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Everything posted by Cantousent

  1. I thought I
  2. Gabriel's Oboe -- an orchestra with a long name
  3. Thanks for the good-will, Howling. I'm keeping my finger's crossed. I hope I have cause for celebration tomorrow.
  4. @SL: And yet the fact remains that I don't see why I should substitute your definition of a good game for mine. I especially don't see why I should substitute your judgement for the many of us who enjoyed Diablo. Great sales might not mean a game will enjoy success as a classic, but at least they show that I'm not alone in how I view the game. Moreover, I don't think you're such a bad guy because you don't like Diablo. I think folks who go out of their way to attack Diablo are the sort of elitist CRPGers who give the genre a bad name. I also have serious misgivings about the idea that they "understand gameplay" better than me. On the other hand, it could just be that I've been angry Eldar all day. Since I seem to be responding to everyone with uncharacteristic hostility today, I'll revisit the issue tomorrow.
  5. I'll get Vista early and I'll probably pick up a DX10 within a year of their release. Hopefully, my video problems are solved as of tomorrow and I can just slip the new video card into my system and then run the two SLIed together. As for the whole Diablo thing... sounds like another bunch of diablo haters. Hey, that's fair enough. ...But I liked Diablo, so if this something akin to Diablo 3, I'm happy. Frankly, Netjak sounds like it's inhabited by the same sort of elitist CRPG trogs that give RPGers a bad name everywhere.
  6. Hellgate is on my must-buy list.
  7. My biggest bit of advice is to steel yourself for the battles which will come at every other step. Then, I would secure a large supply of no-doze as the battles keep coming and coming and coming. Next, I would make sure everyone who can learn awaken. It'll come in handy when the party finally succumbs to fatigue because of the endless battles from hell. Finally, I would make sure that you have a sufficient number of pious men in your party to pray that your next step won't result in another random spawn. Seriously, though, the spread of fighters and spellcasters seemed to work pretty well. I seem to recall that I thought the game favored might over magic, but that's just a gut feeling and it's been a whlie.
  8. Matthew Sweet -- Life without you (Made it to the ipod)
  9. I dunno. I think that The Black Hound is destined to be a premium module that Obsidian will make available for sale. Furthermore, I think Sawyer will head the design team, which will be very small, and that he considers it his "personal" project. :Eldar's ****-eating grin icon:
  10. I'm actually quite interested in hearing your take on IWD2, Gromnir.
  11. If you're saying that every factual statement made by PS3 fans in this thread are 100% accurate, you're a fool. Let me be clear, links are all well and good, and I think links are all well and good. In fact, some of the links you braniacs have posted have actuall proven some of 10k fist's points. So, the moderators should be very careful about how they treat this situation because, regardless of what you hard core regulars think, Epiphany unfairly got the shaft. If it looks like 10k fist is going to get the shaft, then the rest of us might want to consider exactly how fair this board will be when a number of PS fans can band together and have someone put on moderated status or drive them away. This vendetta crap really should stop. You guys really, really, really want one platform or the other to win? Fine. ...But what I see is folks going through 10k fist's posts with a fine tooth comb to grasp at any error they might find. I've seen folks make mistakes in a lot of threads without calling them a liar. Yes, I'm talking to you! If Xbox fans can expect this treatment from you jackals, then I don't think it should be the xbox fan who's put on moderated status next time. Some of what 10k fits has said makes perfect sense. Some of it does not. You do have to concede that he's admitted his mistakes on a few occasions. That's damned sight better than some folks. Now, you all keep posting links. I think they're informative. ...But I've seen some links on this board that look more than a little shaky. I've also seen some statements without links that have proved to be true in the long run. Just posting a link, in isolation, does not win the legitimacy war. In fact, as I cited above, at least once the link some other yutz provided proved 10k right. You all say that Epiphany was the worst. That's not how I see it. How I see it is, Epiphany wasn't a regular and most of the hard core regulars are PS fans and so Epiphany was rail-roaded. That's how I see it. Now, why don't you post some Epiphany quotes and pile on the guy for a while longer. This sort of activity is truly pathetic and people who engage in such activity... well, you can finish that statement itself. Of course, since I had the audacity to tell you the truth, I'm sure someone might want to see me put on moderated status.
  12. Personally, I think this forum has a lot of very vocal, very aggressive Playstation fans. I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing. What I do think is bad is that the PS fans have somehow branded Epiphany as something terrible. He acts pretty much the way they do. Let me be clear, the PS fans are no better than Epiphany. He acted pretty much like everyone else in this thread. Think of this. We're not really arguing who is going to "win" the console wars. We're arguing about why one system is better than another. This is particularly foolish seeing as how only one of the consoles is actually out on the market at this point. After we have working models, we can argue the hardware. Meanwhile, the nature of the market means that we're essentially choosing between different selections of software. That means that hardware considerations are secondary unless we bring blu-ray into the debate. Now, to be fair, mkreku has been aggressive and obnoxious on the issue, but he's also been very clear about his desire to see blue-ray succeed. Since that's the case, I can understand why he's pushing the PS3. Some folks, however, are pushing the PS3 out of nothing but brand-loyalty. What this brand loyalty means is that, instead of trying to find the best system, we're forced to choose a game line-up. That's not the ideal solution for the consumer, is it? Finally, you guys should chill a bit. It's simply ridiculous that we can't have a discussion regarding consoles without some message board cowpokes shooting up the place. You don't need to go after each other with fire and tongs. Now, you could take offense at my "diplomatic" ways, I suppose, and come after me with pitch forks and fiery brands. Don't.
  13. Hmmm.... interesting.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Please don't say that...Ramza will have a stroke. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Like Sawyer didn't know exactly what he was saying. Hell, I'd be glad to see if all that went somewhere. I just don't want to hold out hope for it.
  14. Yes, well, I just got back from Laughlin, where I contributed to my eventual death by liver failure. At any rate, my UPS tracking number shows that the card will be here tomorrow. It was a big worry because we had plans to go to Luaghlin for quite some time. I wasn't sure, when I left, that the card might not be delivered sometime between 4pm, when we left, and 7pm, the latest UPS delivers. Luckily, it didn't go out until Friday and UPS doesn't deliver to residential customers on weekends. huzzah. It will be here some time tomorrow and I'll drop whater I'm doing, plug in the new video card, and play FEAR. Hopefully, it all works find. If it does, I'll be back to celebrate. If it doesn't, I'll be back, wailing and gnashing my teeth. Meanwhile, thanks for the kind words and wishes.
  15. Damn you, Llyranor, I watched that.
  16. That's what I meant, Pixies, you dog.
  17. Hahahaha That made me laugh out loud. Total comedy.
  18. Who do you think I am? Dhothlar? Okay, so, what else about the diaries? Anyone else notice that Avellone didn't get up on the stage with the others?
  19. The character for Arcanum is not a pregenerated character. So, no, I don't get what you're selling, Plano. Explain.
  20. Not only that, but I think it would be great to see Sony lose some of its share. It's really quite galling that a nationalist market is able to hold console manufacturers hostage. My sincere hope is that the console market in other areas matures and that the Japanese market becomes increasingly less significant. I don't mind the fact that the Japanese consumer prefers Japanese games. What I do mind is the fact that they appear to prefer Japanese games because of nationalism. Inasmuchas the Japanese consumers are acting out of their personal desires, I have no problem. When they act out of nationalism, however, then it doesn't make sense for Microsoft to expend much effort or money trying to create Japanese style games. As long as they want something "made in Japan," Microsoft can't do much to penetrate the market. Still, we'll see how everything unfolds. For one, I'm much closer now to buying an XBox 360 than ever. My thinking is, if XBox can make a good showing, then maybe the hold on developing houses might loosen and then we won't be screwed when we buy a particular console. Then it really will be a matter of looking for the best system rather than looking for the best software line-up. Why can't they essentially have the same software line-up? ...And who is so ridiculously stupid to believe that the situation, as it exists, benefits the consumer?
  21. Yeah, but he sounds like a doofus. What a big, loveable doofus. I especially like how he managed to convey some excitement. My favorite was the artist fellow. When he talked about the red dragon, I was all "YES!" I mean, I haven't even played and my favorite bad guy is the red dragon. I like it when the design team sounds proud of their work.
  22. Who the Hell is Jack? ...And if he's an ass, is he a Jack-ass? ...And if he's a Jack-ass, should I post a pic of him here?
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