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Everything posted by @\NightandtheShape/@

  1. love the concept sonic own mario in that respect
  2. Tiny monitor and one of
  3. I believe in the military, it's honourable and I respect them as a result problem is the polictical states of countries nothing else hence no.
  4. You know Kyuss is the name of a pnp RPG charactare I believe D&D aswell and that's how they gots it HOW COOL IS THAT KYUSS > U.
  5. But you gotta admit the blonde chick is hott
  6. It looks amature honest opinion.
  7. I'd love to show you guys, but I lost my adapter5 for my phone came so... I can only describe my two monitor setup, and my sony viao laptop.... Josh, off the record what are the chances of feargus hiring another intership programmer......?
  8. The fact that the ESRB did not rate the game M based on violence surprises me, to be honest. I have no doubt that Bethesda showed them the game and tried to be honest with their answers, so the violence angle is most certainly the fault of the ESRB, not Bethesda. However, I think it's pretty careless for Bethesda to have let those base skin textures stay in. The argument may go, "But a person can't normally see those without a third party hack." Great, then don't make the textures anatomically correct to begin with. I don't understand how someone can know what happened with GTA:SA and think that the "can't be revealed without a third party hack" argument flies. Clearly it doesn't -- whether you agree with it or not -- so don't do it. Seems pretty straightforward to me. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *sigh*
  9. Unlocking a file isnt what I call modding. It's what I call the developers trying to get around the ratings system. What your talking about is a completely different thing entirely. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Unlocking anything in such a manner is basically cracking nothing at all to do with the developers unless naturally they've developed the crack
  10. Friend of mine drew it
  11. Yeah runs at an acceptable framerate aswell!
  12. A few hours hacking later
  13. Thousands... But it can do this:-
  14. hmmmm.... (w00t)
  15. Seems I managed to get the lighting just right...
  16. Because it's temp
  17. Skybox textures but it all adds to the effect, considering It's looking Good:
  18. Opinions anyone?
  19. It's not being made by 3DO, I believe Arkane Studios are making it - They made Arx Fatalis.
  20. Nope, that race be gone.
  21. I liked space invaders so much I wrote my own version so I could play and look at boobs.... Or whatever I wanted to stick on the background! (w00t) :D (Pic without boobs)
  22. What do you mean by "traditional"? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> RPGs such as the Fallouts, Baldurs Gates, Planescape Torment, Icewind Dales, Arcanum, TOEE etc. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm sure people who grew up with games like Wasteland, Wizard's Crown, Pool of Radience and Bard's Tale felt the same way when those games you mentioned came out. Times change, evolve or do without <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The original bards tale "Just rub some darque on it"
  23. Context-sensitive vertical drop-down menus. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Very sensible.
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