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Plano Skywalker

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Everything posted by Plano Skywalker

  1. I agree. She was one of the more interesting characters in that game. And maybe so yeah, if it is possible, she would be on my short list as well.
  2. good point Azarkon...why have the build up when there is no fulfillment? indeed, the focus of love/sex in a cRPG should be romance....if that leads to a cutscreen here and there showing characters about to entertain each other, then fine, but the focus cannot be on instant gratification (because there is none).
  3. I'm not saying I wouldn't mind seeing Ban but she has as much chance of returning as Vrook....just trying to prepare people for what I believe the publisher will do (or not do) based on how continuity works in these games. Calo Nord, on the other, is possible....he never dies.
  4. alright, alright I guess I just thought this was not just a pie in the sky wishlist but a pragmatic wishlist.
  5. hate to be a stickler but I don't think Yuthura Ban is possible. because: maybe there is but not if
  6. Bastila is an absolute must (and I ain't talking about no teaser holocron either)
  7. * Bastila (she was in K2 so that proves that the *was possibly killed* thing is not a concern to the devs, which is ultimately a good thing, IMO. I want to see Bastila, I want to hear her, I want to touch her....anyway.... * Jolee - really funny and believable * Carth - whiny, yes, but very believable * Mission, Mission's brother, and Big Z - comic relief
  8. I think it was ultimately abandoned due to trench warfare tactics over the low price point...it also helps a bit with the antitrust image. but I think it is coming eventually.
  9. It was widely believed even by industry insiders that Microsoft was going to have 3 versions of the new Xbox, with the high-end being a PC with a keyboard, etc. It was a rumor but a rumor that was, apparently, planned at some point. We now know that they did not do that with this upcoming generation of devices. But the bottom line is that gaming consoles are morphing into "content devices" and will, at some point, have more PC abilities and interfaces (but just not this generation).
  10. I remember playing the heck out of the Atari 2600 console when I was a kid. And, in every circle of friends, there would be the rich kid who did not have a 2600 but had CalicoVision instead. :D After the 2600, though, I avoided consoles like the plague. I got an Xbox because it doubled as a DVD player. Basically, I got in at a good time for the Xbox: KOTOR and Morrowind were out, K2, Bard's Tale, Pirates! and JE just a few months away. And, I have to say, I really like plopping down on the couch and playing Jade Empire on a 30 inch screen. I mean, if the titles that I am interested in are there, then I actually prefer the convenience of console play. I will not get a 360 before the price drop but I may get a Revolution as soon as it comes out.
  11. Among other things, I like turn-based strategy games. I play the old Hasbro Axis and Allies TBS game online sometimes. But, with so may RTS games out there, are there some good TBS still out there? I have heard that the 2 Masters of Orion games are really good.
  12. You know, I heard they were going to do that. Apparently, they scraped the idea at some point. But the rumor was there was going to be 3 Xbox 360s, the higher end one being a multimedia-focused PC.
  13. look guys, the reason the Xbox 360 did not have all the bells and whistles that it could have had is the price point....$299 wo hd, $399 with hd BEFORE THE PRICE DROP. that is going to be awfully hard to beat. Sony only sells premium products. They are going to end up with a powerhouse that costs $600 and does not even have live support. It's all about allocating resources in the smartest, most efficient way. Having said that, there are tons of RPG and Adventure games that I need to catch up on for both the current gen Xbox and PC....I will not be getting a 360 any time soon....but that doesn't mean it's not a good deal.
  14. I believe the only time "True Sith" is used in K2 is when the Exile (after mortally wounding her) asks Kreia about where Revan went. She mentions that he went into the Unknown Regions to look for "the Sith, the true Sith". why would the Exile need to hear "True Sith"? Because he already knows that Revan became a Sith lord and, perhaps, is now starting to piece together the idea that Revan's Sith amounted to a scorched earth plan that would (at least in theory) help save the Republic. Revan's "Sith" are little more than pro-Republic assassins (and many of them don't even know they are pro-Republic).
  15. yes, there needs to be more deceit and misinformation tactics....not really "evil" per se but "chaotic" dialogue options. there may be times when misinformation is exactly what you want a foe or even an ally to believe...it should also be hard to deceive--requiring you to burn skill and/or feat slots.
  16. for those of you who do not like NWNs OC, do you think the NWNs Diamond Pack is worth getting (I currently do not own the game)?
  17. BG1 = took me a while to get used to that kind of tactical party management and it took a while to used to the dated graphics and fixed camera angle...but, this is a truely GREAT game.
  18. 2 BioWare games 2 Obsidian games 2 Mistwalker games Oblivion
  19. I don't know that it is an RPG per se but there is an Xbox game called Dead to Rights in which you have to break out of prison.... cigarettes act as a type of currency.
  20. interesting work there, thanks. I've always said the Malachor content was cut for reasons other than time constraints. Droid World was cut due to time constraints and, possibly, a multithreaded space battle over Telos....thanks for advancing that view of the Ravager...that makes alot of sense. the dark ending that Obsidian had in mind for Malachor was, in the end, just too dark for a SW game. Obsidian was going to use all the carnage on Malachor to make it feel as though there was a real ending even though the publisher wanted a Revan-oriented cliffhanger from square one. Basically, it was to be a self-contained story *and* a feed-in to another game. The publisher objected to the ending at some point and took away the carnage. But by doing that it also made the cliffhanger look more like a cliffhanger.
  21. Obsidian has already stated they WOULD LIKE to do KOTOR 3 and LA insiders has suggested they would like to continue with the franchise. At any rate, let's just say that it is Obsidian that is making K3, LA still has them on a very short leash....once the project is announced, I suspect the devs will open up a forum for it like with PNJ....heck, how long has that forum been open? And still, not much meat in there.
  22. but you can still send it. at the very least, you will feel like a ton of bricks has been lifted off your shoulders...you did all you could do. look, they have to say things like that. what if an esteemed writter like Timothy Zahn sent them a manuscript. and let us say that they read it and only used about 20% of it....there could still be (conceiveably) grounds for a lawsuit. they have to protect their own legal interests. I think they realize that fans like us just want to see K3 be all that it can be and nothing more but they have to have a one size fits all answer to that. so, yes, storyline ideas are a real Catch-22. on the one hand you really can't spill the beans of your story in a forum like this one because then nobody will use it for sure (no longer any mystery involved) but getting past the green eyeshade types is also a challenge (but not necessarily impossible...who knows whether somebody actually read it?).
  23. I would prefer the "less is best" approach to Swoop Racing that we saw in K1. Maybe one planet with the more advanced type but generally less is best for this type of minigame. A multiplayer (not just 1 vs 1) version of Pazaak with voice over comments from the players would be sweet.
  24. even though it is a long shot, I would still encourage you to send your scripts in to both Obsidian and Lucas Arts. what I read was really encouraging and sounded like you were going in the right direction. chances are, there is no money to be made here, even if they do use some or all of your ideas...but if your motivation is to see K3 get made and have a satisfying story, by all means, send some snail mail....it can't hurt.
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