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Found 10 results

  1. So, I want to meet Azzuro finally, and was inclined to use console commands, but on the wiki it says SendStrongholdVisitor tag String Sends the specified visitor to your stronghold, triggering their arrival. Now, where can I find the 'tag string' info? It isn't simply the name, and I can't find any code or something in the wiki. Do I have to get lucky once and get Azzuro regularly and then check his ID and write it down? Or is there another site to get me that info?
  2. i have installed unity engine sucessfully. it even created the patch & launcher after i dragged the pillars deadfire .exe,. when starting the game a small window appears, which it is upposed to happen. but when i press ctrl + f8 nothing happens. what is the problem ?
  3. Is there a console command to add specific god challenges?
  4. Is there a console command for retraining characters?
  5. Not sure if this is the right place for it, but I feel like this is where people go when they have problems, so putting solutions here seems natural. Press ~ to open the console and type 'Iroll20s' to enable cheats. Press ~ again and type 'removestatuseffect <character> Fractured_Bullet_SE_ProjectileMultX3' Press ~ and type 'Iroll20s' to disable cheats. For <character>, the PC is 'Player_<YOURNAME>'. Not sure about companions. Try their name, or 'Companion_<NAME>'. So for Xoti, 'Companion_Xoti'. You might have to use Fractured_Bullet_SE_ProjectileMultX2 instead, but X3 is what did it for me. Fair warning, this will probably disable achievements for that save game..Anyways, that fix worked for me. A temporary fix until it's patched. Don't equip Eccea's (Cursed) Arcane Blaster again until it's fixed. If you accidentally do, you know how to fix it now.
  6. Here's a simple guide to get a helmet for your Godlike character. You need to have the ability to change your race. To do this, you'll need either the paid Cheat Happens trainer or a free Cheat Engine table for Pillars of Eternity. Google is your friend. As far as I know, console commands can't change race, but if they can then that should work as well. Step 1: Get the trainer or Cheat Engine working. Step 2: Change your race to any non-godlike race. This will not change your appearance, but it will unlock the helmet slot. Step 3: Equip any helmet. Step 4: Change your race back to your original Godlike race. The helmet slot will be locked out, but you are still wearing the hat, and gain all it's bonuses. Please Note: Parts of the Godlike head is actually "hair", so most hats and helmets remove those excotic parts. Horns are always part of the head, and remain visible. Thankfully the Death Godlike growths are part of the "hair". Death Godlikes have red eyes and it seems that their faces are complete, even though we were never meant to see them. Ears on the other hand are incorrectly flesh colored. Flavor text: Fire Godlikes will always have horns poking out from the helmet, but that doesn't bother me. I think my elf bodied female Fire Godlike looks rather cute in that hood. And if your worried about going against the established lore, you could imagine that the hood on your Fire Godlike is made from fire retardant cloth, and that there are holes for the horns to stick out. Originally I wanted to play a human looking Death Godlike, and created a human character and then changed my race and added the Death Godlike ability, and this seemed to work. Unfortunately, since leveling your character is a variation of the chracter creation, it automatically changes your appearance to the correct race. I think you could circumvent this by always changing your race back to human before leveling your character, to keep your human appearance, and afterwards change back to Godlike. Why Would You Do This: Quite frankly, most of the Godlike heads are not pleasant to look at. Compare that rather attractive female Fire Godlike portrait to the actual heads, and you'll see the point that quite many have made. Or maybe you'd like to get the helmet bonuses, for gameplay purposes. Anyway, this is basically cheating. Sometimes, mods just aren't the answer.
  7. The Skill cheat command in the console does not appear to work as advertised. My character has 10 mechanics When I say "Skill player mechanics 15" I get a message saying "Player_New_Game(Clone)_0's Mechanics is now 15". However when I look at the character sheet, her mechanics skill is 25. Also if I save and reload, the skill level reverts back to 10. So it seems that the command somehow adds to the skill instead of changing the base value and the effect is not permanent. As a feature request, it would also be nice to have a AddSkillPoints command which would add skill points to be spent at the next level up instead of just setting the skill level to a flat value.
  8. So, community, will you please help me with an unanswered question of mine (?): Does using cheat, I roll 20s, command codes change the game history and/or it's ending in any way? Like, in: is there some ending(s) that is(are) only possible to achieve if you never use "IRoll20s" command ever in the game? I take this opportunity to ask, please keeping spoiler free, how many different endings the game has and if there is any kind of "true ending" or "best ending of all" of any kind, please. Thank you much for a the help.
  9. Description: Get unlimited Amulets Step 1: During the 'His Old Self' quest, side with the original Purnisc and kill the wizard. Step 2: Go back to the Goose and Fox and talk with Kaenra Step 3: Lie to her (Do not tell her Purnisc deals or she won't talk to you again), give her the ring. Step 4: She gives you the amulet, talk to her again https://www.dropbox.com/s/h1kje24qx8n9z0i/UnlimitedAmulet.zip?dl=0
  10. Your rogue sneakily enters an unguarded house in the dead of night, pickpockets a drawer next to a sleeping patron and opens it. Ruffling through all the goodies inside, the person sleeping on the bed awakens and calls out for help. Somehow, despite closed windows and doors, and despite there being no guard on the street for 2 blocks, a guard magically appears at the entrance to confront you. Upon initiating a fight, suddenly 5 more appear. Something I think I'd appreciate in P.E. is, aside from summons or other magical means, I don't feel enemies should spontaneously spawn anywhere. I'd also appreciate it if information traveled in a believable manner - for example, instead of having guards who are super man and can hear a cry for help from miles away and instantly travel at the speed of sound to the location of trouble, have guards who only hear things within earshot. I'd much rather see someone whose house is getting robbed run out the door for dear life yelling for help till they got to the guard station or found some guards to help. Instead of a failed pickpocket resulting in a save and reload, don't ever tell us if it's a success or a failure. Simply have some people be a little more subtle... since you're clearly too much for them, have them simply walk to the nearest guards or guard station and report it. Some will turn to let you know you've been spotted and confront you, return it or pay the consequences (be it them fighting you or friends). Have some illicit all the NPCs in proximity to mob you and your party "Hey, this guy stole my coins!". A little diversity in the reaction to being robbed would be nice.
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