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Plano Skywalker

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Everything posted by Plano Skywalker

  1. some points of clarification: 1) KOTOR 2 was not just released early to make more money during Christmas. It was released early to make room for the spring release of the Epi III game. They felt they couldn't have 2 lightsaber-focused games going on at the same time. 2) the KOTOR 3 team (which was an internal, LA team) was fired while KOTOR 2 was still in development. KOTOR 2's lack of post-production support (along with an early release date) suggests a form of sabotage by disgruntled folk at LA.
  2. I, for one, am glad the genre is moving forward. I prefer 3-d sprites and atmosphere over 2-d and I have time for 20-30 hour story arcs, not 80 hour ones. As another poster said, the 2-d games (Ultima IV and into the IE games) had the advantage of being first and having a captive market. It looks like we are seeing something of a rebirth of the adventure game. That should provide us with some good stories if the RPGs do not.
  3. And there are some "hard core" SW fans who genuinely think that KOTOR is G-canon, on par with the movies. We can't simply "write off" KOTOR as Infinities. Leland Chee said that both KOTOR games are no more or less canonical than most of the EU, C-canon, that is. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> all I'm saying is that, whichever fork in the road(s) they take, continuity shifts. and I think it is pretty clear that at least one of the reasons the KOTOR comic even exists is to make decisions on continuity. no one can stand on "my Revan's experience" alone as continuity. the comic will be the definitive guide and LFL/Dark Horse are, smartly, taking their time in handling the big issues.
  4. anyone know of a good compilation of rock/metal covers done in an Industrial Metal style?
  5. I am curious as to what type of metal Mr. Suite likes...how about Symphonic Metal (a la Nightwish)?
  6. OK, Bailey chose what was, by far, the darkest tune on that album. "Damien" is just another "monster" in an album about monsters. The character is, of course, the young Antichrist character from the Omen movies. The song is written from Damien's first-person perspective. "Horror Show" has a second cd in which Schaffer gives an interview. He talks about the song and why it was so dark. This is not a "black metal" band and that view is not necessarily his own perspective.
  7. hopeful or skeptical? seriously, Jon Schaffer can write some lyrics and he knows how to bring the rest of it together, too. In addition to Iced Earth, he is involved in a project called "Demons and Wizards". from the website: Demons & Wizards is a project featuring Jon Schaffer of Iced Earth and Hansi K
  8. BTW, for anyone who has not yet heard "Horror Show" by Iced Earth, I would highly recommend it. The more I listen to Iced Earth, the more I really like this band. I think they have the potential of being a big name band. If you like thoughtful (but not overly defeatist) lyrics and a metal that is more like Iron Maiden and Metallica than the "cookie monsters" out there, this band might be for you.
  9. I think Metallica came closest to "rock" with Load and Reloaded. Basically, those albums are, as someone mentioned, "post grunge" but with heavy Blues and Southern Rock elements. BTW, I've been listening to St. Anger and, well, I like it. Who says Nu Metal has to be super polished?
  10. for someone looking for metal that has very discernable lyrics, I would actually recommend Linkin Park.
  11. not necessarily. HOWEVER, subgenres such as Metal exist just below the radar screen and allow for an incredible about of artistic freedom, including serious (and not-so-serious) discussions about death, religion, politics (i.e. nuclear war, corporate welfare, etc) and a number of hard-hitting issues that the more intelligent are right bad to think about.
  12. I've heard the interface (on the device) is really good (and patented). That is what continues to give iPod the edge over the competition.
  13. the bottom line is that, as gaming rigs become more powerful (to keep up with the titles), they become more expensive. Consoles are able to keep up with the technology curve in a much more scalable and cost effective way. the Xbox has historically offered PC-type games and mostly non-exclusive ones at that. now that the Xbox 360 will have a pretty impressive lineup of occidental RPGs (some being exclusive), and also including original Xbox ones like Jade Empire, that makes the 360 attractive IMO, but I will wait for at least the first price drop and maybe the second one.
  14. my new Anthrax compilation ....surprizingly good.
  15. In a sense, yes, but probably because the other music in the band is so overshadowed by what he does. If the music was "tighter", it would be fine. He is definitely one of the key figures to ensure that melody never leaves the genre though. And that is worth something.
  16. am I the only one here who likes to listen to some Yngwie?
  17. looks like it is Rubin. http://billboard.com/bbcom/news/article_di...t_id=1002035228 and this makes it "official": http://www.metallica.com/index.asp?item=14828
  18. Def Leapord? hard rock, not metal, IMO....metal has a pounding pulse with rhythm guitar being very much a part of time-keeping. UK bands like Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden are thought of as the predecessors of Bay Area Thrash Metal, the first proper Heavy Metal genre. Whether Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden are properly thought of as metal bands is a debateable point, but they are certainly the predecessors of it.
  19. BTW, Metallica recently accounced that Bob Rock will not be producing their next album and that they are working on a new one.
  20. thanks for the recommendations, I did some poking around...those do look like some good bands.
  21. Since a number of us have shown interest in Metal bands, I thought it might be fun to have thread just on Metal. I am looking to expand my horizons on the genre. I have some early Metallica and I just picked up an Anthrax compilation. I will probably be picking up some Iced Earth, Sepultura and Nightwish pretty soon (yes, I know, much different kind of metal for all three), based on what I've read. I like riffs and melodies....can't really get into Groove Metal that much.
  22. Pink Floyd Styx The Doors Rush U2 Sting are indeed noticeably absent from this poll. and yet we have "The Backstreet Boys"?
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