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Plano Skywalker

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Everything posted by Plano Skywalker

  1. how about choices? no reason why the number of potential shipmate NPCs out there have to be limited to the max slots on your ship. heck, K1 did better in this regard than K2....K1 had 2 optional party members...K2 had 1. (I agree, though, we do need some of the "exotic" races....I don't like the idea that "well, that's just a thug race"....no, a want a Rodian to save the day) but I do think having a selection of (optional) purchasable droids (including melee-oriented droids) would be really sweet. the fact that the astromech droid will play a unique role is a given.
  2. also, need more in the way of combat droids. the Obi-Wan game (despite its faults) shows how melee-oriented battle droids can be used effectively. and not every droid needs a personality...need to be able to buy non-sentient droids.
  3. I really like the idea of holocrons playing a more important role...in other words, if you watch X holocron, then you unlock certain feats, powers and/or side quests and even optional party members (the holocron tells you where to find so-and-so). if you don't watch it, then you don't unlock the extra content...plain and simple. of course, hunting down holocrons could even be a big chunk of the main plot.
  4. there is nothing wrong with a "lightsaber hunt". if there are going to be formal missions, that has to be the first one.
  5. @Jediphile Actually, I have begun collecting the trade paperbacks. I recently ordered "Tales of the Jedi: the Sith War". I'll have to see about getting "Tales of the Jedi: Knights of the Old Republic" as well. some other trade paperbacks: Tales of the Jedi: The Fall of the Sith Empire Tales of the Jedi: The Golden Age of the Sith (this is actually before the KOTOR era...this one shows what the real Sith species looks like) anyway, the Jan 2006 KOTOR is the first comic so named without any other subtitle.
  6. yes, war-torn galaxy or no, having some formal missions as a padawan would be really nice...the game opens up once you've gotten your sea legs.
  7. well, just to clarify, I am content knowing that it is planned. I'm just trying to feed the trolls a bit which, to be sure, often gets one into trouble.
  8. true, but I want to fly a griffon in Dragon Age.
  9. for crying out loud, I'm not talking about the finished product, I'm talking about an (official) indication of the plans to develop the game.
  10. on the one hand, I agree but K2 fans have already had to wait a long time.
  11. so realism suggests that K3 will not be made anytime soon?
  12. no. KOTOR I was loosely based on the setting described in the Dark Horse Tales of the Jedi comics, that, essentially, tell the story of Exar Kun and the Sith War. KOTOR is about 40 years after Kun's demise, IIRC. the first KOTOR comic was released Jan 2006.
  13. I think the fact that they have an ongoing KOTOR comic is evidence that they do, in fact, see this as an "ongoing franchise", as LA employees have been quoted as saying. the KOTOR comic writer even went so far as to say that the new game would "provide momentum" for the comic. I think we will hear something by E3. I personally, want Obsidian to wrap this up. After K3, I wouldn't mind a different era for the next RPG, although KOTOR era would be fine.
  14. it would be nice if space felt more like a "natural habitat" for the Ebon Hawk and crew. the ability to release fake debris (as in the movies)....decoy flares (someone has got to be using heat-seakers out there), "bombs" (such as the sonic charges in Ep II), evasive manuvuers (that the player controls), heck, even tractor beams and the ability to board other ships would be nice.
  15. concerning generic, Tolkienesque settings, one thing about Morrowind is that it was unique enough to not fall into that mold. anyway, my point is that it CAN be done. botton line: if Dragon Age has RIDEABLE FLYING MOUNTS, then I can forgive another formulaic story.
  16. this game will presumably be on all 3 next gen platforms (360, PS3, PC) so it will, undoubtetly, bring in lots of newbies to the franchise. partly for this reason, I think having Revan and/or the Exile as controllable characters is a bad idea. I want them to be major, scripted characters (and not shipmates, either) like Kavar and Vrook. Because of various situational issues, they are not able to fight the antagonist head-on and that is where the PC comes in.
  17. the bottom line is, I don't know....but I doubt IGN was just pulling something out of thin air. remember, Droid World is a map that already exists and it could be part of such a demo...who knows? hopefully, we will know something by E3, one way or the other.
  18. it would be unheard of for an established company to do that, yes. but I think it is possible in this case. I think there is still a tug-of-war going on behind the scenes as to who will actually develop KOTOR 3. you can write anything (including derivative works)...the only trouble comes when you want to make money on it without permission.
  19. I think they are working on KOTOR 3....they may be working on a playable demo and send it to the brass at LA and say "OK, this is what 25% of KOTOR 3 looks like, tell us if you are interested". I really wouldn't be surprised if it is something like that.
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