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Everything posted by Namutree

  1. All of the attributes are going to be about just as good as each other outside of combat. CON can be a dump stat though depending on your class, build, and whether you intend to reach max level.
  2. Will you guys gonna be unlocking PoE at midnight or are we gonna have to wait till like noon or something?
  3. You'd better. The game manual is gonna be the PoE wiki all over again.
  4. Well you may see the changes as insignificant but I think for minority groups they matter. For example in PoE we see African American races that have been very well received. The issue Bruce is that Obsidian makes such characters because Obsidian honestly wants to make them, and when developers instead make such characters simply for the sake of representation is shows because they will be designed very poorly since the artists don't put their heart into it.
  5. Not to mention that their games are fun. We all know how SJW's feel about fun. Only a misogynerd would want games to be fun.
  6. We'll make a mod for water godlike for these!
  7. Yup. Interrupt ends engagement giving the player a few seconds to retreat without penalty. They kinda freeze up animation wise, the combat log tells you that you have interrupted the enemy, and the arrows indicating engagement disappear. So yeah, it's easy to tell that they're interrupted. The enemies have a recovery bar that you can see so you know the duration.
  8. Good idea. I like that my thread is back! Yes. If you move while engaged; you get hit by a disengagement attack. There lots of ways to get around engagement. You could for example use knockdown with a fighter. Or knock the enemy away with a Monk. Interrupts also end engagement so there are ways out even for non-rogues. Nope.
  9. I don't recall seeing any instant invisible auto attacks from even the slightest bit of movement in real life. Please show me any evidence that in a fight if you move at all you get hit by an invisible disengagement attack instantly from no discernible source. The fact that fighters can engage more enemies is utterly meaningless. Being engaged only matters for you; not the enemy as they never disengage (with or without the mechanic). Fighters are not built around engagement as engagement does nothing for them, or anyone else.
  10. For men I usually use Volan For women I usually use Teyna
  11. I pronounce Aumaua as, "ow-mow-ah".
  12. Seriously Namu? Be respectful. It was the armor and color scheme of the portrait that made me think of Oblivion model. I didn't mean any disrespect.
  13. Good luck to them retreating. *tries to run* DISENGAGEMENT PENALTY!
  14. How much $$$ do you need to make and post more of these? EDIT: I can't stop my instinct to double post!
  15. Yah get a life Sensuki He has a life; it's PoE.
  16. How about this for a Fire Godlike? If I was playing a female Fire Godlike wizard, that is *exactly* the picture I would want to use. I'd use it for a monk with armor myself.
  17. This guys artwork has made the custom portraits thread I started obsolete.
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