-For the level of detail of this title (textures, polys, etc), I must say that it performed below my expectations. My vid card is somewhat dated but even at 800x600 with min settings the game framed badly. This is not acceptable considering how other more graphic intensive titles have performed far better on my box.
-Performance aside, the art direction was nice and generally improved over part one. I dont like the way some female exiles were designed face wise but everything else was exceptional. I only wish the exile (and Atton as well) seemed older and more seasoned as would befit a veteran of a war gone by. A little gray and some smile lines wouldnt be so bad.
-By and large, the voices were well done. None annoyed me at all. This can be an issue if not handled properly (see ToEE). The sound effects and music were also all well done. One comes to expect this from all titles associated in anyway with Lucasarts.
-Like the previous title, combat in this title is terrible. Not only is it seemingly haphazard and random but it is also painfully easy. Though tactical turn based combat seems to have gone the way of the dodo, would top down combat with less crappy ai, higher difficulty and more things to do (think BG or Freedom Force) be so bad?
-There are numerous balance issues. For example, the proliferance of Jedi characters makes previous nonjedi favorites of mine woefully underpowered (though I used them anyways to add some difficulty). Why use HK47 (why did he lose so much awesomeness?) when Jedi Atton dual wielding fully upgraded zabrak blasters with force speed is so much better?
-The increased use of stats/skills in dialogs is excellent. The only downside to this is that I find myself far too driven to create high int sentinels on creation due how well skill use is implemented.
-The revamped upgrade system is nice but seems far too powerful.
-For about 9/10 of the game, its absolutely perfect. The pacing is consistent and the level of player involvement is deep. unfortunately, this does not last.
-For the most part, I got it. Still, the game gets terribly convuluted at times (your the last jedi, no your not; the ebon hawk is destroyed, no its not; the remote gets blowed up by goto, no it isnt; the remote and goto have a standoff, no they dont; this goes on and on).
-The Onderon sequence and what follows seems very very rushed. This is not just because of the aforementioned plot holes but also due to the general flow of the story and the jarring pacing (your here, your there, etc etc).
-Several NPCs and their motivations are poorly fleshed out. This is especially true of Kreia's two henchmen. Kreia was well done, however.
-The end is terrible. The sequence is nowhere near as satisfying as the first title and the encounter with Kreia seems somewhat anticlimatic. I like what they did with the character and her motivations but this could have been handled far better.
-I list alot of gripes predominantly since blemishes are easier to notice on near pristine surfaces. This game has alot going for it but having the ending be so poor seriously detracts from how much lasting enjoyment one gets from the title. I mean, in KoTOR1, I felt driven to complete the game twice in a row in rapid succession. This is not so much the case here since I am left with the distaste of those poorly done last few hours.