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Everything posted by Cantousent

  1. I can see the roasting. I feel at peace with the roasting. I am one with the roasting. Okay, someone review Schmarth. He's gone off his rocker with the TOMBS points. I haven't seen this kind of hyperbole since Surreptishus over medicated. I'm telling you, Schmarth, you'll get a review from me, and I can be quite cruel when I set my mind to it.
  2. That's pretty wild, Lucius. Not a very loving dad, eh? Anyhow, we have a family friend who has a gay son. There wasn't really any problem with his homosexuality, although I'm sure his grandparents were taken aback and disappointed. Still, they treated the kid with just as much after they found out as before. Well, the 18 year old kid, now 19, fell in love with a 56 year old man. When his mom evinced some real concern, he threw the "homophobic" charge in her face. What's funny is the 56 year old has suffered strained relations with his family since he declared his sexual orientation, and so he insists on refering to the mother as "mom." hahahahaha She's younger than he is. hahahahaha So, is she agist for not wanting her 18 year old son to marry a 56 year old? Would it make a difference if her son had married a 56 year old woman? People want the best for their children, but I think showing concern when your 18 year old child develops a relationship with a 56 year old is reasonable. I would be concerned as well. That's homosexual, heterosexual, or asexual. ...But it boiled down to homosexuality for the son, which was rather unfair to his mother. The upshot is that the mom went to the "wedding" (which is not legally binding in California anyhow) and has not disowned or attacked the son. She only wants what's best for her son and thinks the odds are stacked against such a marriage. Well, the odds are stacked against such a marriage, but it is still his choice. Her choice is to love him regardless of his decision. He loves someone over three times his age. I'm sure he can't help it. There's more to all this than homosexuality. It's possible to see someone as a predator without basing such a point of view on his sexual preference. EDIT: for clarity.
  3. Some taxes are deducted from your paycheck. At the end of the year, the IRS calculates whether what you paid covers what you owe. If you're short, you owe extra money. If not, you're clear. If you have over-paid, the IRS sends you a check. The problem is that the IRS doesn't calculate your taxes for you. You must file taxes and the IRS checks to make sure your calculations are right. The $750 LC owes is not nearly so bad as the fact that the IRS is more likely to audit her and her husband in the future because of an honest mistake. The tax code is confusing and yet the IRS can give you some stiff penalties. I don't fancy losing my house because I've made a clerical error in my forms.
  4. If I end up with the Mysterious Teaser epithet, I'm coming for you, Schmarth! :Eldar's glaring while contemplating coming for Darth Schmarth and realizing that probably sounds like a double entendre icon:
  5. The over-reacting to the over-reaction is true enough. I really think I am part of the matrix at this point. lol
  6. To be fair, I don't think I've given or taken points in this entire thread. However, Surreptishus should head the TOMBS points department.
  7. I guess that's true. I mean, like Di, I tried to find the original review. Since I never read critiques of movies or books, I guess I should be easier on GLAAD. Everyone ends up helping each other. Weird.
  8. Back when civil rights were a hard fought issue, painters, writers, journalists, and others who worked in media were encouraged to remove references to what the mainstream considered "questionable material." For instance, murals of campus life that showed black students or same sex couples were definitely taboo and the artist depicting such people was often put under pressure to change plans or paintings to reflect the prejudices of the day. Now, we have a film critic who gives his honest assessment of a film. Did he specifically target the character's homosexuality? No. The line in question, should the reader not know the characters were homosexual, could apply to a heterosexual couple just as easily. So, the journalist in our day and age is put under the same pressure that we so deplore in times past. Not only that, the threshold for deciding that someone is prejudiced is increasingly low. Freedom of speech is apparently only a good thing when people say what you want them to say. I tell you what, why not go beat on the critic with a stick? After all, he said something you don't like. I tell you what, if this example is the best GLAAD can produce, then shame on them. What that tells me is that they will only be satisfied with reviews, opinions, or statements that convey the message that they, the members of GLAAD, desire. In that case, why do we need critics at all? Why not just have the party most interested in every film be the final word on both the artistic endeavor and the reviews. If that's not enough, let's create some thought police to contain such unwanted criticisms in the future. Every film about Nazis should not only be written by nazis but also reviewed by them as well. Comparing GLAAD to nazis is undoubtedly unkind and a bit excessive, but inasmuchas both groups are keenly interested in muting other views, not merely opposing but offensive in any way, I'd say the comparison holds. If this critic's views are over the line and unwarranted, then it should be apparent. If the offense is as clear-cut as GLAAD suggests, then it should be obvious. It is neither clear-cut nor obvious. Hence, the need for GLAAD to scream murder in the hopes of getting people like Steve to help them pedal an argument that increasingly boils down to restricting our freedom of speech for our own good. Sorry, Steve, I respect the fact that there is no politically correct issue that is not too politically correct for your tastes, but this goes well beyond the pale. The fact that GLAAD's tactics might work only underscores how we, as a society, are increasingly held hostage by a minority who not only desires protection and equality, but preference as well.
  9. Wait, I know how to solve this!
  10. Alas, both TOMBS and I have a darkside. We can't help showing our darkside from time to time. We can avoid taking dark pleasure in it, however. I won't do your review, Lucius. I will say, however, that I've never done a hateful review. For all our bickering and arguing, I rather like you. I lied. You really do have the one criterion for a review. Hell, the meanest review I've probably ever done is Mothman's. I hope you participate in the thread. You don't have to have a review or even do one. It's not like there's a requirement for posting or reading anything on the board. Maybe you can help keep it real. That's what pixies and Kor usually do.
  11. Nothing. I did. As a punishment, I must now convert to paganism and worship the norse pantheon.
  12. Lucius, you drive me crazy.
  13. I've never reported anyone, friend Lucius. Ever. As far as insulting you, it's fun. ...But I will admit a couple of things, you're not the only person who can be provoked. Still, I've never done a review of anyone who said they didn't want a review. I've rarely done a review of anyone who hadn't actively sought one. So, I won't do a review. You stay in the thread. We can insult each other from time to time, and everyone will be happy.
  14. Did I *sniff* hurt your feelings, Lucius. In a way, I did a rather accurate review of you when I wrote, "you prentious loser." That about sums it up. So, I tell you what, keep talking, I have several reviews. They're just not sanctioned. How about, "pathetic fool who comes from the Kingdom *scoff* of Denmark." That doesn't really tell the whole story, but it's a start. Hey, how about you report the thread? I might get a warning. I still haven't gotten one. Maybe the thread will be closed?
  15. Now you know. Of course, when you stepped in, you couldn't resist a comment, could you? You also can't seem to resist coming back. I'll make a deal, I won't do a review if you don't feel compelled to come into the thread. Either way, I wish you'd shut up. BTW: I won't do a review for you, Lucius, you pretentious loser. You're missing an important criterion.
  16. I'm doing a review, and you're entirely free not to read it. Actually, you're entirely free to read what you do or do not want to read everywhere on this board. Of course, I will step aside if you have someone else you'd like to do a review. If you don't want a review, why the hell are you in this thread? *shrug* Get another reviewer or live with it.
  17. Comedy. Hey, who's doing a report for Darth Schmarth? Gorth, don't you owe someone a report? I'm still doing Lucius (bwahahaha) but if someone else wants to do him as well... meta? Child?
  18. I hate HK-47 with a passion.
  19. Why is 60 the magic number? I mean, couldn't love be a personal thing between, say 61 consenting adults? Dammit, man, speak up and clarify this issue!
  20. Ugh. I'm leaving the review, but only because: a. I don't want your responses to sound crazy b. I said I'd face the consequences c. when you get past all the ridiculous fluff, I really did mean every word, even if I'm not sure I understand all of them right now Good Lord, what was I thinking. It's almost like an online version of Days of Our Lives mixed with General Hospital and the worst of Dr. Phil. It's a sickly sweet review and, I believe, after my pathetic review of Kor, the lamest review I've done. Still, the question is style rather than sentiment. I said I mean what I write in my reviews, and I do. I just wish I would have come up with a less maudlin way to say it. :Eldar's hungover with pale face and throbbing headache and whatever icon: Good Lord, even this post reads like One Life to Live! I seriously need to go get some Alka Seltzer.
  21. The subjects of this review are Child of Flame and Surreptishus I
  22. If you don't want me to whip out one of my ponderous, meanspirited reviews, Lucius, you can always ask one of the other regulars in the thread to write it. After all, I do have a reputation for the utmost brutality. :Eldar's smiling with a look of complete innocence icon:
  23. After my combo review, Lucius is next. There will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth!
  24. Any lecture I give is, by definition, good. Everything else is subject to interpretation. :Eldar's grinning like a Cheshire Cat at Darth Schmarth icon:
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