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Kor Qel Droma

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Everything posted by Kor Qel Droma

  1. Kor Qel Droma


    Well, a sweep was bound to happen at some point during this years playoffs.
  2. Lol, I haven't even touched multiplayer yet. It's been loads of fun just getting the mechanics of the game down and pissing around endlessly. Using the lasso is getting easier. Horseshoes is not. Seth is ugly, and pretty damn twisted.
  3. Kor Qel Droma


    I really hope that Philly can do what Pittsburgh and Washington couldn't: eliminate the Habs before game seven rolls around.
  4. This game is all kinds of awesome.
  5. Was it? Wasn't Ethan Rom born on the island, and his mother survived?
  6. Wasn't the whole pregnancy issue because of the Losties detonating Jughead back in 1977?
  7. Kor Qel Droma


    Ouch. Montreal gets bitchslapped by the Flyers in game one. I really have to start making time to actually watch some of this playoff hockey.
  8. I'm just glad Smallville is coming back for its what, tenth season? I dug up the Smallville thread, and was about to post how completely awesome the season finale was, when I realized that the thread had been dead for nearly four years.
  9. Gomez - Airstream Driver
  10. It's too bad, really. Season one was pretty epic for the most part. It's hard to say where everything went downhill, but to me the series changed a little bit after the season two episode 'six months back'. They should have stuck to their original plan from the first season and wiped out a few characters. Hiro became really annoying really quickly. Nathans' constant flip flops in character were handled very poorly, even by soap opera standards. Season two really stumbled with the second half of their episodes. The third was my least favorite. Season four had a glimmer or hope for an episode or two, but it became pretty clear that this show was on its last legs. Now I wonder where I'll see such blatant advertising. How will I know what Nissan will be putting on the road next? Ah well, let this be another skidmark on the tail of the pea**** network. After LOST ends, I can't see myself settling down to watch anything else on ABC. I can't remember the last time I watched anything good on CBS or FOX. It sucks, there's pretty much nothing to look forward to until True Blood returns in June. And another show that became much better as the season progressed was Spartacus: Blood and the Sand, although there's nothing new on that front until January.
  11. Kor Qel Droma


    1-3 as well. I had the Philly series picked correctly. Conference Finals: Montreal vs Philadelphia: I like the Flyers is this one. Montreal will run out of magic juice soon, or at least that's what I'm predicting. Philly in six. No game seven comeback for the Habs this time, hopefully. Chicago vs San Jose: Zoiks, this one is tough to pick for me. The 'Hawks are a much younger team, with some crazy skilled young players. San Jose has far more playoff experience and size on their squad. My gut feeling is whoever wins this one will do it in four, or else both teams will be pretty evenly matched and this will go the distance to seven. I'd be happy if either team advanced. Coin flip says...heads. Therefore, Chicago it is.
  12. Kor Qel Droma


    There's still twenty minutes of hockey left. I'm firmly rooting for the Pens now.
  13. Kor Qel Droma


    Well, Chicago and San Jose should be an entertaining Western Conference Final. Big Question now is, will we see Boston versus Montreal in the east? I'd rather see Philly and the Pens, myself.
  14. I'll admit that the series seems a little all over the place, but episode nine was pretty damn good, IMO.
  15. Not FFS!!
  16. I finished watching this weeks episode a moment ago. Sad, very sad. Is there what, one or two episodes left?
  17. Its my first day of a four day weekend off from work, but its been as hectic as any work day. Tomorrow morning my parents and I are driving to the city for family pictures with my dads side of the family, who, aside from one of my cousins, I don't really have a lot of use for, nor am I close to them. We've had this photo shoot scheduled for months, and now that its nearly time to go I'm rather unimpressed that my parents still don't have a plan for the weekend. So **** it, I went to the airport and booked a late flight home for Saturday evening, which I'm sure will piss them off royally. Aside from that, I've been running around, picking up my mothers day gift, and scheduling appointments for my upcoming week off. Now its time to go home and tackle a mountain of laundry. Oh joy. With any luck, I'll finally be able to check out tuesday nights episode of LOST...
  18. Kor Qel Droma


    Wow, my second round picks are looking more horrible as the days go by...
  19. I spent last night / this morning with my ex. Except she's not really my ex anymore. I have to say, the last week we've had together has been really great. We're ( and that's mostly me, I guess) really communicating a lot better. The two months we spent apart were pretty agonizing, but after the first month or so I figured that I had to make some serious changes in my life, or else I'd be doomed to being miserable and alone. And for her part, she's come a long way since we split up. Honestly, I don't know if I could be happier. Things are looking up, and I'm really positive about our future together, which wasn't the case before. The moral of the story is, you have to be content with yourself before you can be happy with someone else. Or something like that.
  20. Kor Qel Droma


    Here is a nice story about what a hockey player did after getting eliminated from the playoffs last night. Very, very cool.
  21. Kor Qel Droma


    Aw crap. I thought I had until Friday to make my picks for round two. I didn't realize that the Detroit / San Jose series was starting so soon. The east: Montreal vs Pittsburgh: Like the last series, Halak will steal a few games for Les Habitants. However, the Pens are more than capable of solving a hot goaltender. Over in 6. Flyers vs Boston: This is a tough one to pick. My feeling is that Philly will bodycheck the Bruins into submission. This one will go to seven games. The West: San Jose vs Detroit: It would be nice for the Sharks to upset the Wings, but until Joltin' Joe shows up for the playoffs, I just don't see it happening. Wings in 5. Chicago vs Vancouver: To me, this is the series to watch. The Hawks are most likely to win this one, but Vancouver gets my vote due to some weird sense of patriotism. 'Nucks in seven. Looking at my picks, I can easily see myself going 0-4. May the luck lords shine on me!
  22. Kor Qel Droma


    I'm 4 for 4 as well, but I feel slightly positive about it. I'm pretty sure that's better than I usually do.
  23. Kor Qel Droma


    Yeah, I think if Washington doesn't get it done tonight, they might be stuck with the 'San Jose of the east' tag.
  24. That's love for you, Shryke. I can offer no advice, since last night my(ex?) fiancee and I made the first steps in patching up our relationship. And my condo really, really , really smells like a pot box, which is kind of weird, since I haven't been smoking any lately.
  25. Kor Qel Droma


    The heartbreaker I was referring to was the 4-1 goal for Detroit. That pretty much sealed the deal. Phoenix would have been this years playoff Cinderella story if they would have made it through. I wonder how the Sharks will fare against Detroit. It's a great opportunity for a certain elite center to silence his critics.
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