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Everything posted by BattleCookiee

  1. I've increased my lowest skill once before talking to her (about 10 points) but still no bonus to any of these 2... Now I know I don't botter anymore and just talk right away after convo ends to get XP/Improved amount of FP <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Like I said before (read quote) I invested lots of points and got no bonus. It just AIN'T working All I know is prior to the lesson my awareness was 16, afterwards it was 17 and since that was the only difference I guess it worked. I think you need a certain ammount of influenence to trigger the lesson, and choose a certain conversation option which leads her to telling you all about skills and doing things that are not force related. 2 skill points for a sentinel with 16 int isnt the most useful thing in the world. By the time I got to the final workbench I could craft anything except the stealth line and had about 20 points over in some fields. Of course a sentinel/watchman with 16 int is very much overkill in the skills department. Plus I took demolitions and repair as cross class feats so I had every skill as a class skill. Demolitions is very handy cross class on character generation (especially on hard) for the mines in Peragus. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Logical you got +1 awarness, as that is a reward of one of Kreia's (first if I recall correct) vision lessons. That bonus is not bugged and given, resulting in the +1 in awarness skill, it has nothing to do with the skill lesson, though
  2. The Quest: Tell Grenn, than the shopkeeper closest to the door. Then the actual smuggler (the other shopkeerper). You can only tell Grenn about him if you agreed to help him get the stuff he wanted.
  3. If you do want to read it you can always visit the Logs (Quest tab).
  4. Lucky, the first time I was at this scene I got Mandalore's convo already at the Battle Ring, whitout even hitting one assasin or left for the other side of the camp
  5. Well, they tried some more messages, but they got cut (by LA): Announcments: 1. Anouncement of anouncement of patch coming soon 2. Anouncement of patch coming soon 3. Patch coming soon 4. Patch done, gathering form LA's QA department of the Zoo's primate house coming soon 5. LA's QA gathered, testing soon 6. testing done, finalizing soon 7. finalizing done, uploading soon 8. Uploading done, download available soon 9. Download available, upgrade to upgrade software to allow patch install coming soon 10. Upgrade software upgrade complete, coming soon 11. Upgrade software update available, patch coming soon 12. patch available (soon) 13. 1 APRIL!!!! It is impossible to know where the development is now...
  6. You can try to reconfigurate the WASD buttons to the up-down-left-right buttons or if you changed it from WASD change it back to WASD. It looks like either left or right is detected as pressed the whole time and maybe if you change the buttons for those it will stop. (no idea why, or if it is so, but it looks that way) Doesn't hurt trying atleast... (Advice: post this bug also in the Sticky Bug Thread) That's all I can think off, at any rate...
  7. "Silly Jedi" Just the way it's said... (w00t)
  8. OR: It's simple - when you want a man, you jab him with a Bothan Stunner, then while he's screaming in pain, slap some stun cuffs on him. {Completely matter-of-fact, disturbingly so}Then starve him for two or three days until he becomes open to suggestion, then double-check his bounty and see if he's worth anything.{Slightly confused}That sounds more like hunting.{Shrugs}Call it what you want. Me, I love my targets.
  9. As I heard it (weeks ago) it was already in QA. Quite odd they (most likely) jack KOTOR 2 through QA in a week or such (looking at the amount of bugs and cut-off story) but the patch seems to get a REAL long testrun. Dudes, if you wanted it bugless, you should have tested it thoroughly before the shipping, not now with some patch...!!! The longer it takes, the more I believe LA's QA is build of Chimps under supervision of kumquatq3...
  10. Did you start the quest by showing Lt. Grenn the modded gun?
  11. The Medlab is only there during the slaves encounter (could be that they used KOTOR1's Ebon Hawk during that fight, is there a swoop racer at Bao-Dur's place? (If it is I don't know how I could miss it) or they removed the swoop but kept the medlab (is the hidden compartment from KOTOR1 there too?)?. The console to open the door is at the reactor. There are 4 blue defense turrets in the roof before the console. Use it and a room filled with bots and the huge military door will open. Also these 4 turrets will go hostile.
  12. Try lowering your graphical options and add the line: Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1 Under [Graphics Options] in swkotor2.ini in the Kotor2 folder...
  13. Either have Mira or Handmaiden with you when you talk to the Twilek
  14. Be glad it's not Duke Nukem Forever's soon (yet)
  15. OrganisedChaos Sith Lord it is...
  16. Look here: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?sh...72entry283572 Even 4 save games (and none of them are mine, so no problem with e-voodoo either )!!!
  17. I've increased my lowest skill once before talking to her (about 10 points) but still no bonus to any of these 2... Now I know I don't botter anymore and just talk right away after convo ends to get XP/Improved amount of FP
  18. If somebody wants to borrow money you tell him: "No I can't, you will be beated around the corner and get very unhappy if I give you money" If you try to get Juma Juice in a cafe If you ask in the same cafe if the next room is human-friendly or has poisonos gasses. If you tell somebody to jump off a building and they respond: "Yes, faster down" You refer to "meatbag" when talking about humans (for men): When your GF tells you: "I love you", you respond with "I love you too", then pick a sniper rifle and blast here (for female): When your BF tells you: "I love you", you respond with "I love you too", knock him cold with a stun prod and starve him... You dress yourself up like Mira or Atton When somebody says: "I've got a bad feeling about this" you respond with "OMG, where's the Quicksave button!?!" You break into somebody's house, kill them and wonder why the TSF/cops are searching for you
  19. Only the parts from Peragus/Telos droids can be bought by other droids on the 4 planets (meaning the're are 2 of these pieces). The chassis and the item Kotin (on Nar Shaddaa) sells are one of a kind though...
  20. It's KOTOR1's..., but that makes only the end a bit different from the Movies/KOTOR2/other SW things
  21. The forgotten things (2): The Swoop-racing droid and talk to T3 about "How did you find me on Goto's yacht?"
  22. 1st time: 28 (got this lvl just before final fight) (normal run) Second: 29 (almost 30, 2000XP short) (tried to scrap every single XP except for Korriban glitch...)
  23. Know what you mean (see avatar), he has also very dark black smoke taking up 75% of the screen. I also had a problem of a DS Hanharr being pink/purple-like (not the back, Hanharr himself!) during a level up. That was a very odd graphical bug though, no alligment bug.
  24. kalimeeri, It is Revan who shot him, he tells you himself... The Computer on Kashyyyk wasn't programmed by Revan, but by the Rakatan. Revan proved worthy, that's why he was allowed. Because of the change in Revan he had to do a new run... Altough it was build in by the Rakatan that almost nobody was allowed to communicate... Revan did wipe some files and such from the Computer, but he didn't build in the checks and such. Kreia's incapitation: Unknown, she might very well be alright the whole journey, keep it looking like she's dead.
  25. Too bad, co-op Kotor would rock (if it get's a bit harder otherwise 3 good players can breeze through it fast (the main difficulty of the difficult KOTOR2 fights was the fact Teammates ignored all your orders if not selected))
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