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Kor Qel Droma

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Everything posted by Kor Qel Droma

  1. Holy Snap! boy did that stretcher make me think of ROTJ in the ewok village.
  2. I have to admit when I saw the sign that they had entered Airdrie I had a chuckle.
  3. I hope Shannon finds Walt before Michael just to spite him. And I thought Shannon was a bitch. Nice stepmom.
  4. So do you figure Charlie is back slam dancing with Mr. Brownstone?
  5. And Boone is still lame in flashbacks, whodathunkit?
  6. I have to admit I'm not very far into it, but it has a nice GTA feel and like Kelverin said, if you're a fan of the show you'll probably enjoy it. Although I still don't know where the seventh Destroyer tag was in the first riot level. Fighting, Mugging, Rioting, Break & Enter + Theft= a jolly old time!
  7. you sly dog Sayid
  8. I had the same problem. Once I got out of it by hitting the white button, oddly enough. But most of the time a saved game is your best bet.
  9. I think he's creepy too. Reminds me a little of Damien in the Omen
  10. my program guide reads
  11. I'm playing the Warriors. It's alright. Sometimes Jags and I play Xmen Legends 2 online.
  12. I can say the same thing about 'Evil Dead 2: Dead By Dawn' . There is a commentary track with Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell that had me in stitches!
  13. (w00t) (w00t)
  14. I think my favorite moment is from ROTJ. Luke is captured and is being escorted to the Emperor by Vader. Vader starts off on how Luke made himself a new lightsaber, then turns it on. I don't know why, but in the theatre that made me jump. I'm picking that with my runner up being Obi-Wan splitting Maul in ep.1
  15. I picked it up as soon as I could. I wouldn't say its as strong as the first album. The eponymous debut had a solid theme, dance tracks with guitar. The second LP ' you could have it so much better' is a bit more diverse, but lacks the overall cohesion found in the first. Ha ! i'm rambling like a schoolgirl. The standout tracks I found were 'the fallen, do you want to, well that was easy, and the outsiders' Steppenwolf- Magic Carpet Ride you can blame that song on Team America
  16. I agree that the Euros have gotten the shaft when it comes to awards. And I also agree Crosby will most likely take home the Calder. Even though I'm reminded of the old 'a garbage can could score thirty goals playing besides Mario' joke. Not to say that Crosby isn't talented, but hopefully , hey who votes on this kind of stuff anyway? Is it fat sportswriters?
  17. So who do you think is better for the role? Alicia Witt? or Kirsten Dunst?
  18. Well at least we know in Superman Returns the female lead wasn't hired because of her breast size. Unlike KD in the Spidey films ( boo on you Sam Raimi) and the Dawsons Creek girl in BB.
  19. shh, quiet alan, let them think we were robbed as opposed to the Oil robbing themselves.
  20. I would say scrap both songs and play 'Talent Show' by the Replacements instead. Watch the irony fly over their heads, pixies!! Middle of The Road- the Pretenders
  21. It's too bad you can't be watching the Oilers and Preds right now Commie, its a hoot of a game! Tied 1-1 with less than five left, its a clinic on end to end action with both goalies ( Vokoun and Markkenen) putting on a show ... And Nashville just pulled ahead with a minute forty two to go. At least I won't end up burning supper. Which Edmonton quickly responded to, only to see a hand pass lead to the game winning goal for Nashville. ****
  22. You dare rip Ollie the goalie?!?!? Actually Washington was one of my favorites a few years ago, Oates, Bondra,Gonchar. Then Ted Leonosis came along, signed Jagr to the second stupidest contract in history ( Mike Millbury and Yashin take that prize) , lost most of their games and proceeded to gut his own team. What an ****. And Washington has way more problems than just goaltending.
  23. Having no clue who Alicia Witt is, I did a google search for some pictures. All I can say now is....YAMMA HAMMA!!! (w00t) (w00t)
  24. 'are you stroking your jedi?' great find Julian
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