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Found 5 results

  1. I got around to playing today, and I've noticed all my characters' speech gets cut off if I click on someone else or someone else says a battecry, "ouch", etc. The spell sounds, "moeth ixi anath" etc get cut off as well if anyone else makes a sound, interrupting it. Has anyone found a workaround for this? Is this ever going to be fixed? I've done some research and this bug seems like it's been going on for a while, but I have seen some YouTube videos where the game seems to work fine. I think this really ruins the immersion =/ Any advice or help would be truly welcome.
  2. Greetings, During combat when player characters play a sound from its voice-set files - like battle cry, spell incantations, status notifications or any other voice effort and then take any other action, take or deal damage, the previous sound playback is cut off instantly and is being replaced by next sound. For example: - When player character "A" cast a spell and play incantation sound and then player character "B" take damage in same time, then the incantation sound from character "A" is cut off instantly. - When player character is poisoned and play notification sound "I am poisoned ... babble " the poison deal damage at the same time which in turn cause character to play damage received effort sound file and cut of previous sound. In slow mode the sound plays for a little bit longer before it is cut off. - When player character cast a few spells in a row - only first one can be heard. Game version 2.03 + DLC 1 - Galaxy GOG auto installer. I'm not sure but if I recall correctly this bug was introduced in patch 1.03 - the one with new voice sets added and audio loop fix. There was similar bug in Neverwinter Nights 2 which has never been fixed. Pleas fix this bug. Thank you very much.
  3. So I began playing the game yesterday and really got into it in no time at all. I am really pleased with the intricacies of the game logic and love the narrative writing. The visuals and music are also absolutely stunning. The one little glitch-type issue I am running into, which is rather disorienting after getting immersed in the game, is that sometimes the character voice overs start part-way through their dialogue. This has happened from time to time both in legitimate dialogue as well as when characters speak to comment on something while just wandering around. An example of this is would be if a character were to say something like: "We should be careful in this place." the text will display just fine (thank goodness) but the audio voice over might start somewhere like: ". . .ul in this place." Although I often read subtitles and such, it is still really bothersome. I have not seen any other posts about this issue and thought that if anyone else was experiencing they could comment, suggest fixes, or get Obsidian's attention to patch it.
  4. I know the developers have stated that the game won't be fully voiced-over because of the budget, but it will have voice in some parts, mostly when a major character initiates dialogue or something similar, like the old IE games did. Of course this is reasonable and anyone can understand it. Now; I started playing Divinity: Original Sin, another game I've backed (I believe most of you know about this game), a game with much lower budget and I have to say I loved what they've done with the voice-over. There is no voice in any dialogue, but every other NPC talking is voiced, and voiced well. This way the game feels so much more alive. You hear the people talking to each other at the market or the harbour, or the enemies saying things before they attack you and nice stuff like that. I think it is a great idea Obsidian can borrow and add it on top of the partial dialogue voice.
  5. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/62190-martyr-like-paladinsaint/ Now, this sparked a thought.. how does Aumaua talk? Are there chances for Race specific Speech techniques? Could it be a racial benefit if your Orlan knows a language you do not (for diplomatic purposes, or maybe even for that ancient deciphering of that ancient book)? Would it or could it solve some balancing issues we've discussed in other "Speech Skill" related topics? Could Persuasion be specific to the Orlan's because they are born with the language of "Telepathy" or whatever?
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