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Everything posted by Namutree

  1. How would that be refreshing? Animosity between races in fantasy is so tired and cliche. It would have been the opposite of refreshing; I would have been rolling my eyes, "Here we go again, the same story told for the billionth time. God forbid Eora be even slightly original or interesting." I could see how that's a bit jarring. That is one of the few cases where they should have reacted to race and not mention, "those Pale Elves" to your Pale Elf.
  2. Why? Race isn't a big deal in Eora. I like that people in Eora aren't obsessed with race. Making it more reactive to race would be a kill joy.
  3. A few thoughts: 1) Racism is not as severe in Eora as it is in RL. The reason is because different races can't breed and thus multiracial communities don't threaten "racial purity". 2) Racism being shoved in your face isn't very realistic anyways unless it's institutional racism.
  4. Better? Better. Doubling down on retardisms is never better. The meme isn't right, but it's an improvement. Did you prefer the last one?
  5. Why is the no gun sign there on the libertarian paradise side? Most (all?) libertarians oppose gun restrictions.
  6. What's the real difference anyways?
  7. How could that be? The reason that Engwithans made the gods was because there were no gods. None. I'm not certain this is true based on how the Leaden Key worked. They liked hiding the truth and people didn't know everything or each other. It's very possible that the people searching for the gods were lead astray purposefully in order to justify creating new ones. If you look at the pantheon, a big chunk of them liked to obscure the truth in their own ways and for their own reasons. The "there aren't other gods" thing could just be a carefully fabricated lie. Lead ashtray by whom? The Leaden Key was formed by Engwithans themselves. The point being to hide that there were no real gods, and that the "gods" that exist now are just constructs. For there to be secret gods that actually existed is to throw out a big part of the plot; which is that the Engwithans learned there are no gods.
  8. How could that be? The reason that Engwithans made the gods was because there were no gods. None. They didn't let anyone else know that the gods were or could be constructed either. If any other civilization even got close to figuring out the truth the Leaden Key would ruin their efforts. Not to mention the current "gods" wouldn't likely want their power trivialized by letting other societies create gods.
  9. The last thing we need is more supernatural based media getting idiots to go around telling us about how the movie, "Paranormal Activity" is actually true, and that ghosts are really amused by screwing around with lights.
  10. What do you mean by liberal capitalism? Cuz' we strayed from laissez faire a while ago. Most of the instability in the US stems from statist campaigns like the drug war. We would be more stable if we were more liberal.
  11. They have next to no power. It's just that most people are sympathetic to their plight.
  12. Today minorities are not getting favorable treatment. At least not in the US.
  13. i dont see why someone should hate democracy or any other form of government... they are all equally flawed. each is convenient for some and not so much for others, while the trully rich are simply above and beyond They are not "equally flawed". Some forms of government are simply better than others. So far representative republics have been very much out-performing despotism for example.
  14. If there's one thing democracy doesn't do; it's favor minorities.
  15. Not disposable!? WTF is the point then? Just to gawk at it? Aristocrat looks at his wealth, "Yup, still rich. That matters for some reason even though I can't use it because reasons." The concept of aristocrats/high class people is dumb. Having wealth is pointless if you don't use it.
  16. WTF is class if not wealth? Shouldn't that be the same category? Also shouldn't sex and gender be the same category?
  17. You are seriously equating Birth rates with having sex? Are you Roman Catholic? They really don't have as much sex as the average westerner.
  18. There's less rape in Japan because there's less crime in Japan in general.
  19. That would be confusing as you can't abort a child.
  20. Oh thats good, that made me laugh so hard. These people are highly amusing The way the forums are looking these days I'm not convinced we're all that much better.
  21. Pretty sure he said that it was due to it's history, not the nature of capitalism itself.
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