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Everything posted by Sofaking

  1. Do you think Baldur's Gate suffered because they included multi player?
  2. I kind of thought stamina was a way of preventing the old "I still have 1 HP" oddity with DnD. In that you're just as an effective fighter with 100 HP as you are when severly wounded and at deaths door with 1 HP. Is this wrong?
  3. This one seems a little non-intuitive to me; if you're having to defend against more than one attacker is seems like your likelihood of inflicting damage would actually drop unless the two opponents are getting in each other's way. I guess it must be a soul power... I guess you could see it by viewing barbarians as fighters who are more used to fighting alone in large chaotic melees, they are known for being independent. Whereas a traditonally trained fighter probably has more of a military approach where you move and fight as a unit, supporting the man next to you.
  4. I don't even know who I agree with, most of you appear to just be arguing past eachother. "However, it doesn't really count as a "Pro" to say "does not have something I dislike". "Lack of broken glass" isn't a "feature" to be excited about, and "lack of romance" isn't either. It's just something that's not there." "No-whatever is a Pro IF it's because there's something else there instead. No-whichever is NOT a (valid) Pro IF it is simply the lack of a feature" These statements are incorrect because they uses a poor example of broken glass which has never been included in games. So yes, saying no broken glass is a pro does not make sense beacause there would be a nearly infinite list of things we can state it does not have. But this ignores the fact that romance or combat experience are fairly common in RPG games now. If, traditionally, games came with a kick in the balls and a developer came out and say, "Hey guys we're not going to kick you in the balls anymore." Then yes you can call that a pro even though it's just something that's not there anymore. There does not have to be a different or substitue system to the kick in the balls implimented, the simple act of removal (of the kick) is a good thing. But, if games never came with a kick in the balls and a developer says, "Hey at least we didn't kick you in the balls." Then no, you cannot call this a pro. A good, actual example would be something like DRM. If a game developer usually releases games with restrictive DRM but their next title will be DRM free this most certainly can be considered a pro.
  5. Isn't this that game which was a beta and started at something like $80
  6. We can only reminice for so long, then it's time to make new memories. And making the new memories is the best part. Exactly! So let's make new memories... But also remember most of the boring stuff was forgotten over time, so be prepared. I remember some boring times... it often prompted folks to create something original to give the party something new to participate in.... or to terrorize. Well then I suggest you create macaroni and glitter portraits of us all.
  7. I'm still reading, I'm just not so good at posting! Spamming is what gives BISers their power. It's an entropic field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the forum together. BISers, 10 solid years of penetration.
  8. We only really do it because the NSA is watching us and if we don't they'll ki-
  9. We can only reminice for so long, then it's time to make new memories. And making the new memories is the best part. Exactly! So let's make new memories... But also remember most of the boring stuff was forgotten over time, so be prepared.
  10. You forgot Jaheira... And Anomen. <----there's your catastrophic writing failure right there. Anomen is probably the single most impregnable argument against romances in video games. I think you mean Annoyman.
  11. Regardless of age demographics, it doesn't mean they couldn't have written likeable characters. Characters shouldn't be likeable but realistic. Writing likeable characters is exactly what you want to do IF you write for teenagers. If I'm going to bother with a romace option, the character should be likeable. Some people like those types of personalities, personally I found them off putting. Seriously, not every female character written had to a broken personality whose only fix was the main characters D.
  12. You forgot Jaheira... @Sensuki No, it wasn't. Oops, I accidently put Viconia twice. Jaheira was annoying.
  13. Regardless of age demographics, it doesn't mean they couldn't have written likeable characters.
  14. Am I the only one who didn't like any of the romance options in BG2? Viconia was a captial B, Aerie was a frumpy ****, Jaheira was annoying and the other one was forgetable.
  15. I was surprised as well. We didn't bring passports on this trip, and I don't even have one for my youngest, so I'd be hard pressed to prove citizenship for my kids. But I assume they are just looking for things suspicious, we were travelling alone Interstate 10 and it really is a stone's throw away from the border for quite a few miles. Ugh, I hate those "border" checks. Those things shoudl be illegal.
  16. While I get this in principal, I think in pratice it always just falls apart. Even with inventory restrictions your players find ways around them because they are typically greedy and refuse to leave anything behind. All the BG and IWD games just involved making multiple trips back to town to sell off stuff then returning, often mid dungeon crawl. Or at least dumping everything in a barrel close to the exit to make trips when you're done. In Fallout3 you had radroach purses, or you would take a severed head and carry it around while leaving the body by the door. Deposit into head and take out of body at the door. Diablo doesn't use weight but uses item size, but a suit of platemail armor is still as 'big" as three daggers, or 6 gems. Oh, unless those gems are the same color, then they magically stack and take up the same space. Inventory systems themselves rarely make sense and unless you are prepared to make the game "Inventory simulator 2015" I think its best to just let the players take what they are going to take anyway and don't force them to break from the story progression to clean out inventory.
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