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Everything posted by Musopticon?

  1. Tribes Vengeance comes to mind. It has a fine, if a bit convoluted plot and the twists and turns, effectively the various levels, are presented unchronically, which can be good or bad, depending on what kind of a gamer you are. Some folks apparently got a bit lost on the story.
  2. Musopticon?


    Get Dark Victory while you are at it. Loeb & Sale haven't failed for me yet. Though I actually liked Gambit: Victims, so I guess that makes me a fanboy, kuhhuh.
  3. Wow, you guys dont mess around with the Monty Haul. Only level 2 and already pimping +3 and +4 weapons? Or is that not very high in this gaming system? No, that's the attack bonus(BAB + modifier + misc.) the character has with the weapon in hand, enchantment bonus(if any) is noted before the weapon name. Yes, it can be confusing, but that's the format we apply in the sheets. A year ago when I was just starting to use the wiki, I used to wonder at the +9 bastard swords everyone was carrying.
  4. It's a lovely game, both in terms of new rules and the new setting, Golarion. We've been playing the first adventure path, Rise of the Runelords, very slowly, but surely. Really, I have just about no complaints, except that I can't really agree with Paizo's decisions on some game content. Fortunately, that's only in PAthfinder Society And here's my Runelords character, the Varisian(read:gypsy) rogue Niero. Kinda went for an archaeologist feel with some of the traits and skill choices and it's everything but an optimized char, but by Brigh I spent a lot of time on the background. Golarion is nicely malleable when it comes to what can fit in what can't. Usually the answer is: "just about everything". There's even a cave of chaos on the borderlands(wink wink lol), some people get entombed with the pharaohs(keklol) and suffer the wrath of the kobold king (ohoho). I particularly like Hermea: An ancient gold dragon trying to "enhance" humans, seeing them as frail, by eugenics and magic. And his name is Mengkare. Ahaha, **** you Paizo.
  5. Ranger 9/Bard 1/Arcane Archer 1 has to be one of my favorites. I don't generally like twink builds and would promote roleplaying this to the best of one's abilities as well. Even taking a few more bard levels, since one level of bard makes no sense from a fluff point of view. Unless, perhaps, you take it first when creating the character. An artist gone native when adventuring near the borderlands, a noble that "disappeared" from a court and found a god, etc. A fun combinationg all in all. A note though, in NWN 2 it doesn't seem to work with half-drow, only elf and half-elf, which is a pity really. Another long time favorite is a a ranger/rogue/Shadowdancer with two-weapon specialization. Makes for a killing combo and is one of the few builds where more than one shadowdancer level makes sense. Sensing a pattern here? Guess which class was my first when starting tabletop, huh? Anyhow, I tend to like clerics as well. In table-top they are versatile and fun to play since the dichotomy between being a shepherd and a divine avenger makes for interesting interplay. In Aurora iterations though, clerics are the top of the food chain by a mile. This build is nothing new in that regard: Fighter 2/Cleric(Fury, War?) x/Divine Champion x. Scrounge cleric levels until Raise Dead(5th level spell, right?), take augment healing to take back the cleric levels lost to the fighter and enjoy. I loved my Water Genasi Fighter 2/Cleric of Umberlee 11 with monkey grip(halberd+large shield) and war(weapon focus for free) and water domains. Note though, I generally like to only use the official domains of the deity I've chosen. It makes the more interesting if you don't always choose war or Evil(turn outsider lol die demon lol).
  6. Right, got it. Thanks.
  7. So, umm, no combos
  8. Quick question, Morgy, how's the combat control? Is it like in the Aurora-based games, pure mouse, or does it require keyboard-input, direction buttons und mehr?
  9. I've been reading on Eberron for a while now, and I'm actually starting to like it. However, Pathfinder's main setting has a borderline similar political powerplay scheme in place and especially the metagame Pathfinder society campaign has a ton of intrigue in place, so I don't really feel the need for Eberron, despite harboring fond wishes for a steampunk(well, sort of) binge again. Magical trains and skyships are not that different and don't change the flavor enough for me not to notice the flaws in Baker's little homebrew microverse. Anyhow, it's kind of odd that it didn't hit off very well in the circles, there's nothing inherently ****ty about Eberron and god knows people play in and use worse settings every day. I know, I've played a few.
  10. Lost Odyssey, Storm of Zehir* and Sam n' Max right now. *Party being a half drow ranger/bard, a grey orc cleric/doomguide, a human sorcerer and human monk/druid. Everyone else except the sorcerer and ranger are pretty much clutter, since I fumbled the class choices so utterly. Next time I'm going to forget about making a OM leader and instead use Inshula(properly leveled to a rogue lol) as one and a swashbuckler/duelist(Int, Int, Int!) as the good cop. THen there'll be 3 bad cops.
  11. Ooh, been a long time. Around now: Paprika Korps - Hi-fi Youn Sun Nah - Rainy day Matisyahu - Fire of Heaven/Altar of Earth Alamaailman Vasarat - Delhin Y
  12. This is too brilliant. No, wait, it's not brilliant. And that's exactly what makes it brilliant.
  13. Even better. He's the protagonist of the 90's cult show Address Unknown! Hahahhah, "It was the Flamingo!" Max Payne 2 was a blast, but the first one had a more likeable protagonist by far. Heck, I haven't done this WAYPN? thing for a while. Been without internet for the better part of two months. Fortunately that has left me a lot of time to play: I finished the Witcher the day before yesterday, finally too, I might admit, and moved on to the side adventures, of which at least PoN was pretty good. Side effects has mostly been a grind so far, but that's somewhat the point of the story. No complaints there, especially since they obviously decided that the same identical models for everyone just wouldn't do this time. After buying Sam n' Max season 1 from a game sale, I've been torn apart on whether I love it or not. Not that it isn't well done or funny, but the tv show shtick really isn't my thing. I've only played the two first episodes so far though. Really brilliant parts all around, especially the psychotherapy session and Sam's dream. Funnily enough, I finally played to the bitter end in Knights of the OR 2 and immediately read a post-mortem with all the cut parts. Brilliant game, half done. Like asking for cordon bleu and the garcon bringing tartar sauce with it. Mesmerizing, tantalizing, but completely disappointing. Besides those few gems, Civ IV eats my time steadily, I've contemplated throwing the BTS dvd to the dumpster, but that would just mean I'd dig my vanilla Civ IV iso from the depths of the hard drive. Feeding my addiction, there's a few total conversions that I have my eye on, especially Planetfall, since Alpha Centauri 2 is still a couple of years away. Man, the glory days of yore, farming kelp and busting mindworms and fanatics with illegal gas weapons! Energy monopoly and trade embargo on the human hive! Alien pirates on the high seas! I'm visiting friends and relatives right now, which explains the being online thing. It's also the reason why "RESIDENT EVIL...FIVE!" and "CHHRRIIISSS" have been a bit too frequent on my eardrums. The game is like playing a really horrible exploitation d-movie converted into an anime. With covert racism as a seasoning. It's also a brilliant co-op game and tons of fun. On that regard, freaking Street Fighter 4, FREAKING STREET FIGHTER 4
  14. The TV Tropes article basically mentions the Gaunt's Ghosts and and Eisenhorn series, but fazes over their very down-to-earth look into 40k universe and just continues the fanboy tirade. Ugh. No, not every weapon is a multi-melta or a grot cannon in WH40k, it's just that the most popular renditions of the universe feature those in large quantities wielded by towering men and women wearing Leopard 2's for underwear. The reality presented by some of the fiction is very different however. Not every individual of the Terran empire is a small cog in a giant war machine. Yes, there's planet and system wide drafts by the millions, but large part of the human universe never sees war up close and personal. There's a every bit as much culture and normal life as any other space opera(yes, space fantasy, what'eva) and even Inquisitors are people. The (un?)fortunate fact however is that it's not these features that make the game universe so popular, heh. And the normal sidearm is totally a stubber. Basically a buffed up 9 mil. pistol. The comparison still applies!
  15. Zoe was okay, I guess. T
  16. Why? It really wasn't. It was a sad attempt to cash in with the alt crowd and fell through abysmally by mixing a nonsensical story with some of the worst controls ever in gaming. Yeah, it was that bad. And shush about Gothic, the controls aren't bad, you just suck.
  17. Just play the damn game, see for yourself. I agree it's an interactive movie at parts and the combat sections are awful, except with Kian, but I bloody well enjoyed the story and just liked going for a ride through Arcadia and Stark once again. Freaking T
  18. Enemy design was generally better than in NG2, because Itagaki is a boring hack, but I agree. C'mon, Team Ninja, release something new already.
  19. Whether I rank the few extra tidbits and the graphics my rig can't enjoy anyway high enough for them to matter. Likely not.
  20. That may be, but, having played both, I really can't decide either way. It's a great port from 360 anyway though.
  21. Same here, best action game on 360 after NG2. Damn the style-comboing is harder than in DMC 3. I just can't keep up with the enemies. Have to stick to Trickster.
  22. Looks so very detailed! How's the gameplay, worth the purchase? I actually haven't played Butcher's Bay beside a short stint on xbox back in the day.
  23. That was a new low. I mean, c'mon, going for the real bedrock in looking for the lowest common demominators.
  24. Family Guy is about as funny as Spoons, that is, not at all.
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