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Everything posted by Cantousent

  1. No, Darth, you Schmarth. You get low marks for using mental gymnastics but high marks for the gymnastics themselves. The Child's review is not sanctioned, however, but I am glad he did one. After all, I'm just glad to have other folks doing some reviews. uhhh EDIT? Anyhow, you guys realize I don't have the power to sanction or censure (or censor) any review, right?
  2. I'm far too lazy to edit most of the time. On the other hand, I won't edit extraneous information into reviews. They're already extraneous enough.
  3. I remember when someone said, "64k? Why would anyone ever need more than 48?" 45.5 for a patch still seems excessive, but I guess I should get with the times.
  4. I am going to engage in something different for the next review. I will write a report on two people at the same time. Don't feel slighted, Child and Surreptishus, You'll both get a full length review. Longer even, as I do a comparison review between the two of you. Not only that, but I have A LOT of things to say about both of you. hahaha Oh, I'd say sorry about the double post, but I won't. I simply feel no guilt about double or triple posting. Meanwhile, if any of you would like to do a review of other folks, I'd appreciate it. So far, KQD and Pixies are the only folks helping out with the reports. Come on, folks!
  5. The subject of this review is Blank Reviewer
  6. I have a friend who had problems and the 1.52 patch really did the trick. It's huge, though.
  7. What are we to say, Child? Many people get better briefly before they die. I didn't know your mom was dead. I'm sad to hear it. Let's hope meta's loved one gets better and does not die. ...But none of us will escape death in the long run. It is a road we must all travel in the end.
  8. Well, in that case, Mothman did his report of you already. :D
  9. Damned attention whore!
  10. I don't believe it's that draconian. I have received unofficial warnings, however. Of course, I've received gentle questions regarding some of my posts here, also. It is a little more staid and stuffy over there. That's the problem. I tend to distrust places that seem stuffy by my standards.
  11. How the hell can we derail the TOMBS thread? hahahaha I believe Mothman and Darth Drabek have volunteered to do a report? :Eldar's expectant smile icon:
  12. I post from time to time as Far Thel. I'm not a big fan of the Bioboards, however, so I don't post often. The folks at Bioware, however, are quite decent. At least by the mass. It's not that I don't like Bioware so much as I only take the time to post in one place very often and that one place happens to be here.
  13. That's okay, SS. I know your main server isn't Pinnacle anyhow. My main server is Pinnacle and my chat handle is @Eldara. Eldar was taken, for one thing and I prefer playing chics for reasons I've stated previously. Of course, I don't mind stating those reasons again. Well, at least the primary reason: I have to spend the majority of the game looking at my character's backside. If I must look at the character's backside, it will be a woman. In reality, I play a combination of male and female characters.
  14. I've got a Rifle/Fire corruptor named Dark Thel. Corruptors get a bad rap, but I've soloed the vast majority of my missions. My corruptor has made over 1/4 million prestige for the Sound and Fury villainous association. I have Aristes, the Cold/Psionic dominator. He's a great team member. Anyone who can throw down control is good for everyone. He's my favorite character to play in a team. My main character in Paragon City is Eldara. She has an evil twin on the Rogue Isles who refuses to be known by name. Everyone refers to her as Eldara's Evil Sister. She has earned debt twice. Once when she was teamed and once when the player was tired and not thinking clearly. Eldara is a scrapper but her evil twin is a Katana/Regeneration stalker. Stalkers are classes built for solo play, and the young lady works best on her own. If any of you care to join the Sound and Fury villainous association, then speak to Dark Thel or one of his emissaries. There are really only four die hard members, however. Nevertheless, we play. A lot. I have dedicated TeamSpeak and Ventrilo servers. We have a fully functional base. We have Captain Clank set to the task of creating a webpage. Am I pimping my villainous association? Sure. Is it pointless in this forum? Sure. Anyhow, two board wonks are members: Calax and ShadowStrider. Calax spends most of his time in Paragon City, but he does pop in and help out our association from time to time. ShadowStrider is a walk away Joe. The SWINE! :Eldar's evil glare with a twinkle in his eye icon:
  15. Just a warning, I'm going to be double posting. I'm reposting things from the NWN2 forum. [repost]I've seen a few of these topics here and there. I hope that Obsidian sees the error of Bioware's ways and includes a toggle for full party control. I noticed that the original poster stated he'd go for "strategy" over "realism." The ridiculously stupid henchmen in NWN 1 are not "realistic." Our suspension of disbelief should be reserved for folks casting magic spells and the existence of fire-breathing dragons. We should not be forced to believe that a mid to high level character, from fighters to mages, cannot discuss and carry out a complex plans with the PC. Even a barbarian must have the ability to come up with a plan and follow it from time to time./repost Here's another repost in answer to the ever shrill "you can't control more than one character in PnP!!!11112321!~" [repost]I am quite glad to have the opportunity to control party members in combat. As far as dialogue goes, I can live with it both ways. I don't mind the computer handling the dialogue as long as everything is well scripted. Did I mention that I'm glad that I won't have artificial stupidity handling my NPCs? If my NPCs act stupid in combat, I'd like that stupidity to arise from my very own head, not the deficiencies of the computer. I await with baited breath folks giving me pages upon pages of examples of why player control is bad where AS control is good. Here, let me quote from myself from another thread regarding NPCs. Until there is another human being playing the NPC with reliable voice communication, NWN2 simply can't be like PnP. Folks who say, "but in DnD, the player can't control the NPC!" fail to recognize that the players can discuss things at length with an NPC. Neither direct control nor Artificial Stupidity reflect the nature of a PnP game where the DM plays the NPC. In a PnP game, the conversation might be as follows: Far Thel (player character): Okay, Grog, we know what's in the room ahead. There's a group of skeletons in the room guarding a cleric we know will be in the back. You're pretty good at tumbling, so why don't you jump past the skeletons and keep the heat on the cleric while I attack the skeletons? Grog (DM NPC): I dunno, boss. I not like fighting with back to skeletons. Far Thel: I'll take care of the skeletons, buddy. You just keep that cleric busy or he's going to start casting *shrug* who knows what? DM rolls the dice or flips a coin or simply decides. Grog: No. I no want that. DM rolls the dice or flips a coin or simply decides. Far Latere (DM NPC): Perhaps, if I could make a suggestion... Far Thel: We could use one. Far Latere: Maybe I could cast a spell? Far Thel: Ah, yes, you could cast silence. Great idea! The point is, if NPC are supposed to be like real people, then they should act like real people in all respects. Sure, they might refuse to do something. They might decide to do something. They might make a suggestion. They might agree to do something but then react to a changing situation. It is beyond to ability of the game to recreate PnP NPCs. Since that's the case, I don't see why AI is better than party control. Not only that, but there will apparently be an option for either one. AI can't be any worse for NWN2 than it was for NWN1, so the "real" PnP gamers *scoff* should be able to feel superior. The party control, however, will be a vast improvement for those of us who hated the way NWN1 worked. This was another great decision that leads me to believe that Obsidian felt the pain of single player gamers and decided to give us a break./repost I can live with AI contolled NPCs. Folks telling me that AI controlled NPCs more accurately reflect a PnP game obviously have a terrible DM. As far as pausing in the game goes, if that's an area of contention, you'll find me more than willing to contend.
  16. Hey, it's all fair, pixies. Gabs can always come here and do a review of you! heh heh heh
  17. Okay, Happy New Year here!
  18. Happy New year, fellow Obsidians.
  19. hehehehe Comedy. I dunno. It would drive me crazy, but I still don't see a solution until you manage to get pest control out there. I don't think that's happening earlier than Monday and probably no earlier than Tuesday. Our variety of poisonous spiders, true for Child also, don't tend to like being in a house. They'd rather be in some dark area like a garage or some such. Their webs tend to be assymetrical. Hopefully you don't have any poisonous variety actually in your home. Even so, most poisonous spiders where we live, on the west coast, aren't going to kill you with one bite. They'll probably just make you really sick. On the other hand, I wouldn't put that to the test. Doesn't sound very pleasant.
  20. Oh, they won't eat you. They'll bite you and you'll probably just have some spider bites. Of course, if you're allergic to spider bites, you might not wake up. Just make sure you have an epi-pen and your wife knows how to use it. Seriously, you're probably just going to have to tough it out until next week. It's not any worse than being in the field. I'm sure you've had to deal with all sorts of crawling critters.
  21. I prefer controlled, although I would be happy to have AI controlled henchmen with better AI. It's just a matter of getting used to AI controlled henchmen.
  22. Weird. Absolutely weird. The only thing to do is go to sleep again and see if it happens again. Just make the wife sleep on your side of the bed. hahahaha
  23. Ahem, this is not an officially sanctioned report. First of all, it is far too accurate to be funny. Second of all, we never use TOMBS reports as weapons, even if the member in question deserves to be attacked. :Eldar's impish grin icon:
  24. 'Tis the season to be booze hounds. Disgusting, really. Such behavior. EDIT: You know, now that I think about it, maybe that's not such a bad idea. Time for a bit of rum, I think!
  25. My list wasn't all inclusive, my Wookiee friend, but I cited torture as a special case, did I not? That means, torture, use of violence against non-combatants (once again, I don't feel the need to insult your intelligence or mine by writing twenty paragraphs describing a non-combatant in this thread), and breaking my laws. Torture is not good. That's probably why I would not be in a position to blow the whistle. Not only that, but Iraq is not part of the United States, but there are folks serving time for engaging in torture there. Apparently, someone in the UCMJ thought it was against the law.
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