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Everything posted by Cantousent

  1. Bite me, Llyr! I'm playing TOMBS right now.
  2. M.U.L.E. You play the role of a space colonist. Great RPG. I agree with Vol in regards to Bloodlines. It's a great game. The best Troika developed. I also like Arcanum. ToEE? *shrug* How hard up are you? Actually, ToEE is a good game once you get past the mind number travel, bad or non-existent dialogue, the ridiculous features that purposely implemented, and the terrible "features" that would have been called "bugs" by a different developer. I also suggest the old SSI Gold Box games. In particular, my favorite is the first in the series although I did like the Dragonlance game. Anything that can make Dragonlance enjoyable must have some real talent behind it. Might and Magic 6 and 7 are wonderful games. It's tough to get them to run on new hardware, but it can be done. SunDog, if you can find it for the PC, is a great old game. It was out for the Atari... what the hell was the name of that system? Anyhow, the Atari they put up against the Amiga. As far as NWN mods go, I've played three, but I didn't enjoy them. In fact, I played the remake of the Pool of Radience (Gold box, not PoR2) and even that one was boring for me. I have yet to download a HL2 mod. I might, I suppose, but it's not an RPG anyhow. Not like M.U.L.E. Ooo. Ooo. Try Zork. There's a great scene where you fight a troll. You also fight a thief. Awsome game, Zork.
  3. Oh, it's more like an article. The Diary idea is probably meant to make it sound more personal, but it's not really. Still, I think it's a nice little blurb. Clearly the point is to sell the game, but we can't hold that against him. Still, I groaned when I saw the "for the people" heading.
  4. I don't know about the cost of the movies, but I'm not buying a PS3 based on the blue-ray. Taken out of context or not, Sony has espoused some ridiculous positions. Frankly, the context doesn't always even help.
  5. I wouldn't suggest NWN at this point. If you can get a really cheap version, or borrow a copy from a friend, you might want to try it. Oblivion is my favorite out of the most recent games, and I couldn't actually force myself to play it again. I did the mage's story-line the frist time. I did the main story-line, the mage's story-line, and some side stories the second time. Now, I just can't get into it again. It was a great value, but it doesn't have the enduring classic value of Fallout, PS:T, or BG2. Other than mods for these games, I can only suggest looking for a backstory or universe that really grabs you. I find that I can enjoy an otherwise mediocre game simply because the theme is intriguing.
  6. Okay, I finished MoAAA Breakthrough. That's it until my buddy returns CoD. At any rate, I'm thinking of downloading CoC from D2D.
  7. I don't know. If the game is really good, you can get good replay out of it. I mean, I've replayed HL2 once through and replayed a couple of levels more than that. I've only recently started a second run on FEAR. Of course, FEAR ate my video card, so maybe that's a good thing.
  8. I was just ribbing you. Yeah, some of the books are actually well done. A lot of them are just stultifyingly boring. Still, I respect the effort it took to place that many books in the game world.
  9. Justice is color blind. I choose the white spy!
  10. Okay, how many pages are there to read?
  11. Role-Playing for the people. Good Lord. I wish I used rolling eye icons. :Eldar's wishing he used rolling eye icons icon:
  12. Ugh, Splinter Cell is a little too unforgiving for a non hard core game like myself.
  13. Who is this Sam Fisher?
  14. So, you're an expert in these matters, Bri? Do you actually own a 360, or are you just on Gates' payroll?
  15. It's all part of TOMBS, my lad. Some character classes have the "break into the thread to complain about a game you neither hated nor adored" trait.
  16. Well, friends, the RMA is completed. As some of you know, I've sent my video card, the manly Asus EN7900 GTX, back to the retailer for a replacement. Apparently, I managed to put everything back in the box. Actually, I had everything handy, so that wasn't an issue. The new card has not yet shipped, but it should be here either tomorrow or Monday. Huzzah! Still, I'm not exactly happy. Why, you ask? Well, there are a few reasons. First of all, I've had my new system built for about two weeks and I have yet to get an hour of unspotted gameplay on it. The card itself seemed to suffer from either overheating (my hope is that it was a faulty card that was causing overheating) or bad drivers. If the new card acts the same way, it's time to contact Asus directly and ask them what the hell gives with their card. Of course, it might be the motherboard (also Asus) or even the software. So, my system sits on its side, doing nothing. I must wait for a return part. I'm not even sure in the replacement part will take care of the problem. After that, I don't know what will take care of the problem. Why be unhappy? In these chronicles, henchforth known as the Asus Account, I plan on detailing my every trial and tribulation. It has fallen on me to be the sacrificial lamb, testing the Geforce 7900 waters. See my mistakes, friends, and learn!
  17. Well, I know my Asus enhanced driver utilities showed the GPU at 650Mhz and the RAM at 1600Mhz. If that's the case, then I can expect lower performance if I lower the clock speed without the whole "burning a hole in my motherboard" experience? EDIT: The card should work at 650 and 1600. Still, the problems I'm seeing match, almost exactly, the problems I see associated with overclockers overheating. ...And my card is not in a "hot case." Looking around, I see that there is an issue with the 7900, but I also understand that one person with a problem makes a lot more noise than several people without a complaint. I'll keep you guys posted as to my experience with the replacement card. One thing that is certain is that there is an increase in RMAs for the 7900s.
  18. Great. That sucks. Well, I've bought it and I'll just have to see if the replacement works better. I wonder if it's just one brand or if the design is bad. Not that it really matters, since I've bought Asus and a return will cost me 15% of the price. Don't get me wrong, if this one goes all thermal on me, I'll get my refund and then, just to show my appreciation, I'll buy a new motherboard with crossfire and nvidia will lose this particular sucker's money.
  19. I'm not a big FR fan, but I'd think a good game is a good game regardless of setting. It's all about what you do with the setting that matters.
  20. Hell, I still do that when I play video games. I also get all steely eyed and stare down the computer. Of course, my eyes get awfully dry doing it, but I can take it.
  21. Well, my laptop is for work and TOMBS. That's it. However, I was thinking of getting Space Rangers 2 anyhow. Frankly, with a P4 3.0GHz, an ATi Radeon 9800 pro, and 2GB of dual channel memory, my wife's computer can more than handle most games out there right now. Of course, I've been playing Metal of Honor Breakthrough on Cath's computer every now and then.
  22. I don't know which console I will buy, if any, but it will not be the PS3. Folks here probably can't convince me to buy one or the other, but they've convinced me to give Sony the finger. Really, these are actual quotes. These Sony folks have actually said this stuff. Good Lord.
  23. I'll keep watching.
  24. Yeah, get an ATi. Seriously, though, I'm thinking about putting 3rd party heatsinks and fans on all my video cards before I install them. I have an all copper heat sink on all my CPUs and it's worked great at keeping things cool. After this thing with my video card, and still not being sure as to the cause, it might be a good idea to think of the GPU in the same way you think of the CPU. You can probably get a decent cooling solution for that 7600 and still be at your $200 threshold. Frankly, though, if the computer sparked and smoke came out of the case, you might want to invest in a good PSU. hahaha. How's that, replace everything and make the entire case out of copper piping. hahah
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