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Everything posted by StormbringerGT

  1. You may have checked this, but can you tap on the options and then turn the music all the way down and then all the way up?
  2. This should have been fixed I cannot get a reproduction on it internally. Can you guys verify which build you are currently on? Go to options then go to settings. It'll be the first 3 numbers after "VER". Example VER-664- Thanks!
  3. Except... you changed the check and made it worse? Heh. I was thinking that too. Reveal a Longsword, and the card scripting is smart enough to select Melee over Strength if you have it. Reveal a Belt of Giant Strength, and it seems to go out of its way to downgrade a Melee check into a Strength check without caring that a Melee check is a Strength check. Well then that is a bug, the game should always try and math out the best possible roll. Which in this case it is not. I'll file it up.
  4. The fix will allow you to continue play (as the buttons will work)
  5. And those are few and far between. The Deck as hand exploit is also awesome, probably the second most beneficial bug I know of. Um... link?
  6. Sorry you guys are running into this issue. If I can get some more info that would be super helpful. Your PFID (Go to settings in the options menu, it'll be along the bottom) If you are online and logged in Gamecenter or Google Play you can delete the save and your characters will be available from the experienced tab on the character select screen for you to reform the party with.
  7. So sorry guys this is a bug with Kyra's power Purge Undead, either option will break progression. This has been fixed and will go out in a patch.
  8. Can we get your PFID so we can take a look and see what is going on? If you go to options and then go to settings you'll see you PFID displayed at the bottom.
  9. Yeah the issue here is we change the check to help you out, but we don't communicate the switch. We'll work on making this less confusing.
  10. So sorry guys this is a bug with Kyra's power Purge Undead, either option will break progression. This has been fixed and will go out in a patch.
  11. Thanks for reporting this! We have found and fixed this internally and it'll be going out in a patch.
  12. What secrets are contained within untitlsdfawed-1.jpg, untitledfbasffffffd-1.jpg, untsfadfitled-1.jpg, and UGH.jpg????? I don't have to blur my desktop! New Folder 1, New Folder 2.... New Folder 17 hide away all my secrets. Sometimes I don't even know what is in a folder and I'll open it be surprised. Like finding loose change in your own pocket!
  13. Thanks for pointing this out, this is a known issue and we are working on resolving it.
  14. Thanks for this, I haven't seen this internally yet so we'll see if we can nail down a repro on it!
  15. Thanks for the report and sorry you got stuck. Going to write this up for the team. In the meantime can I also get your PFID number?
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