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Plano Skywalker

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Everything posted by Plano Skywalker

  1. Revan and the Exile need resolution, either via dialogue, cutscreen only, or by being in-game NPCs....the only thing they can't be is PCs. I would say cinematic (yet full VO) cutscreens only would be best. Bastila is the only returning character that should share the spotlight with the PC. Kind of like the Bond film "Die Another Day". Halle Berry's character wasn't exactly a "Bond girl"...she was a co-lead. That is the kind of prominence that Bastila should get. And I'm not just saying that because I want to.....
  2. in a sense, it is unfortunate that Revan is LS because Exile HAS to be LS (and no, I'm not going to explain or defend why I believe that). Revan is much better material for DS. But continuity Revan is LS which makes sense given that all SW protagonists are LS. But, by having some sort of alien threat, it really doesn't matter what their alignments are as they will all be (presumably) fighting a common foe.
  3. I really like the idea, actually. I would love to see someone try. Meanwhile, I will "settle" for a proper DS path in the KOTOR games. (and I'm not holding my breath for that either).
  4. it is just about how it would be actually implemented in today's development climate....nobody is going to put that much content into today's games. and, again, it is unlikely that the *primary* antagonist changes...you are still off to destroy the Dragon Orb (or whatever) even though you may get betrayed along the way. I do like the idea of the Big Bad having different ways he can spin the endgame. He might try to kill off a party member, he might try to destroy your ship, etc. The AI might have 3 different endgames at its disposal and (to make it interesting) what it chooses is totally random. Yes, we need more of that...we need to have a much different experience EVERY TIME we play, I'm all for that. And I love the idea of joinable factions and the opportunity costs associated with them.
  5. with the right kind of AI (combat and otherwise) then I actually favor the henchmen approach. I think it is better for roleplaying.
  6. what he is talking about is a really fun strategy game with RPG elements...that's all I'm saying...I'm definitely for it.
  7. question: do NWNs companions find traps and sliding doors on their own?
  8. I've heard that Leeland Chee, who is responsible for sorting out canon and continuity (not that he is unilaterally in charge, mind you) has stated that, since continuity Revan is definitely male, he would like to see continuity Exile as definitely female. I agree, actually. I would even go so far as make her non-human as well. SW protagonists do need to be a diverse bunch.
  9. the reason I see him as a "must see" returning character is because of the army he commands....I like the whole shaky alliance bit between the Republic and the Mandalorians as they temporarily join forces to oppose a common foe.
  10. it doesn't bother me either way...it's just that the rumors have it as console-only. it could still get a PC port if the title is successful enough (and I have a feeling that both the publisher and the dev are going to nail it this time). take your time with the game....and take your time with the port(s)....PLEASE.
  11. it actually does make sense to go console-only...this will allow for effective implementation of real time combat...something that consoles do better than PCs, IMO. (also, LA is not keen on their games being moddable...keeping it console-only will help with that).
  12. my point is that 2 antagonists = 2 main paths = 2 GAMES by modern corporate standards...sure, it can be done and I hope it will eventually be done in the KOTORs. if I am playing a DSer, then I need a completely different cast of (full VO) characters on my ship, much different quests, teachers, etc. you are describing an endgame in which Rakata Prime and the Star Forge are non-existant (to the player)...that's AT LEAST 2 maps that are only used by one path of the game....again, that's great but it would have taken BioWare several more months to complete.
  13. multiple endings is way doable...but multiple antagonists is something else. take, for instance, the KOTOR games. there are 2 ways to "win", one is LS and one is DS but, for all practical purposes, the antagonist (and the objective) is the same. that is one problem that will eventually have to be confronted head-on in these games: the lack of a proper DS path. but a proper DS means a different antagonist and, thusly, a different 40 hours of content. there MIGHT be a way to avoid going to 2 shrinkwraps (by sharing many of the same maps, for instance) but we are still talking about a much higher production overhead. if we are talking about shifting faction alliances and such, then we might be talking about a thinly-veiled strategy game or sandbox game, which, while fun, is not a KOTOR or BG-style CRPG.
  14. there are indeed ways to handle game balance issues with a proper lightsaber. for one thing, there are more Force users in this era than you can shake a stick at....we need better AI for our lightsaber-wielding opponents and we need enemy Lords/Consulars to actually use their Force powers on us and not just go for a full-on frontal assault. one of the great things about Force Throw is that there is no Wisdom saving throw against a flying barrel or crate because, at that stage, it is just a missle attack and not really a Force attack. also, melee-oriented assassin droids with cortosis weapons and armor would be a good "generic monster" that can take multiple lightsaber hits.
  15. the story has to be about something (unless it is a sandbox game, and those are all about exploration and advancement). take, for instance, a story in which you are off to destroy the Dragon Orb. you join a faction because they promised to help you in that quest. come to find out, that faction really wants the Dragon Orb for itself. so, does that faction become the antagonist? in a sense, yes but the main antagonist is still the Dragon Orb. having secondary antagonists that change based on certain barometers and in-game triggers is a good thing. but I think the main antagonist has to remain a constant (at least for any project that Corporate America is going to be a part of). I think illusionary open-endedness (multiple backstories and optional party members) is the best we can realistically hope for.
  16. if they give us a "real" lightsaber, then that could lead to game balance issues. I think it would be fun if they actually had a lightsaber creation feat tree. one of the first things you have to do is create a lightsaber....problem is, you need certain exotic components in order to do that (at least until you advance up the feat tree) and looking for those components would require trips to a number of different worlds (armed with a vibroblade and blaster).
  17. thanks for the feedback....thanks for the game as well...
  18. right, they can't retreat on the other areas, that's for sure. for me, the biggest problem with KOTOR combat is that it is just out of sync with the movies, namely in the area of the lightsaber. I started playing Jedi Academy yesterday and one of the things I had to do was use my lightsaber to cut down a tree so that the tree then becomes a bridge over a stream....now THAT is Star Wars. it is also incredibly immersive.
  19. Pirates! is a sandbox game (I don't even think there was a main quest in the originals). If you like sandbox games, you will probably like Pirates!. If you are looking for the bouncing ball, you will get frustrated and bored.
  20. No, I meen there were this awesome combat movements with really nasty looks :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think Joran is talking about "ruffles and flourishes" that is just built into the animation....yes, that would be good (whether RT or TB of some kind). If K3 is console-only (i.e. Xbox 360 and PS3) then they could incorporate something like the combat seen in the Xbox game Obi-Wan in which the player has incredible control of the lightsaber using the right analogue stick. In fact, I would encourage any designer/dev out there who is thinking of producing a Jedi-type game to play the Obi-Wan game. While I don't like certain aspects of it (no user-defined dialogue), there is alot there that is cutting edge for this type game. The ability to Force Throw (using the environment as a weapon) is handled well, the ability to add the Force to a lightsaber attack, and the way water/swimming is handled to the way jumping and "rock climbing" is handled are very well done.
  21. partly because they couldn't have anything compete with the Epi III game. and, I think, partly because K2 became something of a political football. originally, K3 was to be an internal LA project but the LA people got laid off (while K2 was still in development)....that meant that future KOTOR games would probably be done by contractors as well....the rest is speculation but I think you get the idea...some folks weren't too happy about to whole thing and, well, I probably shouldn't say any more. K2's lack of post-production support (from the publisher) does, I think, show what a political football it had become.
  22. As much as I'd like to see Mission, Big Z, and Juhani, they really don't have much reason to return in a big way. Now, they could get cameos (either speaking or unspeaking) and that would be fine with me. Carth, I can see playing a bit part (yet important part) in K3 just like he did in K2. Dustil could actually be a shipmate. The droids are a given. Jolee should make some sort of speaking appearance. Master Dorak is unaccounted for....we could use an old master to help rebuild the Order. must see returning characters (major part): Revan Bastila Mandalore
  23. as a general rule, I think any minigame in the introductory worlds should be fairly simple and straightforward (and easy enough to win). the middle game is pretty open (as in non-linear) so it would be hard to have a progressively better AI in the middle section of the game but I think there should always be at least 2 patrons who will play you Pazaak in a bar...one who is a novice and one who will take your money (unless you exploit every trick in the book)...just my take. I am also not a big fan of bringing your own deck and sideboard. I think it much more realistic is this were a "bank game" (like Blackjack) in which the house is always the dealer (and the deck is a finite pool based on what a Pazaak deck is...that should be defined at some point...you form your sideboard and your deck out of what you are dealt) and that allows several players to join in at one time. Hmmm, two variants of Pazaak: a one-on-one game and a casino-style game. Fluffwise, that could explain why we see NPCs in K1 with names like "Shady Rodian" who sell you Pazaak cards. If the proper game is played with a house, then nobody should really have their own cards...no one except a scoundrel of some kind.
  24. the devs/designers/publisher have already hardcoded things that were user-defined in previous games. one example (and it may be the only blatant example other than the fact that they ) is the fact that . so, while it may be good form to keep some things variable, some hard-coding of previous characters/endings is unavoidable. there is only one story that is continuity and that is the LS ending with no mistakes. everything else is a doggie treat. that is how SW works. going forward (after K3) the best way to deal with this sort of thing is to just have self-contained stories and not epic trilogies. it is better suited to the era anyway.
  25. yeah, I don't think it affects what all merchants have in that area but I think it does affect what the Telosian weapons merchant has. next time I play through, I'll be sure to right it down.
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