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Everything posted by Amentep

  1. Tactics Ogre > Final Fantasy Tactics. Oooo, yeah, went there!
  2. How does Real ID know what your name is? Certainly if its manual entry then all you have to do is pick something that seems like a real name. If its pulling off your billing information, I'd be a little worried about data privacy.
  3. And I really didn't think we'd ever see a return of this franchise (Or could it be for some sort of re-release...?) I would just say, they are either aiming for PSN classic rerelease in these regions or they are planning DS remake... I'd actually like a re-release or remake (although, to be fair, I can still play my PS1 copy). Given that the article says they trademarked "Let Us Cling Together", it makes me think a re-release or remake would be in the offing.
  4. Great now I'm imagining a portable, directional infrasound generator (since infrasound has been claimed to cause things like vomiting, uncontrolled bowel movements, lung collapses and heart arrhythmia...)
  5. And I really didn't think we'd ever see a return of this franchise (Or could it be for some sort of re-release...?)
  6. Yeah, CT and CC both are really built more around already designed characters - although even that can be filtered a bit through Western development but I don't think there's a clear path to take in terms of what do you give the Player control of. Yea, I'd like to see Obsidian's version although this is just a light chat among designers. Yeah sure, I think its a total hypothetical situation.
  7. The nice thing about Tactics Ogre is it has alignment (Chaos, Law, Neutral) and already has a class system, so from the standpoint of being able to create your character you'd have sort of a setup already. Characters can choose from Soldiers, Ninjas, Archers, Wizards, Clerics, Knights, Swordmasters & Valkyries, Dragoons & Sirens, Warlocks & Witches, Beast Tamers & Dragon Tamers, Priests, excorcist, gunner, Terror Knight, Amazon, Berzerker, etc.. You could develop racial types based on those seen in the games - Human, Hawkmen, Fairies, Mermaids, Giants - as well and you've got the beginnings of a character creation system I think and choice and consequences. It wouldn't really be the same as the original series, but the original series - as is - will probably never be revisited by Square-Enix. Dragon Warriors are Dragon Quest. Enix couldn't use the name for American market since there was a PnP RPG classic called Dragon Quest. Indeed.
  8. Even if the stars aligned and they got the okay to pursue something like that, I doubt that it'd really be a Chrono Trigger 2 since the original team didn't want to make Chrono Trigger 2 when they had a chance. I'd imagine it'd be much more like Chrono Cross in terms of relation to the earlier title (or not relation at all; a side story?) That said, since Square-Enix seem to be intent on bringing a bigger presence in the Americas and Europe, I imagine that there are a number of currently defunct properties if they were going to mine their library that they could consider, in terms of getting something with some recognition amid long term gamers but that could also be freely updated. Whether they'd want to is another matter, but some titles - cult appeal games like Quest's Ogre Battle/Tactics Ogre, old popular arcade titles like Taito's Cadash or something from Enix's past (I'm blanking on a title though, as the only Enix titles I can think of - Dragon Warrior, Star Ocean and Valkyrie Profile they're using. I know Enix published The 7th Saga (developed by Produce) and ActRaiser (developed by Quintet) but I'm not sure they own those IPs) - did make some headway into the US markets back in their day.
  9. I've only got the text descriptions - what did Melo do?
  10. A bit downhill for Melo after that, it seems...
  11. Interesting interview with CA, reading this one now. Thanks for the link.
  12. *waits for the "Parker is in his FORTIES?" parody thread*
  13. Some more threads of interest: http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?showtopic=138 http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?showtopic=15825 And maybe this: http://www.penny-arcade.com/2006/07/05/ EDIT: This might also be good - http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?showtopic=49603
  14. Lastday, Obsidian 29's. Year of the Message Board: 2010. Carousel begins. EDIT: To be serious, the forum has a default of only showing threads from the last 30 days. Some previous writer threads - http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?showtopic=51506 http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?showtopic=51639
  15. How exactly is that some sort of hypocrisy? Someone on death row has had a chance at life and has taken the lives of other's in, usually horrific means and would likely continue. I suppose those who oppose the death penalty yet are for abortions are ok with you. The actual quote from the document itself is different from the one quoted in the first post and makes the distinction you mention clear: "All innocent human life must be respected and safeguarded from fertilization to natural death; therefore, the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed."
  16. That fight really annoyed me too, until I figured out how to deal with the boss without dying. Didn't have a problem with that same boss second time through. Would have been nice if the save point had been closer to the fight though (a lesson that many developers could learn, along with not putting a save point/checkpoint before a long, unskippable video bit followed by a boss fight where if you die you have to watch the unskippable video again).
  17. *shrugs* I'm sure they don't mean this, but somebody will construe this as "if you don't have your license you will be deported as an illegal". Ironically my Sociology teacher (who loooved to preach about in-equalities) would leap on this as an example of an extension of what one of her professors families went through (apparently in like the 20's or something there was a string of mass deportations where if somebody who looked non-white didn't have their papers, they were tossed on a train and sent to mexico... I've never seen this mentioned anywhere else so I figure it's a little bit of fact, lotta bit of fiction). 1929-1939; it was a reaction to the Great Depression (but wasn't necessarily abnormal with US immigration policy at the time, a 1924 Immigration act severely limited immigration from some places (like Italy) and denied immigration almost entirely from Asia). http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2006-0...ees-cover_x.htm is a recent article on the "Mexican Repatriations" from the time period (there's also a few documentaries on the subject, but I have no names to refer you to).
  18. I loved Titan Quest, so if its as good as that, this is something to look forward to, IMO.
  19. The disappearing inventory bug in Arcanum that ate my plot required items 3/4ths of the way through the game. The save game bug in Divinity II that would load my character from savegame A to the location I was at in savegame B, thus causing instadeath because savegame B was about 5 levels higher. Also the game loading bug that would lock up the game and force a hard reboot. ME1 had an annoying glitch where you could occasionally get stuck in objects and not be able to move (sometimes crouching would push you out of the object). Happened occasionally to me when survey markers would get put down where my character was standing but also after stopping a sprint.
  20. That's what I said. Indeed, my objection was with the "options and possibilities" line. I suppose I should have said "Ergh, sorry not only was Wizardy 8 slower and more ponderous than anything to with FO3 VATS, but..." Also VATS was optional, the borked combat system of Wiz8 was all there was. Protect, defend, attack, cast spell, pray, change formation, use item, equip, move, beserk, breathe, banish... *shrug* Wiz 8 had more options than most crpgs do. VATS has exactly 0 options. WHich was my point. Nothing more. Certainly wasn't meant to be a referendum on Wiz 8 specifically. I remember when you played Wiz 8 through, I think it was back at the Lair. I remember you had a lot of issues with the combat system. Some I agree with; some I don't. But I do agree, as I said, that it was a slower and more time consuming and ponderous system, than VATS. But many other TB systems aren't. Which was my larger point. But in the end it doesn't matter what options you have in a game that loves combat consisting of a siege over a hill untargetable by any of your ranged attacks or spells but hitting you repeatedly with area affect spells (remember while you can change formation, you're stuck with your characters being huddled together and an area affect spell will hit them all) while you fight ghost trinnies, which was my point. There may be less options available to the player in FO3, but the options are generally useful.
  21. Not against running zombies or when you need to kill the regular ones "Like ****ing right now!" I'm not sure flamethrowers and zombies are ever a good idea. I mean zombies aren't going to care they're burning, and it'll take a bit to boil the brain/destroy the brain (if it happens at all), so essentially you've created a mobile fireball that wants to eat your brains. My point exactly. I concur with your assessment of the situation.
  22. That's what I said. Indeed, my objection was with the "options and possibilities" line. I suppose I should have said "Ergh, sorry not only was Wizardy 8 slower and more ponderous than anything to with FO3 VATS, but..." Also VATS was optional, the borked combat system of Wiz8 was all there was.
  23. Not against running zombies or when you need to kill the regular ones "Like ****ing right now!" I'm not sure flamethrowers and zombies are ever a good idea. I mean zombies aren't going to care they're burning, and it'll take a bit to boil the brain/destroy the brain (if it happens at all), so essentially you've created a mobile fireball that wants to eat your brains.
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