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Plano Skywalker

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Everything posted by Plano Skywalker

  1. Perhaps we can write to LFL and ask them to have Veitch write the script for 4,5, and 6...an Exar Kun/Nomi Sunrider prequel trilogy.
  2. I think you make a good point. With all due respect to the very talented OE, I personally think LA should have a veteran EU writer to write the overarching story in these games....these games are where most new continuity is coming from and it needs to be handled right. Then, the developer would tweak it to RPG format, with sidequests and the like.
  3. I agree. I personally think a good way to deal with overpowered DS powers is to require a certain amount of vitality to be spent when using them.
  4. I really haven't played a true JRPG to date since they are mostly on certain consoles that I have never owned. If I do end up getting a Revolution, I may play some. I have played Third Age which, gameplay-wise, is a hack of a JRPG with true Turn-Based combat. It is an OK change of pace. The bottome line is that we need the rich storytelling of a JRPG with a certain amount of Western sandbox. KOTOR I had a fair amount of sandbox for a heavily story-focused game. What it could have used is alternate paths in the main quest. I realize this makes it more difficult to produce but that is the Holy Grail: story AND sandbox.
  5. hey, take it easy on me alright....I see a story in a game an I get excited. (w00t)
  6. I hear what you are saying but then I would rather them keep the forums open than shut them down. I really don't think it can be denied that there is some quality posting on these boards. I've looked at other boards out there and this is where I choose to post and read posts. There is a reason for that.
  7. while they are not my favorite, I would have to say that the BGDA games do qualify as RPGs since they have both stat-based gameplay (with leveling-up) and user-controlled dialogue.
  8. I am currently playing Indigo Prophecy. It is probably best described as an "interactive movie". It is very cinematic but does have user-controlled dialogue. Because of that, I am considering it an RPG. Crimson Sea has user-controlled dialogue. Granted, I am painting with a broad brush here.
  9. both games depended on absurd, comic-bookish elements. but, then again, I would point out that GL's own OT had a space station that could *vaporize* entire planets.... the main reason we see such wacked out stories is because they help avoid the issue of a proper darkside path. We will not see more "conventional" stories until they decide to write 2 real paths for these games.
  10. actually JE was on my original rough draft but after moving stuff around, I guess I "misplaced" it. Anyway, that will be corrected real soon. In fact, as people bring titles to my attention, I will add those titles to the original post. I would agree, BTW, that Jade Empire is more of an RPG than Pirates!
  11. I thought it would be fun to have a list of any and all RPGs available for Xbox (current gen). This is not about Xbox exclusives but ANY title that is available for Xbox. (Note: for the purposes of this list, I am including any game that has stat-based gameplay and/or at least some user-controlled dialogue. So, this would included action-RPGs and FPS crossovers.) * Arx Fatalis * Balder's Gate: Dark Alliance * Balder's Gate: Dark Alliance II * Bard's Tale * Crimson Sea * D&D Heroes * Demon Stone * Deus Ex: Invisible War * Digimon World 4 * Fable * Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel * Future Tactics: The Uprising * Jade Empire * Metal Dungeon (generally gets bad reviews) * Morrowind * Morrowind:GOTY (with Tribunal and Bloodmoon) * Phantom Dust * Pirates of the Caribbean * Sonic Adventure 2TM * Sonic HeroesTM * Sudeki * SW: Knights of the Old Republic * SW: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords * Third Age (Lord of the Rings) * X-Men Legends * X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse ========================== Upcoming Action/RPG/Adventure games: * Armada 2: Star Command and Resonance * Dreamfall: The Longest Journey * Fable: The Lost Chapters (this is a rerelease of Fable but with extra content) * Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows * Legion: Legend of Excalibur * Master Slave * The Roots * Times of Trouble ========================== Honorable Mention (not-quite an RPG): * Dynasty Warriors 5 * Gladius * Indigo Prophecy * Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders (RTS with RPG elements) * Kingdom Under Fire: Heroes (RTS with RPG elements) * Pirates! * Sparta: Total Warrior (RTS/RPG hybrid) * Thief: Deadly Shadows
  12. if I had to choose only one: PARTY MANAGEMENT having more potential NPCs out there than the max NPC slots on my ship and the ability to rotate people on and off.
  13. though it is not my own style, I like the idea of DSers being able to torture their party members (as opposed to killing them)....then, the tortured party member could either become a sycophant or leave the party....basically, it would be the DS way of doing party management....LSers would have more pleasant ways of releasing party members. of course, this would have to be "outer circle" party members who don't have essential, main story clues to offer. GOT0 was an "inner circle" character in K2 though his backstory and persona was very underdeveloped.
  14. OK, *technically* this is how it works: Endar Spire/coasting Ebon Hawk = tutorial Taris/Peragus = introduction to story Dantooine/Telos = transition from intro to the story proper However, Peragus was fine but there is no way it can compare to Taris. Taris is the best, most fleshed out world in this franchise so far. Nothing else is even close, IMO.
  15. true. Taris is incredibly immersive and 3-dimensional. Peragus is a better Endar Spire but it could have been a bit shorter, IMO.
  16. that is a good point....it is one thing to leave some dangling plot lines but you have to give the player a sense of accomplishment....excellent point.
  17. Yeah, that is the ticket. While walking so much sucks, this also sucks IMO: * Recall to point A * Boat to point B * Alsami's Intervention to point C * Divine Intervention to point D * Stilt to point E * Mage travel to point F that kind of thing really blows....really hurts immersion, IMO. by having mounts you can get rid of some of that.
  18. three biggest problems with Morrowind: * too much walking around * dialogue was totally flat * no cinematic cutscreens Oblivion is supposed to have rideable mounts and full voice-over....that should help a lot.
  19. K1's story was, essentially, a hack of ANH. It was a very enjoyable game with lots of polish (a really good musical score to boot) but the story was, at its core, pretty simple. K1 had really good NPC dialogue and sidequests. K2 had more multithreaded elements (which I think is good) and it had a more interesting, "adult" story. However, it was a media tie-in that the publisher wanted to be a cliffhanger of sorts. The main problem with the ending is that there was not enough backstory of the antagonists and not enough forshadowing of the threat. Cliffhangers require hooks to be effective. Han Solo being carried off in his frozen prison was a hook that lead directly to the next movie. The ending of K2 just did not have enough hooks to tie in to the next game which has lead some to believe that it is not really a cliffhanger.....but K3 has to be a continuation of K2 at this point. The fans want a satisfying ending to what we are in now.
  20. I agree. GOT0's backstory was too essential to the main plot to be "unlockable" dialogue determined by alignment and/or influence. And he should have had all kinds of holo messages on the Ebon Hawk.
  21. Yes, having ancient Sith holocrons to watch would have been sweet. They sure did have a lot of holomessages on Peragus. Having that on Korriban (a number of them) would have been really nice. I would like to see that in K3....ancient and modern holomessages on a world like Korriban.
  22. @Nurbs I often wonder whether the Kreia character would have played such a prominent role had Obsidian had the kind of time they wanted. Kreia is, more than anything else, a shortcut storytelling device that helps you follow the bouncing ball (even more than K1). The idea that you was bad, I admit, even though she is a very well-written character. There needs to be alternate methods of story insertion, IMO....we've seen enough Force Bonds.....we need to see more ship-to-ship transmissions, holograms, Force Ghost visitations, etc. Trust me, you wouldn't have minded the mumbo jumbo if you were able to turn it off whenever you wanted.
  23. Well, I admit, the idea of fighting an anamoly is not traditional SW fare but it is where K3 must take us to wrap this thing up. Given where we are now, I don't want anyone but Obsidian to try to resolve this.
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