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Everything posted by Bendu

  1. Fire! Really love the full scale battles. FIRE! (Yeah, I'm shouting that a lot while playing. )
  2. Love that game. Dunno how they went from that to Force Unleashed. The Force Unleashed > Jedi Academy. I would even put TFU2 above Jedi Academy.
  3. You have too much money.
  4. IIRC 94 %. Edit: Looks like they changed the number. I could swear it was 95 % for Deus Ex.
  5. Better than DA2!
  6. Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines for 5 Euro. Sold.
  7. What is BioWare Montreal working on? Obsidians new game will be announced after the launch of Deus Ex.
  8. It's a new development and I think it's connected with the launch of Free-To-Play games on Steam.
  9. Yo, serious ****.
  10. Don't underestimate the fans of Tali and Merrill.
  11. Number 5, because she is the only one who can be EXTREME.
  12. Alvin tweeted that he is doing some research at work and that this is his favorite part of his job (IIRC). Could you, or Alvin elaborate on that a little bit more?
  13. And here they come... reviews: Eurogamer.net 9/10 Gamer Limit 9.0
  14. Lexx, could you update your no-dialoge-tags mod for the german version?
  15. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. *painofdarthvader* https://twitter.com/#!/loonyboi/statuse...301283427065856
  16. Thank you, Bethesda. Edit: https://twitter.com/#!/loonyboi/statuse...280297839366144 Thank you, Valve.
  17. And it's not like everyone at Bethesda has been working on ES games before Oblivion. There is always a first time and I think another collaboration between Bethesda and Obsidian would be a win-win-win situation, no matter the franchise. Pretty sure FNV has sold more than Brink and Hunted. So why is ZeniMax waiting?
  18. Bethesda won't rule out external development for Elder Scrolls
  19. Finished Capsized. It's okay. There are better indie games, but there are also worser ones. Gave up playing Risen. It's just not my game. But now I know I'm not interested in Risen 2. Tried to install a Morrowind mod. But after the mod was working I lost interest in the game. Same with Dawn of War 2. Just after 3 hours in I don't feel the desire to play further. Now I started a new Dragon Age: Origin playthrough. Wish Obsidian could create such a game. They should put DAO, MotB and P:T into a box and shake it.
  20. Hahaha... Gears of War 3 will be released in Germany. Make sense after the first two games are subscript.
  21. Instead of ****ty ports we will get the same console game on the PC. Very smart, M$.
  22. Finished Braid and I love it. Risen can't hold up my interest, but I don't want to give up before the city. Capsized is fun and I like it.
  23. Fallout: New Vegas - Old World Blues Trailer
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