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Found 7 results

  1. Late game. FS and BoW completed. I've been ambushed twice on the streets of Neketaka: by followers of Skaen/Woedica and Magranites. Did I hurt their gods' feelings at some point of the game?
  2. Gonna be streaming Magran's Fires Berath & Magran's Challenges. I will usually stream between 3pm - 11 pm CEST. The challenges are: Berath's Challenge: Any party member Knocked Out for 6 seconds is Killed Cannot flee from combat Magran's Challenge: The game cannot be paused The game time cannot be slowed In addition the challenges force you to go PoTD & Upscaling. Party Composition: Devoted/Skald Bleak Walker/Streetfighter Priest of Eothas Evoker Wizard Devoted/Assassin Playthrough will be uploaded to my youtube channel once I'm done. Eventually I will make Build Guides for my each individual party member. Channel links: Twitch Channel Youtube Channel Donate via Streamlabs
  3. This is a really minor bug, but from a role-playing sense seems important. At the end of the Storms of Poko Kohara quest, when you're inside the corrupted adra, you are talking to the souls there and you can try to convince some of them to leave before fighting. There's one dialogue tree where you try to explain that there's nothing divine here. One of the choices, for example, is to show them Beza's Pages. Another is unlocked, in part, if you're a Priest: Magran. (See screenshot below) Only problem is that this Priest: Magran option is a "diplomatic" option, and "diplomatic" is a disfavored reputation for a magranite priest. It seems like an oversight and an error that being a magranite priest opens up an option that Magran herself would disapprove of. It should probably not be a diplomatic option, or it should not be unlocked as a possible option for a magranite priest. Here's a dropbox link to a save right before the dialogue in question: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/di7yxu0zeps0abm/AAA_eXgWHivZTQtpf1RsbN3ta?dl=0
  4. Hello Friends, I love RPG games but because I think I suffer some degree of OCD, It become HELL to try to create a character when a game forces you to. So many options... I usually have to restart over and over because I don't know what I want to play. Not this time. This time I've already made my mind. I want to play a dwarf priest of Magran. Shield/Sword and Arquebus. I already have the portrait. What I need is advice in how to distribute the stats. According to the game, a priest needs Intelligence, Might, Resolve and Dextery. But I've read Perception is a MUST for casters (a priest is a caster, isnt?). So, how should I distribute the stats? I don't want to min/max. I want to roleplay the character, so, What's the best dwarf race? What would be the best origin and background? Thank you in advance
  5. Looking to make an Officer inspired Priest of Magran build. Mostly an RP for Normal or possibly Hard difficulty with companions from the game. Almost like Cadegund from the companions that were dropped before release. Think heavy plate, arquebus, sword and shield. Anyone got any tips for stats, talents, gear to look out for (and what quests to do to get that gear)? Would appreciate any tips and hints at all. I know I want to play Human (Meadow Folk), and that I want to be a Priest of Magran and Mercenary background. But other than that I am flexible. Thanks alot!
  6. Hello, I know this is jumping the gun given that the game doesn't have all of the expansion packs, and given that a modding framework hasn't been devised yet(and may be difficult given certain design choices). However, I know that a lot of people have wanted romantic options in the game given the lengthy romance threads, and it seems likely that if romances will exist in Pillars of Eternity, that modders will have to add them at some point. Because of this, it seems reasonable to maybe start thinking on the groundwork of this, particularly the idea of modding a Durance romance. After all, Durance has a lot of the qualities needed for an interesting romance: complicated emotions, deep internal struggle, passion, you name it. There has never been a character more ready for romance in any IE style game in history than Durance(Look at all of the problems the BG2 chicks and Anomen had). Here's what I'm thinking: Requirements: -Female (I'm getting more of a traditionalist vibe from him) -Orlan (obviously) -Priestess of Eothas (again, obviously) Major themes would likely be his deep abiding love of Magran, and his sense of guilt at killing Eothas, where the romantic protagonist helps Durance overcome these feelings and find peace in switching over to becoming a priest of Eothas(I'm not sure how hard that'd be to change, or whether gameplay-rp separation would be necessary). Obviously any suggestions would be helpful. (My apologies if this is the wrong forum)
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