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Everything posted by Shevek

  1. True. Now, go back, read through our discussion, look at the "reasoning" behind your "points" and ask yourself, "why would a designer listen to me?" Again, if things just "don't make sense to you" and you won't be convinced since "you been gaming since '89, dude," why would a designer give a darn about your opinion?
  2. I don't care about persuading you. You arent designing this game.
  3. Cheaters gonna cheat.
  4. It makes complete sense. One is short term stamina and the other is long term health. It makes dungeon delving a strategic affair since you can't rest spam as much (to ration out resting supplies to ensure you are healthy enough throughout your outing). How does that fail to compute for you? Can you explain how that totally eludes your abiliy to make sense of it? How is it stupid? It is actually in line with what a real adventure would be like. You could use short term stamina to get through some fights. You get a breather after each fight and could get some energy back but as the scrapes and cuts build up, you eventually need to set up camp and rest. These are not redundant - they are actually fairly separate things. Again please explain why you cant process this. Also, health regen skills are stupid. I am sure, like tieing skills to talents, OE will realize this is dumb and remove that foolishness.
  5. There are not enough skills for this to work. They need more skills than one party can max for it to make sense (like 3x what they have now). They also need to reverse this ridiculous decision of connecting skills and talents - its just silly to do that.
  6. "No idea"? Thats a good bit of hyperbole since its been explained by devs over and over. I like the idea. It makes sense. It works. The game needs to fix a broken skill system and a chaotic combat feedback system. The health system is not part of the problem here.
  7. The health/stamina systems seems pretty good to me as is.
  8. It is just a bad idea to tie skills and talents.
  9. Fixing melee engagement is easy. Simply make it a very low impact snare. Have the radius of the snare be dependent on weapon size and the rate of the snare depedent on level/size difference and/or talents. That way your front line can hold things in place somewhat but may still need knockdowns and crap. Also, currently, disengagement attacks do more damage than regular attacks (I think). Flip it around. Make all AoO into grazes. You still need to worry about diving through a group of enemies but skirting around one shouldnt be as crazy.
  10. Worked for Star Wars Saga Edition (suggestion based loosely on that system)... Best pnp game ive played.
  11. Best way to fix this: 1. Remove skill points 2. Have each character pick a focus on creation. Their skill level with their skill focus will now be tied to character level (rather than have the player add points at every level up). They are an expert at that. All other characters should have get 1/2 the skill of an expert based on character level. 3. Dramatically increase (triple) the number skills focuses to ensure one party cant encompass them all. 4. Athleticism should be a derived stat based on con. 5. Make cerrtain professions/backgrounds give skill bonuses and penalties.
  12. Best XP system I have ever played with has to be Underrail's Oddity system. It rewards quests, exploration, combat, skill use and so on but it does so indirectly for the most part (quest xp being the smallest part of the xp pie by far). Read up on it - its fantastic. The best part of Underrail's system is that players can choose a standard xp system if they dont like the Oddity one. If a small studio like Underrail's (for a while, it was a studio of one) can offer TWO xp systems (both awesome) why does PoE have trouble getting one right?
  13. Well, you would be surprised. In my opinion, it would be better to properly balance the talents and simply have players select them more often (like every other level).
  14. I think your idea is sound but choosing between two pools of perks seems like it could be confusing to some players.
  15. This sounds like a nice and happy medium.
  16. I guess, man. Go look through the rest of what i wrote. I am sure you can find more technicalities and bring them up. That will certainly do wonders for this discussion.
  17. I mean as far as number of uses + additional abilities. Unless you rest after every single encounter in the BG2ToB (which, I admit, is certainly possible), you would need to pick a given ability several times to build up a good amount of uses or to pick some alternatives. Meaning not only would you have to have the abilities opened up but you would have had to level some beyond that. In this game, at level 5 or whatever, fighter has a modal and all kinds of abilities at his disposal.
  18. Aww, went straight to the butthurt? Perhaps you should review what you posted: Arguing a technicality? Thats all you got?
  19. Not to mention, how long would it take to get the functional equivalent of per encounter clickable abilities in a Bg1/Bg2 playthrough? You would need several levels past opening up the abilities for use to get what a fighter gets much much earlier in the game.
  20. I didnt. I was making the point that ToB abilities dont mean a damn since you cant use them for the lions share of the game. If you like, I can use shorter words or simpler sentences when speaking to you if these sorts of things throw you off.
  21. Power Attack, Critical Strike, Smite, Deathblow, Greater Deathblow, Whirlwind, Greater Whirlwind, Battle Cry, Hardiness and Resist Magic say hi (BG 2). Per rest ToB abilities used after what level again?
  22. NWN2 had issues beyond its implementation of specific class features. Thats apples and oranges.
  23. I wonder if people really feel it would be tactically deeper to have the fighter do nothing other than auto attack? Thats what it was in the ie games and that sucked. That was boring. In that game, fighters did nothing of interest other than die slowly. It was chess with 2 queens (casters) and 4 pawns (everyone else). I am heavily enjoying fighter knockdown, barb stamina regen, and the like. Yes, you will suck more if you dont use it. Thats good game design.
  24. Based on those two maps? Go through bg1, take two random outdoor maps. Whole lotta trees, some random monsters, maybe an npc that has has some quirky dialogue and rarely a dungeon. Thats pretty much every wilderness area in that game. I dont see how poe stacks up poorly to that model. If anything, poe adds to exploration through resource management and storybook interactions.
  25. Outdoor exploration sucked in Bg2 also. Bg1 had exploration due to the sheer amount of wilderness areas. Also, how can you judge outdoor exploration in a limited beta? We dont even have the full map but instead the functional equivalent to beregost and a couple surrounding maps.
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