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Found 7 results

  1. I am not certain if this has been asked, I have been looking through the known information provided, and was really curious. Will Project Eternity allow us to create our own persistent worlds, much like Neverwinter Nights 1 and 2? My main reason for asking is that, I have been playing a lot on a Planescape server in NwN 2 and getting a new system that would allow new players/builders/modders to bring these worlds to life would certainly strike my fancy. Having a robust system that allows players to create their own worlds would also increase the lifespan of the game itself, heck there are people still consistently logging on Neverwinter Nights 1 to play on the custom roleplay servers today. Now I know it may not always be feasible, especially since multiplayer can really be a drain on resources, but I just think giving a new system and toolset to work with would allow for more of these types of servers to take hold, there are a lot of talented people out there. Would love to hear other's thoughts on this, especially should any developers wish to respond. Thank you for your time.
  2. If it was a fact that hell existed and it is 100% for sure that evil people go to hell - wouldn't you try to be good? One thing which really bothers me is that in a lot of fantasy settings the people of those realms *know* for sure that gods and the associated powers exist. Also, it is a fact that there is a hell and heaven (or multiple hells, heavens etc.) as in Forgotten Realms or Planescape settings. For instance, in Planescape Torment, every person living in Sigil knows there exists multiple planes of hell/heaven, and you end up at hell if you are an evil person. Hell is not a nice place and a sane person would certainly not want to spend an eternity there among demons and such. Therefore, regarding the evil characters in these fantasy settings (apart from the crazy ones), isn't there a very strong motivation for them to actually try to be good? For example in real life, since it is not 100% for sure after-life exists, the only factors restraining people from committing *evil actions* (yes, very subjective in some cases) are things such as the laws, their conscience and beliefs. I am sure people would think a second time before committing crimes etc. if it was a common fact that after-life existed and you would be punished in hell for sure (even if you were able to get away with it in real life). I think you get the point. Sorry, if this philosophical aspect had already been covered on the forums, but this has been one of the questions which started bothering me especially while I was playing PS:T. It certainly decreases the realism of any setting IMHO and lawful evil (smart evil) characters don't seem to make much sense in such settings. (Only if they pursue immortality to avoid their fate or try to redeem themselves in order to go to the neutral or good heavens)
  3. I always wondered why there was never another game based on the Planescape setting, not even close as far as I know. It allowed for such a broader range of potential, weird characters, and fantastic situations than the traditional 'elves, dwarves, mages and humans-with-swords' fantasy setting. I realize PE isn't going to be in this setting, but any chance of adding a dash of it to the game? Maybe an NPC who is a Modron or some berk from Sigil, or even a quick side quest to one of the planes? There are such colorful and trippy possibilities.
  4. According to the fact that Project Eternity is the closest thing to a sequel to Planescape: Torment we'll ever see, what will you people miss the most from the ol'game? Maybe some of it is to return (slang ? complex architecture? amnesic he... no, wait), some will probably not. I liked the D&D Planescape's settings. Portals that could be opened anywhere at anytime, mostly accidentaly: the world felt mysterious and insecure. I also liked gods being tangible and having bad temper. Above all, I liked the alignment system. I know, I know, this is often despised, but in Planescape, it is so absurd (the whole universe is based on alignements) it is brilliant and offers the best dialogue trick I have ever seen in a videogame: the ability to lie, in a relevant way. You know, dialogue options where you could choose "1. [truth] I like you" or "2. [lie] I like you" etc. Dialogues shaped your alignment, and in Planescape, your alignement mattered (where in Forgotten Realms/Baldur's Gate it does not do anything). I will miss that for I see no way to redo it without copying. What about you?
  5. Finding out about Project Eternity and pledging for the Kickstarter on day one really got me back in the mood to go back and replay the old Infinity engine games. Now, my original 4 CD version of Planescape: Torment was no longer up to the task, but thankfully there's GOG.com. Reinstalling it and the conveniently linked mods to beef up the game's resolution I soon came to a somewhat surprising conclusion: Even though the game is now almost thirteen years old it still looks stunning. Really, get your copy on GOG.com and load it up with the mod for higher resolutions. It's beautiful. Quite frankly, even though so much time has passed and graphics engines are so much powerful today I really wouldn't mind a game that looks like Torment because the art quality is astonishing. All it needs are tweaks to the character models and the inclusion of animations to the 2D background itself: licking flames, curtains moving in the wind, stuff like that. But other than that? Give me game that looks like the 13 year old Torment and I'll be happy!
  6. Will we finally be able to cast 'a spell that teleports an opponent?s scrotum into his stomach to get digested'? Or, more importantly, will I finally be able to teleport an opponent's scrotum into someone else's stomach? If it actually made it into Planescape Torment, I somehow missed it... As a wider discussion, does anyone want to see any weird and wonderful spells/items in Eternity? If so, what sort of thing? I'm personally up form ever bit of humor they can get into the game, in whatever insane for it takes.
  7. Wasn't sure where to ask this, but would anyone at Obsidian happen to have Ye Olde resources for Planescape: Torment? Such as models, textures, render scenes, design documents, or... dare I ask, the source code for the engine? Trying to dig out the individual projectile & spell sequence code in the engine with OllyDbg is like trying to do the samba through a ten-foot high bramble patch with nothin' but yer skivvies on. Sure, I mean, I've *located* the parts of the .exe that parse and process the spell sequences, but ugh - it's just such an enormous hassle and there's no promise of success... and even without hacking, there is only so much DLTCEP can do. I would consider remaking PS:T in NWN2, but 3D engines (Aurora, and beyond) just do not have the same, marvelous storybook quality that the old Infinity Engine has... and that's something I *sorely* miss in today's rpgs.
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