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Everything posted by Cybersquirt

  1. So... is LA supposed to be hosting this music/movie patch? It's good to see that the timing is impeccable, as always. "
  2. Indeed. Consider the target audience. Maturity, among other things, plays a large part in what one calls entertainment. I don't want or need more cleavage (or gore). Most games cater to the fantasy well enough in that area, thank you. I do want to be enchanted, if you will, by the dialogue. btw, in today's games, all one needs to earn an R rating is to be too violent. I think it's been time for a long time.
  3. Propoganda is one thing. Distorting the truth is another.
  4. (this topic has gone so wrong. ) I think you'd be hard-pressed to find an example of male-sexism; it's a very bad idea to piss of the majority of your fanbase. And while 'we' are doing that, take care to differentiate sexism from stereotype.
  5. There is a pattern here. You've noticed it. But as soon as you put the pieces together you're labeled (conspiracy theorist or somesuch). ^ my way of saying that I'm staying far outta this one but there's plenty of information if you look for it.
  6. Good to know that Family Values are universal <_<
  7. the Federal government (the current Administration) to step in and "do something" about future occurances.
  8. It's a conspiracy in that they are claiming fair and unbiased reporting. If you're genuinely interested, do a search on Outfoxed. When judges act out of regard for the citizenry, and the Conservatives don't like it, they are called "activist" judges and demonized. When they act out of strict interpretation of the law and the Conservatives don't like it, they are demonized. Welcome to the New American political/legal system at its finest, via our corporate media - commentary and opinion masked as news. With v2.5 you'll gain the ability to chastize by religious affiliation, or lack thereof, as well. Fox is only being critical of Governor Jeb Bush because he couldn't keep Schiavo alive. (A crime against humanity, if I ever saw one. <_< )
  9. HAHAHA Your funny! (w00t) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm not laughing, but I'm glad that you are.
  10. Couldn't have said it better.
  11. http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=05/04/15/1337232 Just say no to funding war.
  12. IIRC you can save the files as playable wavs thru NI with the acm2wav 'plug-in'.
  13. Well, since I'm so encouraged by an official response and this seems dead horse I'll just post this: http://www.petitiononline.com/kotor2/
  14. (does the filter really filter fux0red? ) Hmm. Anyway, to get back to teh actual topic, I would like to thank Obsidian. That is all. Oh. Revan and Exile definitely need to be in k3 but they need to be Non-joinable NPC's.
  15. But, in some cases a lot of it's already there. Although, I don't know to what extent as I haven't picked apart the files with this little editor/viewer. Question is, how much does it matter to them? You know people would eat it up, regardless. Further, if one really wants to make a case for the merits of PC gaming over consoles, make a mod that the XBox users can't have. Darth Barth: I figured it was a joke, I just didn't get the reference.
  16. Interestingly enough, several of the bugs in Kotor2 are also in Kotor1. " the ATI card problem being one of them. Stats reverting to 8's being another. The game is hardly in unreleasable shape. It certainly lacks polish in a few areas, and it's obvious that a few ideas were dropped, but I've yet to encounter any game-breaking bugs...
  17. This will happen when a (quote) (/quote) set is messed up. One is missing, etc.
  18. from Hanharr's dialogue "It is how I first heard it - from the mouths of Hutts. It is the way they speak the title of your tribe in their language."
  19. "..and there must always be a Darth Traya." It is the title of the Betrayer.
  20. That would be by menBoys for menBoys. Oh? "pretty" major? Kriea is a far stronger role. Bastila was using you to get to the top and and deluding herself while doing it. That's a stereotype of something... I can't quite put my finger on it... Status quo? Hardly. This game introduced Kriea and evil - not just killEverythingInYourPathMalak evil, but eEevil. Visas is a character with a personality. There must be at least one strong (love) interest. KotOR had Bastilla, KotOR2 has Visas. And I think even Visas could beat the snot out of Bastilla. :D Uh. Handmaiden has her beat. But her personality is far from the male fantasy. Again, her personality and intellect could level Bastilla in a heartbeat. Why does she need to be beautiful? In this case it would just detract from the character. Kriea is supposed to be your elder and your mentor, not your love interest. You're calling Juhani strong? Please. She's an emotional wreck. Luxa pissed me off too - but it's also an ugly model, so.. eh. Whatever The industry is dominated by men so it stands to reason their fantasy(ies) will be thoroughly integrated into the game. This is not the only game to do so, however, and I don't think bioWare did it any better. It's also tricky business coming in and doing sequel work with another (popular) dev's Game of the Year. But, by all means, don't let me dissuade you in your Crusade Against Obsidian.
  21. I sort-of liked ToEE's version of turn-based combat but I didn't make it through the game because the combat itself was ..tedious. It was too awkward and different, I guess. And Torment had a radial menu, so it can be done with the IE. (Or am I not "getting it"? ) BG was definitely turn-based and round-timed. Must be another thing I'm not be "getting" - I thought scripts had more control over combat? I used a mouse in BG, yes, but never had to use hotkeys - it was all in the GUI, onscreen. For the purposes of immersion, I think the only way to go is to script as much as possible. Radial menus are distracting, at best. But that's another argument, no? So the lack of 3D is the only reason the IE is 'done'?
  22. Okay. The q was poorly phrased. I wonder how much control they had over the story. Yes, I have played an evil character - 3 of them, actually. And yes, I agree that it is preferrable to playing bioEvil any day. (But I would expect nothing less of Obsidian) The first game was played through with an evil character, which is probably what enhanced the feeling of being thrown through the plot to Malachor. You know, now that I think about it - why do we even bother with Remote? Will the patch just cut it? Please? That, more than anything, screams unfinished quest. Yes, even more than the droid factory - because it's at the end of the game.
  23. But why, Hades? Just because it's 3D? I'm forced to accept the PC-only argument - that's a biggie; the trend is undeniable, even if it seems like a self-fulfilling prophecy. But the $2M has to include the rights to the IE. Since it's 'done' it should be quite cheap, leaving lots of money for good writing. Wouldn't that be an actual plus? Then there's not having to develop (and troubleshoot) a new engine. And there's no shortage of people who know how to use it. And.. other considerations, I'm sure. What are it's limitations? Really. Do you need 3D, above all else? You can make some great looking tilesets. The characters would still be ..small, but think of the money saved in animations alone.
  24. Lakmoots: Were you playing an evil character? Skynet: How do you know that? We all know it was rushed, but everything else is speculation. Or has some Official statement been released? I want to see some good, old-fashioned, finger-pointing. Obsidian: You've got to know that your rep took a pretty hearty blow. I'm as dedicated as the next person, let's get that out of the way, but WTF happened? Actually, you know what? It doesn't matter, as long as you know; and you know that it cannot happen again. I had another thought. I know (or think) that Gromnir isn't an employee of Obsidian, but when he says "kotor2 were the sequel to a bio game. we doubt that anybody at obsidian really had any kinda emotional attachment to the game" it makes me wonder. A lot. How can any writer not be attached to something they write? How much of this is Obsidians story? (questions, questions) "
  25. I can handle differing opinions but that's not what you posted. Perhaps before posting a snide comment, consider that someone might take offense or see it as an 'attack'. Then you won't have to backpeddle and make it an actual opinion. Enough of that. On the actual topic: I never said that the engine was first-class, nor did I (mean to) imply it, but then I really think it all depends on what you want your game to do and what you think a "real RPG" should be. (3D graphics are low on my list of things that I want when I think RPG. 3D is #1 when I think FPS.) I was speaking more to the type of game Baldurs Gate was - or, of course, PS:T. There's nothing around now like those games, imo; there's a hole. As far as "proof" of people still playing modded BG, download stats of the different mods will give you an indication. Kelsey, one of the oldest and most popular NPC mods for BG2, had 8000+ downloads at one sight alone. Make of that what you will. It was more than the engine that made those games good (although KotOR's AI drives me inSANE). Another disturbing trend, imo - "rpgs" seem unbalanced in that there are more battles and less meaningful dialogue. Were BG and PS:T flukes of the rpg world? Eh. That's another topic. Any games initial popularity is usually determined by the game's marketing and it's Developer, is it not?
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