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Plano Skywalker

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Everything posted by Plano Skywalker

  1. question for you dufflover: in your game, does the "dealer" draw from a pool of virtual cards (that are randomized at the beginning of the match) or does it just totally randomize any legal card and then deal that? I am also curious how this operates in the official games, if anyone knows.
  2. Well, I do think Bastila would be better off in a Kreia role than an Atris or Vrook role, partly for the reasons you have described. Bastila is headstrong and does not want everyone prying into what she is doing...she is your teacher but is not hovering over you every 10 minutes (like Kreia). For the "official" head of the Order, I like a hard-coded LS Exile.
  3. how about a CRPG in which we play as Drizzt Do'Urden and that Drizzt has amnesia? actually, while it may sound corny at first glance, I can also see where it could work and work well.
  4. I agree. Although, because of her Force Bond with Revan, she also wants to go looking for him (in her own ship) and is a player-controlled squad leader in certain parts of the game. That is what I would like. Bastila needs to have at least as much play as Atris and probably as much as Kreia.
  5. another device for the protagonist is the "unlikely hero"....you play some guy who never finished high school, got kicked out the military, divorced 4 times, etc. but he stumbles across some information that could save the day...and he has to go it alone because nobody would believe him.
  6. [sLIGHT SPOILERS] the color lightsaber you chose when speaking to Atton does not affect much in-game but it does affect the color of Atris's lightsaber. it also seems to affect the color of the basic crystals that the Telosian weapons merchant has.
  7. well, I do like the idea of drawing on what is already there....Bastila's homeworld, heck, even Revan's homeworld is mentioned in K1. I really won't mind seeing them flesh out things like that. Chances are, they aren't going to use anyone's story idea in its entirety....they may take a bit from here and a bit from there. Oh, and I definitely want Bastila in the next game and with a full romance option (depending on how you steer the conversation about Revan and she.)
  8. I think it is sad that it took a hack and slash like Dungeon Siege to give us a pack mule....rideable mounts and pack animals should have been there early on.
  9. WOWZERS! Yeah, that is a pretty unmistakable allusion to a Sith Empire that is in no way connected to the Revan/Malak Sith.
  10. yes, the groundwork has already been laid with 2 (actually 3) hack and slash titles. time for a true RPG to build on that.
  11. well, all of that would have to be in the context of keeping the Teen rating. I think what is needed is more obvious examples of a "Chaotic" answer in which you get neither LS or DS points. Chaotic statements lead to more and more chaotic tactics and can be further unlocked with certain feats.
  12. Knights of the New Republic would be cool, though. Luke is head of the Order and Kyle Katarn could your Master.
  13. I agree that the dialogue was one of the best parts of K2. The latest MCA interview (the one linked up top on the Obsidian home page) talks about NWN2 dialogue and he mentions that, while he is trying to hook us up with more and better dialogue, he is also providing a short way out for those who just want to get to the action....trying to accommodate us all.
  14. indeed, one of the appealling things about this era is that Jedi are: 1) abundant 2) very much a part of the political system 3) essentially the FBI of the Republic the problem is that the designers tried to mimic the movies in which Jedi are extinct or being hunted, etc. K3 needs to tidy up the mess we are in now (I don't want the comic to wrap everything up in this story arch). But, beyond K3, games set in this era need to take advantage of what this era has to offer: 1) stable central government. 2) lots of Force users and Force factions. an era ripe for James Bond-style mini-adventures.
  15. I've heard that too....chances are, we will never get an "official" clarification on what it was supposed to mean because they have incorporated the EU definition as the canon definition...they don't want us to be asking these questions.
  16. Vader is Father in Dutch, yes... but Darth? I wonder where in Holland they would go saying that... as I never heard about it? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I stand corrected....
  17. OK, let us take a look at what the thread-creator wants. We all have opinions about the movies but that was not his question. >>Someone please explain to me how the Dark Lord of the Sith title actually works.<< now, I don't know about you, but when I see a question like that, I automatically think EU. so, that sets the tone for the rest of the thread, IMO. >>The way I figured it, there is only one, and you gain the position by killing the ruling Dark Lord.<< a fair question, and, again, one that has an EU point of reference. >>Okay, but then how can Vader be Dark Lord of the Sith while Sidious clearly still lives? According to Wikipedia, both Darth Maul and Count Dooku (as Darth Tyranus) held the title before him, while they too were clearly apprentices to Sidious/Palpatine...<< Wikipedia is totally fan-updated, amateur, unregulated content. "The New Essential Chronology" at the local bookstore is the most definitive guide there is at the moment for official continuity. IMO, "Darth Lord of the Sith" is more relevant as a concept when you have an empire of Force users (like the old racial Sith lords did). But, anyway, let us just forget Revan and Malak for a minute and go back to the old comics....Darth Bane shorted the title "Dark Lord of the Sith" to "Darth". He also instituted the Rule of Two....there can only be 2 Sith at any one time to prevent discord among the Sith. But this is "C Canon" which can be modified and was modified by the Revan story. >>How does that add up? After all, it's not as if they are the lords who accept Sidious as a mentor and advisor, no, they clearly take orders from him and are very submissive and respectful. Note how Vader actually kneels before Palpatine and calls him master in the RotJ. I don't quite get it...<< Just because you are Royalty does not mean that you answer only to Royalty. A real-world example is Prince Andrew who serves in the British military. His superiors have to show a special deference to him but they are still his superiors. That would explain how Vader took orders from others but still had a special connection to Sidious. Sidious is also the Galactic Emperor, that is why people kneel to him....not because of some abstraction known as the Dark Lord of the Sith....that was once a political title....in the movie era, it is just an abstraction from a bygone era. Basically, for Vader to go around saying he was a Dark Lord of the Sith would be like someone in our time going around saying he is a member of the Knights Templar.....yes, they still exist but it is not the same thing at all. Anyone who truely thinks he is a Knight Templar needs to have his head examined (and that is exactly how the ordinary Imperial troops viewed Vader and Sidious).
  18. ooops, I forgot to mention Coruscant. Coruscant is a must! :D I also like Alderaan (either as an explorable world or as a cameo...Coruscant could also make a cameo cutscreen appearance instead of being a playable world). Dantooine is pretty much a given, one would suppose. Worlds like Dantooine need to have long-distance adventures, not just hanging around the starport. more incoming radio transmissions and holomessages would help out immersion alot (and open up other avenues to tell the story).
  19. Oh, I agree, there are so many ways Taris could play a significant part of K3 (the Promised Land being one of them). And, Rakata Prime, as well. Lots of story potential there. As I see it, here are the must see returning worlds: * Telos * Taris * Rakata Prime * Korriban (we haven't seen anything there yet, really...this is the enemy's back door) must see new worlds: * the Mandalorian home world (in Mandalorian space) * Ziost * Yavin 4
  20. one way to look at it is that, while you may have other students, you have one "special student" and you (the PC) can even initiate a force bond with that person. also, the special student could also be designated as First Mate of the ship and have PC-like attributes (such as the Persuade skill) if and when the game goes multithreaded.
  21. first of all, I don't think we are addressing who takes military orders from whom. if you want to technical about it, Lucas used the word "Darth" because it is Dutch for Father. So Vader was, originally, "Father Vader" at least on the drawing board. What makes it into the movies is "G Canon" and, yes, that includes Epi I-III. So even if Darth was not originally thought of as a title and even if it appeared in the EU before it appeared in the movies, the fact is that it does appear in the movies (as a title, i.e. Darth Sidious) and is just as much "G Canon" as anything else. G Canon does not contradict G Canon so, even if there appears to be some sort of contradiction, there is none.
  22. this is slightly off-topic I guess but it is a bit of information that I think most here would be interested in: the RTS game Empire At War will have Taris and Manaan, two worlds that were introduced by these games. kind of cool, huh?
  23. yeah, lots of pages with little substantive content. that's ok though, I think the comic is needed as there are many holes in the storyline....the comic will help with that. and I wouldn't be surprised if novels and magazine short stories from that era start to appear as well.
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