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Everything posted by Amentep

  1. Lyle Waggoner and Stuart Whitman
  2. When no appropriate rule applies, make one up. Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  3. They finally came in, so I'm probably not dead.
  4. No one at work yet...wondering if I didn't get a memo...
  5. So far Royals only officially announced for PS. Persona 5 was included in Atlus' Japanese survey of possible port titles for Switch.
  6. Yeah they did. Theres still rumors P5 will get ported, but so far nothing official.
  7. Person 5 isn't currently on or being released on Switch. They're releasing a Persona Musou-style game for switch, Persona 5 Scramble: The Phantom Strikers.
  8. Booo to Lu Bu. Always enjoy swatting him away with other characters.
  9. The senate votes on the nominees to the supreme court to confirm them after nomination by the president, therefore Collins voted for him to be confirmed. The women thing is a reference to the allegations of sexual impropriety that dogged Kavanaugh's and there was testimony regarding these in the confirmation hearings.
  10. Unfortunately @howlingmadmucky, support for the console versions of PoEII is with VersusEvil - SUPPORT@VSEVIL.NET - not Obsidian. That said, at this point in the life cycle, developers aren't as likely to read these forums and it'd be recommended problems that would be handled by Obsidian be emailed to their support email as well; this forum is primarily Peer-to-Peer assistance.
  11. You know, this reminds me of that time... way back...
  12. Ah, I kind of misread what you were saying. That said, typically a literature course isn't so much about the literature (even though it paradoxically also is for specific majors) but about being able to critically read text, to do research and to begin to form that research into a cognizant form. That's usually why schools have tonnes of literature courses so that students can choose the literature that they're most likely to read so that the faculty can then work with the student in building the skills they want them to leave the course with. There are a lot of moves to revise or re-frame the liberal arts program and to find alternative ways to progress students through the learning outcomes (basically courses or course areas are expected to teach students broad skills beyond the course content that would be transferable to other courses or to their out-of-school life) with either less classes before getting to classes oriented to the major, or with more flexibility for the student through the same rough credit hours required for a degree (most accrediting bodies put it around 120 for ba/bs) to tailor classes to their interests. How to maintain the concept and integrety of a liberal arts education while also assisting students with degree progression, completion and job matching is a big issue in Higher Ed at the moment.
  13. So...state universities should stop doing the thing they do well to do a thing they're not equipped to do and which there are already state schools in most states doing?
  14. I can't tell you the number of times I've asked people to read what I was handing them before they signed it and they ignored my pleas and started to sign it right after I handed it to them.
  15. There are usury laws that define the legal amount of interest that can be charged on a loan. In the US this has typically been the jurisdiction of state law, not federal law.
  16. We ask that the users of this board treat one another with respect, even when opinions differ. Personal attacks that are intended to cause unwanted attention, embarrassment, or harm will not be tolerated
  17. Doubt it supposed to represent anything other than animal characteristics - the "panther" has at least 6 limbs from the picture (4 legs and 2 arms)
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