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Found 11 results

  1. I'm putting together an article over on the wiki (https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Pillars_of_Eternity_II:_Deadfire_backer_created_content) which aims to list all of the backer-created (or at least backer-inspired) content that was added to the game as a result of the Fig campaign. While I have some of this already - since they can be inferred by their debug names, a lot of it I have no clue about and could really use some help on. If you backed one of the below tiers, or know any information regarding (perhaps the devs have a list?), please leave a reply below, it would be much appreciated! If you would like your name/handle attributed to the item alongside the listing on the wiki (knowing well that it is a public site), feel free to add this information too. The categories which I need input on are as follows: Items in the "Create an Item" and "Create an Item II" rewards tiers, should be at least 35. Portraits in the "Portrait In-Game" tiers I through IV, should be at least 18. (see https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Category:Pillars_of_Eternity_II:_Deadfire_portraits) Spells in the "Create a Spell" tier, should be at least 3. Inns in the "Create an Inn" tier, should be at least 3. Islands in the "Own an Island" tier, should be at least 2. The soulbound item that was created by backer in the "Top Backer" tier. Additionally, there are some discrepancies between the amount of claimed rewards, and the actual content in-game. For example there seems to be only 8 backer NPCs, while there have been 10 rewards claimed. Is there any particular reason for this? Since I don't want to force people over to another site, here is what I've got so far: Pets (complete): Super Pets (complete): Items (incomplete): NPCs (complete?): Portraits (incomplete): I got nothing, see https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Category:Pillars_of_Eternity_II:_Deadfire_portraits Spells (incomplete): Also nothing Pirates: Inns: Nothing Islands: Nothing Soulbound items: Nothing
  2. Hi all. When I backed the game on Fig during crowdfunding campaign, there was a possibility to add Audio CD physical soundtrack of the game as an add-on reward (not part of any tier, but added physical item, like those tin figurines of Aloth, Edér and Pallegina were). However, the reward was not delivered with the rest and I didn´t find any info about it anywhere. I contacted the support about this and got no answer at all. This add-on cost 20 USD. Any info about this? Thanks for help
  3. I'm a fig backer and I have just claimed my steam key for POE2, however I noticed that the key I was given is for the deluxe version, which does not contain the DLC, I purchased the DLC as an addon during the fig campaign so I'm wondering if I was given a wrong key or if I will be given another key later to add the DLC? Sorry if I posted this in the wrong place btw, I couldn't find a "fig backer support page" or something like it.
  4. Hey there, are there any new informations about the little but nasty problem concerning that nifty Scavenger Hunt and GOG.com users? I know that there was an older comment from a few weeks ago but since then there was silence. Just asking because the game launch is tomorrow and comming from fig I chose the GOG key over the Steam key some time ago....
  5. Hello there! I'm really confused by what I should get with my pledge. I saw few topics where people were asking about Season Passes for their orders. So, I choose the "Complete Pillars Bundle" since the Fig campaing and right now I got PoE2 Ultimate Fig Edition and I don't see Season Pass on my DLC list on Steam. So, does my pledge contain the Season Pass and I will get it in the future or I'll need to buy it seperately? Thanks for any helpful answer in this topic!
  6. I am a Fig backer and would like to know if there is a way to upgrade your Fig pledge. I've tried looking on the Fig website multiple times but can't find any option to do it. I know there is a slacker backer option available, but from my understanding that is only possible if you haven't pledged yet. I'm mainly looking for options to pay for extra addons of my pledge, like beta test , DLCs, obsidian shirt, cookbook, etc. Is this still possible?
  7. A thread about the goodies you can additionally buy through Fig! I myself was very tempted by companion figurines, but I guess they just cost too much. However I bought the hardcover lore book, ever since I was very happy with the quality of the first one and it had been invaluable in terms of looking up less known lore. The shipping costs made me cry, but as it is said "no pain, no gain". I would also like to have vanilla Pillars of Eternity T-shirt. Or maybe even a Pillars of Eternity hoodie! What would you all like to be added to the add-ons? And what stuff did you buy from existing add-ons?
  8. So I was umming and erring about whether to back Deadfire as I'm starting up at University this week and won't have a lot of time to play video games (also weighing the financial reasons). I finally bit the bullet figuring that I'd buy it eventually anyway, so I made a "slacker backer" pledge last night, but the Fig amount never changed (it was $4,407,598 both before and after my pledge). Is the amount just not changing anymore? I thought that if - even after the Fig campaign ended - the money amount was reached then a stretch goal would still be implemented?
  9. Hi, I'm a fan of the first game and was a backer on kickstarter. Now, the new method of backing on which doesn't give me the option to pay with anything else than credit card (paypal hello ?). That's simply a no go for me. Also the shipping costs of 25 Dollars to Europe, for physical copies are ridiculous. So in light of this I wont be a backer this time. Hope this is the right forum for my king of comment. Greetings from Luxembourg
  10. For the Pillars of Eternity campaign I chose the $65 tier which included a physical and digital version of the game. I used the digital key to activate and play, so I'm not sure if the physical version could be used without opening the box. I'm not dead set on this, but since I have an unopened box of the original game, I thought it would be nice to also have an unopened box for the sequel. I'm going to sound very cheap now, but I am trying to figure out the most cost-effective way to achieve this goal. The only tier I see for Pillars of Eternity 2 that includes a physical and digital copy is the $149 Collector's Edition (I could be mistaken on this). It specifically calls out that having two copies means I won't need to open the box. My question is this, if I want to play the game without opening my physical copy, am I required to purchase the $149 tier? Or will I be able to purchase a cheaper tier that includes a physical copy and activate without opening?
  11. Well, isn't there a topic about that yet? Maybe it's my own or the forum's forum searching skills that let me down here, but anyway: Psychonauts 2 is on the way :D I am so looking forward to seeing this come to life! Even if it's on a Doublefine schedule for 2018, meaning it will appear around christmas 2020, hehe, but I don't care because one day, I'll play it and enjoy its quirky goodness. Oh, crowdfunding here: https://www.fig.co/campaigns/psychonauts-2 Meaning: Feargus is into it as well.
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