could destroy my lean-to without breaking my base while I defend myself against the Larvae outside. Once even a Wolf spider spawned right on my wall while I killed the intruders. Different weapons are dealing all the same Damage. I used throughout the game different weapons (Axt, Speer, Dagger, every club) to kill mites and every weapon dealed about 1/5 - 1/4 of their HP. The spiders have a zone where they are raising their front legs and wait while it's possible to shoot them without doing something PS.: I really like the game and I'm playing it though the first listed bug and just hope that I can continue this world after it get fixed. PPS.: This will be posted two times: Once in the "General Discussion (No Spoilers)" channel, so people who don't want to get spoiled can see it, as well as in the "Feedback and Suggestions" channel because it's technically feedback.
  10. 1. The ability to upgrade existing structures (for example a grass wall to a stem wall) instead of having to deconstruct the structure. 2. More animals and bugs. 3. The ability to tame things. For example you could tame ants and tell them to collect pebbles or wax. 4. The ability to ride animals such as ants and bees etc. 5. Something to change the terrain. For example if you want to build your base in your own deep custom cave or something. 6. Different material tools, (like wood stone and diamond etc in Minecraft) although there might be I'm not too far into the game. 7. Maybe add RC vehicles or buildable sailboats etc. 8. Everytime I build my base a Wolf Spider eventually comes along and doesn't go away, and keeps hitting my base until it's gone. Please fix this. 8. More areas, we want to see the inside of the house, we want the neighbour's garden we want alot. Maybe a sandpit biome or something. 9. Bigger backpacks. That you craft. 10. Maybe this is pushing it but a skill tree. I think this would really make the game boom. For example a skill to see which direction the nearest spider is in for example. 11. A compass at the top of the screen. 12. Saddles and stuff to ride bugs and spiders. Cant think of anything else, this game has been absolutely brilliant and these are my ideas for it. I'm gonna be playing this for a really long time yet.
  11. I'm playing Grounded with my friends on Xbox One and we are having so much fun with the game! We found a little problem that "froze" our game! We found that you can send feedback using directional arrows but we also found that sending the feedback will "freeze" the game.. the game is not actually frozen (the time keeps going and the insect also move) but there's a window telling you to "press A" that you cant exit! Only closing the game helped us... Hopefully the save system let us not loose too much progress! Hope our feedback is usefull! The game is awesome and we will continue playing it as soon as possible! Sorry for my bad english but i'm italian and its hard for me to writa a full article in english! Love from Italy! Ciao
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