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Hiro Protagonist

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist

  1. Yep, I watched the promo of the Flash. Crusoe. Watched this over the last couple of days. A bit silly in parts but still okay overall.
  2. It is correct. It also varies from state to state and various industries. It's also from the ABS site. Just google average wage Australia for different sources. http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/Latestproducts/6302.0Main%20Features3Nov%202013?opendocument&tabname=Summary&prodno=6302.0&issue=Nov%202013&num=&view=
  3. I've been following the property market over the last few years and noticed Canada is out of control. Australia has high property prices but the market seems to have changed and I've seen some areas in Sydney drop slightly with a correction, but overall it's pretty high here too. Although, the average yearly wage in Australia is $74,800. edit, meant yearly, not weekly.
  4. I know what it's like to move often. I've moved quite a bit over the last few years. In the last 10 years, I've lived in 6 different places and two states and my partner wants to buy a new place and move again, and rent out our current property. I think she gets bored with living in the same place for too long. I said not yet as I'm getting tired of moving all the time, lets stay for another couple of years before thinking about it. We've been in our current place for just over 2 years now.
  5. Just watched the pilot episode of The Flash. I'm really going to enjoy this show. Great start to the season. Can see who will be the big bad for the season. But anyone who's watched Arrow would probably know anyway. I already knew when I was watching Arrow so it's no surprise but still very happy. And OMG at that ending with the newspaper. I nearly squealed.
  6. This is cool, kind of. Now when going to the toilet, it doesn't necessarily go to waste. Girls create a generator that runs on pee http://www.nbcnews.com/tech/innovation/african-girls-pee-powered-generator-raises-questions-f1C6956099
  7. Continuum Season 3. Enjoyed this season but it seemed to be introducing new story lines and not tying up the previous seasons. Overall, I enjoyed it and the finale twist was awesome. Then I read the below news story and can understand why they're introducing new storylines. CONTINUUM CANCEL/RENEW UPDATES Creator Simon Barry has 7-10 seasons in mind to tell the full Continuum story, while Rachel Nichols confirms story plans for Season 4 are already underway, pre-renewal. http://seriable.com/continuum-cancelled-renewed-season-4/#ixzz35TGQDrxQ 7-10 seasons?!! Holy crap. We're not even halfway through the story.
  8. I wish they'd do some animated TV series like the one in the OP. Gritty, true to the source material. I'd like to see how everything started, how everything went to crap (Horus Heresy) and generally everything about 40K. Seems Games Workshop are overly protective of their material? I can understand though, you don't want some hack getting their hands on this. But done right, it would be pretty awesome.
  9. You never realise how much stuff you have until it's time to move.
  10. ^ I enjoyed Robocop. Prefer the original though, but still enjoyed the remake.
  11. Finished Season 2 of Orphan Black. All I can say is wow. Started off okay and not really sure where it was going but after a couple of episodes, I was hooked back into the orphan Black universe. Tatiana Maslany just blows my mind with all the characters she's playing. One of my favourite clones now is (Huge Spoiler): Allison was great. So many funny moments in this series and the comedy wasn't overdone. It was just perfect. And the finale. Bring on Season 3!
  12. I'm the opposite in that I liked the first 4 seasons with Eccleston and Tennant. I found S1-4 to be fairly consistent, with some notable high points. Sure there was the occasional stupid episode, but overall it was miles better than what we've seen with Moffat's Seasons 5-7. And as you've said, one of Moffat's problems is that he's planning something and it ends up as an incoherent mess. That's not good at all. There has been some shockers with Moffat. I was viewing some Eccleston / Tennant and there's been an occasional episode where not once did he use the Sonic Screwdriver or used it sparingly. Instead with Moffat, it's become a magical wand and the Doctor is now a Wizard. It's rare that you see him without it, waving it around. The Doctor just waves the screwdriver, destroys enemy weapons, creates magical barriers and fixes everything and that's just lazy writing. A couple of forums I go to pretty much says the same thing. Moffat has 'muffed' it and there's been an overall decline since S1-4. With Moffat, there was the occasional good episode every now and then, but spoiled by the bad writing overall. There were more memorable episodes with the RTD seasons imo.
  13. Doctor Who Series 5, 6 and 7, 50th Anniversary and Christmas Special. Finally got around to finishing the Matt Smith run and have to say Steven Moffatt has ruined the series. He can do one off episodes, but as a show runner, ugh. Can't wait for him to be replaced. They need to get Russell T. Davies back, or someone similar. A few problems I had with the Matt Smith run, all due to the bad writing. Spoilers! Onto Orphan Black Season 2 now.
  14. ^ You've got a great memory 'tep. Another developer was SEverts (Scott Everts) but wasn't a mod. He had a lizard man avatar. I do remember when the NWN Nights forums was on BIS and then taken away. And you're right, Josh did moderate Ye Olde. Near the end of the BIS days, The Citybuster became a mod for Ye Olde as well. And then Helgi (I think he changed his name to helgi korre or something like that) also became a mod for Ye Olde. Alla'deaty was one of the mods for WWOT from memory. kattija and Pirotess were mods of the BG2 forums? Lord Chaos was another mod. hankinator was a mod as well. Same with Rachel, Missy and I think Kate Gould (not her real last name) became a mod. And Fionavar was in charge of the Tech files with industry news. I also remember when the post count was taken away from WWOT and it didn't record your posts anymore. Something that continues with Obsidian.
  15. I didn't know you created a second account Amentep. You must have been spamming a lot to have over 5000 combined. I think I only had about 1500 posts to my name. Although I primarily posted in the Ye Olde Political forum and even then only posted in a few threads. Mostly reading the other threads. Does anyone remember who the mods were for all the different sub-forums and list them all?
  16. Amentep is Lady of Pain. Also, I'm sure Amir ul'mumineem went by another name as well.
  17. Talking about names. Here's some random names I haven't seen in a long time. The Citybuster Dargoth (always enjoyed reading the Dargoth vs Yrkoon debates. Learnt a lot about Israel and Palestine) DasCePeAffe hankinator Karasu Tioma
  18. damn, always brings back memories when I see all those names. Tjol, Balrog, Ald, MMTech, Dogg, John the Banisher, Ankarra.
  19. I can understand one reason why the dev's don't post as much as they used too. Feargus' Kickstarter comment when I asked him about Publishers caused a **** storm and spread like wild fire on gaming media sites. And a lot of speculation from gamers on who the publisher was. Wanting to know the name of the publisher never crossed my mind. I asked a question, Feargus answered. That was it as far as I was concerned. There wasn't really anything like that back then. I think Josh made a comment about D&D or some rules system which was controversial. But other than that the dev's were pretty open and approachable. Now, they have to be careful with everything they say. Kickstarter has changed that and we're seeing the dev's open up and interact a little, but it's not the same as it used to be. Different times. Another good thing back then was Chris Avellone posting quite a bit and doing the Fallout Bible. Now we never see Chris post here.
  20. The Ye Olde political forum discussed things like Israel/Palestine, 9/11, the Iraq War, Science, Religion, Evolution, History, Philosophy, anything political and for the most part was well behaved. Even Josh posted in it a fair bit. There was also more discussions in each game forum for games like Fallout, Baldurs Gate, IWD, Torment, etc. You also had the hardcore Fallout fans which were funny to see. I also posted in the BG and IWD forums. And general feedback was good with talking to the dev's. Even if they copped some criticism from different posters, they had pretty thick skin. The dev's also showed photos with different events, even stuff they did in the office like Halloween. It's was pretty good. It was a lot more active than these boards as you have so many different games, a lot of different types of gamers including hardcore gamers (eg.Fallout) and social media was very different back then, almost non-existent to some degree. Sites like Facebook and My Space weren't around back then.
  21. ...l believes Perky (real nom Damien Foletto) works fer microsoft now...one o' the things I misses the most 'bout the ol' boards was how active all the Devs was... Perky, Briareus, Maldonado, Kevin Osburn, Bloodlust, Sawyer, Fergie, Jessica (*Homer Drool Face*), Proxi (anyone else but me remembers him??...Volo should, at least, he made the rounds on Tiax's ol' Boards once Black Isle let him go), etc...helped make us waht we was, they did, an' ne'er got enuff credit fer it... Yeah, the dev's were more active back then, including Feargus. And it was really interesting reading his posts. With things like what Black Isle did with QA on the Baldurs Gate series.
  22. I remember the Spam Train. All aboard!
  23. I recently finished the second season of The Americans. Even better than the first. Also, Orphan Black is a great show. I have all the episodes of Season 2 put aside except for the last which airs this Saturday coming. I'll start watching it in a couple of days.
  24. I miss Deslaar. He was always fun to see in the Ye Olde Political forum. There's probably another 15-20 people I can name. I think I remember someone by the name of Helge or something similar and he became a mod. And I think there was a bit of contention with him and no idea what that was all about, or maybe I'm not recalling correctly.
  25. Just the member list here. http://s6.zetaboards.com/MistressLair_Redux/members/ There's not many people. I do remember Kate and Shadiou from the BIS forums.
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