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Everything posted by Bendu

  1. Finished my 4th playthrough of DSIII. Still a very enjoyable game. Also playing GoW3 on my XBox. Storywise a big letdown so far. Now back to Anno 2070.
  2. The best thing about the demo is the free Mass Effect 3 stuff.
  3. Because they only made one good game and expansion.
  4. There is Creative Assembly. Shogun 2 was great. Can't wait for their next game. And there is Eugen Systems. I wouldn't put my money on XCOM:EU. It will be out on consoles as well. Therefore it will have small maps and a ****ty AI.
  5. Still no perfect settlement...
  6. Playing a lot of Anno 2070 and no end in sight. Really love the new setting. And the new 'Meta-Online' a lot of fun.
  7. 1. Fallout: New Vegas (including DLC) 2. Deus Ex: Human Revolution 3. Skyrim 4. Total War: Shogun 2 5. Anno 2070 6. Gemini Rue 7. Dungeon Siege III 8. Mafia II 9. Anomaly Warzone Earth 10. Dragon Age II Still have to play: Dead Space 2, Rage, The Witcher 2, Portal 2, L.A. Noire.
  8. Gonna buy Portal 2, Dead Space 2 and maybe Witcher 2.
  9. So what are the impressions so far? I can not play the DLC myself until Friday. How long is it and is the story part of the main campaign?
  10. This. Really disappointing.
  11. You can flirt with her, but that's all. And she will not be a companion outside the DLC. (That was confirmed in a tweet today, IIRC)
  12. A character with high intelligence and science skill should be able to redirect the missile at the Capital Wasteland.
  13. Nothing is wrong with a game for the iPad as long as it will look like that: But such a game could be distributed through Steam, XBL and PSN, too.
  14. Sounds promising.
  15. Sure, but we will see if Valve will allow to trade in games. Of course Valve should take an extra fee for each transaction.
  16. Quite the contrary. If done right, they could increase their revenue. But it's definitely a risky move and that's why Valve is afraid of going that way.
  17. Finished the bonus mission. Really disappointing. I did not expect another hub, but something like the Montreal mission would have been nice.
  18. DEBUG / BURGER MENU. No health regeneration sounds interesting.
  19. Steam listed it as DLC7? Ok, there were 4 items for the limited edition. There is TotS. What else is missing?
  20. The boss fights so far are really a joke (playing on normal). Took 10 seconds to beat them.
  21. Thanks! Good to know.
  22. Quick question: When and where does the bonus mission start? Not sure if I missed it.
  23. Just to recap some questions: - Can you talk about the lenght? - Will there be new intro and ending slides? - When does this DLC take place? After the main campaign?
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